Squats example sentences

Related (10): barbell, weightlifting, glutes, quads, hamstrings, exercise, strength, fitness, powerlifting, bodybuilding

"Squats" Example Sentences

1. He does squats every day to build up his leg muscles.
2. She squatted down to examine the insects crawling in the grass.
3. The army trainee completed hundreds of squats during physical training.
4. I can only manage a few light weight squats before my leg muscles start to burn.
5. The squat rack was occupied so he had to improvise his leg workout.
6. The gymnast practiced her squats to build up the strength in her legs.
7. The squat rack was full of bodybuilders doing weighted barbell squats.
8. The teenager spends hours each day doing weighted barbell squats and lunges.
9. I find bulgarian split squats to be better for targeting my glutes and hamstrings.
10. His lower body workout usually consists of barbell squats, leg press, and lunges.
11. The sumo squats challenged his thigh muscles in a new way.
12. I can feel the burn in my quads after just a few squat jumps.
13. Doing goblet squats with dumbbells helps me target my inner thighs.
14. She squatted down to show the child how to draw in the sand.
15. Greetings, what shall I call thee who squats upon my porch?
16. The weightlifter braced himself before attempting a new record for his squat lift.
17. My legs were shaking after only a dozen assisted pistol squats.
18. She lunged and then transitioned straight into an air squat.
19. Squat to stand up from a sitting position on the floor.
20. The toddlers practiced squatting down and standing up again.
21. Plant yourself firmly on your feet and lower into a deep squat position.
22. The apartment building had an old squat toilet in the bathroom.
23. Tiger squat down for a moment to catch his breath.
24. Make sure to exhale on the exertion part of the squat.
25. She paused mid-squat to wipe away the sweat trickling down her face.
26. He lowered himself into a full squat to pet the puppy.
27. She performed bodyweight Bulgarian split squats to target her glutes and hamstrings.
28) The abandoned house had become a squat for homeless people.
29) I find sumo squats more challenging than regular squats.
30) His legs trembled as he stood up from his deepest squat yet.
31) The old shed on the property had become a homeless squat.
32) The Russian told him to stay in a squat position while he pummeled him with jabs.
33) Her squat stance widened as she prepared to lift even more weight.
34) The coach yelled at them to drop into a squat position for pushups.
35) The abandoned warehouse had become a squat for a group of artists and musicians.
36) I usually warm up with bodyweight squats before adding any weight.
37) The squat toilet was dirty but it was the only option available.
38) Thunder squatted down behind some bushes to wait in ambush.
39) The room only had a squat toilet in the corner behind a curtain.
40) I can feel the workout in my glutes the next day after doing weighted squat jumps.
41) Lunge and then lower into a squat to work your lower body.
42) Her squat stance was narrow, focused more on strength than range of motion.
43) I recommend doing slower squats to isolate and engage your leg muscles more.
44) He performed several deep squats on the mat to loosen up his hips and hamstrings.
45) Make sure to keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the squat exercise.
46) The squat racks were already crowded by the time he arrived at the gym.
47) Deep step ups really work the glutes almost as well as deep squats.
48) A squat toilet was the only option in many of the poorer regions they visited.
49) Alternate Bulgarian split squats with traditional barbell back squats for a total lower body workout.
50) The squat rack was occupied so he did lunges instead.
51) He struggled to get back up from his deepest squat yet.
52) Pistol squats really work my quads, hamstrings and core all at once.
53) The abandoned warehouse had become a squat for homeless drug addicts.
54) Make sure to push your knees out as you lower down into a squat to engage your glutes.
55) I recommend starting with bodyweight squats to perfect your form before adding any weight.
56) The squat toilet was so disgusting they had to hold their breath while using it.
57) Drop into a deep squat position and then explode upwards to work your leg muscles.
58) She lowered herself into a deep squat to greet the children at their level.
59) The dumbbell goblet squat challenges your core to keep the weight stable.
60) The squat rack was finally free so he began his heavy barbell back squats.

Common Phases

1. Do squat exercises
2. Perform bodyweight squats
3. Practice squat form
4. Work on squat technique
5. Build up squat strength
6. Improve squat range of motion
7. Target glute muscles with squats
8. Engage core muscles during squats
9. Increase squat weight over time
10. Add weight to squats
11. Build leg muscles with squats
12. Warm up before squatting heavy
13. Squat down low
14. Lower into a deep squat position
15. Come up from a squat

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