Sroching example sentences

Related (5): scooching, shuffling, sliding, inching, creeping.

"Sroching" Example Sentences

1. The sroching sound coming from the engine made me nervous.
2. He could hear a faint sroching noise in the distance.
3. The sroching of a door closing echoed through the empty hallways.
4. The sroching of footsteps on the pavement caused her to turn around.
5. The sroching of the metal gate made her heart skip a beat.
6. The sudden sroching of the car's brakes caused everyone to jolt forward.
7. He listened intently, waiting for the sroching sound to signal their arrival.
8. The sroching of the metal grinder could be heard from the other room.
9. The sroching of the shovel hitting the dirt was the only sound in the quiet cemetery.
10. The sroching of the lock clicking shut sent a chill down her spine.
11. She winced at the sroching sound of the saw cutting through the wood.
12. I was startled by the sudden sroching of the steam escaping from the pot.
13. The sroching of the chainsaw cut through the silence of the forest.
14. The sroching of the gate opening filled the air with an ominous sound.
15. The sroching of the crowbar prying open the door made her heart race.
16. The sroching of the car's suspension signaled a bumpy ride ahead.
17. The sroching of the heavy metal door slamming shut made her jump.
18. The sroching of the glass shattering was deafening in the small room.
19. The sroching of the oven door being yanked open sent a wave of heat into the kitchen.
20. The sroching of the gears shifting let him know the car was in motion.
21. The sroching of the rusty hinges made it difficult to open the door.
22. The quiet sroching of the pages turning filled the otherwise silent library.
23. The sroching of the mower blades on the grass signaled the start of summer.
24. The sroching of the machine gun fire drowned out all other sounds.
25. The sroching of the train passing by rattled the windows in their frames.
26. The sroching of the typewriter keys clicking filled the quiet office.
27. The sroching of the hammer hitting the nail echoed throughout the construction site.
28. The sroching of the skillet on the stove woke her up from her nap.
29. The sroching of the ice cracking under his feet made him pause.
30. The rhythmic sroching of the crickets was a soothing lullaby to fall asleep to.

Common Phases

1. Sitting on the porch; sipping lemonade
2. Rocking back and forth; lost in thought
3. Rocking a baby to sleep; singing a lullaby
4. Enjoying the sunset; rocking in a chair
5. Reading a book; gently rocking
6. Swinging on a swing; rocking back and forth
7. Relaxing in a hammock; swaying gently
8. Listening to music; tapping foot and rocking
9. Meditating; rocking to calm the mind
10. Rocking with laughter; having a good time.

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