Squabblings example sentences

Related (16): disputes, bickering, arguments, quarrels, disagreements, altercations, spats, wrangles, tiffs, discord, clashes, feuds, fights, misunderstandings, conflicts, differences

"Squabblings" Example Sentences

1. The constant squabblings between the two siblings were starting to drive their parents crazy.
2. The squabblings among the committee members were hindering the progress of the project.
3. The squabblings in the classroom were causing a disturbance to the other students.
4. The squabblings between the two political parties were becoming increasingly heated.
5. The squabblings between the neighbors over the property line were never-ending.
6. The squabblings between the rival gangs often turned violent.
7. The squabblings between the coworkers were affecting the productivity of the team.
8. The squabblings between the parents during the divorce proceedings were emotionally draining for the children.
9. The squabblings between the coaches were not being conducive to a good team environment.
10. The squabblings between the two companies over the patent rights were headed towards litigation.
11. The squabblings between the roommates over the chores were causing tension in the apartment.
12. The squabblings between the siblings over who gets to use the game console were getting out of hand.
13. The squabblings between the board members were preventing any major decisions from being made.
14. The squabblings between the classmates over the group project roles were delaying the submission date.
15. The squabblings between the partners over the financial budget were putting the company at risk.
16. The squabblings between the members of the band were threatening to break up the group.
17. The squabblings between the friends over the weekend plans were causing unnecessary drama.
18. The squabblings between the employees over the pay raise were causing unrest in the company.
19. The squabblings between the in-laws over the family traditions were causing strain in the marriage.
20. The squabblings between the customers over the store policies were causing chaos at the checkout.
21. The squabblings between the residents over the parking spots were escalating into a neighborhood feud.
22. The squabblings between the contractors over the timeline for the construction project were affecting the client's business.
23. The squabblings between the project managers over the resource allocation were delaying the project completion date.
24. The squabblings between the actors over the screen time were causing friction on the movie set.
25. The squabblings between the tenants over the apartment maintenance were generating complaints to the property management.
26. The squabblings between the stakeholders over the business strategy were jeopardizing the company's growth potential.
27. The squabblings between the patients over the doctor's appointment availability were causing frustration at the clinic.
28. The squabblings between the team captains over the game plan were impacting the team's performance on the field.
29. The squabblings between the chefs over the recipe variations were affecting the quality of the restaurant dishes.
30. The squabblings between the stockholders over the dividend payouts were causing turbulence in the stock market.

Common Phases

1. The brothers were squabbling over the remote; their argument could be heard throughout the house.
2. The two coworkers were squabbling over who had to take on the extra workload; it was getting quite heated.
3. The children were squabbling over who got to sit in the front seat of the car; their parents had to intervene.
4. The politicians were squabbling over the proposed budget cuts; it seemed like they couldn't agree on anything.
5. The neighbors were squabbling over the property line; it was causing tension in the community.

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