Starve example sentences

Related (5): hunger, famine, malnutrition, deprivation, poverty

"Starve" Example Sentences

1. The people in the war-torn country were starving.
2. Millions of children starve to death every year.
3. Famines cause people to starve in impoverished nations.
4. The captives were starving in the dungeon.
5. Famine relief efforts try to prevent people from starving.
6. Wildlife conservationists work to ensure animals do not starve.
7. The snake tried to starve itself before shedding its skin.
8. Anorexics literally starve themselves to death.
9. The prisoners were starving and malnourished after being held captive for months.
10. Refugees fleeing the violence were at risk of starving to death.
11. I went for hours without eating and started to starve.
12. The baby birds in the nest let out tiny cries, starving for food.
13. Drought and economic hardship caused many farmers to starve.
14. She starved herself for weeks to fit into her wedding dress.
15. Homeless people are at risk of starving on the streets.
16. The contestants on the survival show were starving after a week without food.
17. He forgot to feed his pet fish, and it starved to death within days.
18. The lost hikers had to ration their remaining food to keep from starving.
19. The animal shelter workers made sure the rescued puppies did not starve.
20. Locked in the freezer, she knew she would soon starve to death.
21. Vegetables in the winter garden were starving for sunlight.
22. The child starved for affection from his detached parents.
23. Seedlings will starve and die if they do not get enough water.
24. Desert travelers had to ration their supplies carefully to avoid starving.
25. The abandoned kittens mewed piteously, starving for their mother's milk.
26. The athletes dieted strictly in order to starve their bodies of energy.
27. Plants will wither and starve without proper nutrients in the soil.
28. Those left behind when the ship sank were at risk of starving at sea.
29. Plants in containers will quickly starve if they run out of nutrients.
30. The victim's body showed signs of long-term starvation and malnutrition.
31. Millions go hungry and starve every day around the world.
32. The news of widespread famine and starvation sparked an international aid effort.
33. People flocked to the food banks to avoid starving during the Great Depression.
34. The child was so malnourished, he appeared close to starving to death.
35. Plants will quickly starve and die if their roots become waterlogged.
36. Hunger strikes often aim to force a change by threatening to starve oneself to death.
37. Patients recovering from anorexia must gradually refeed to avoid starving their organs.
38. During the siege, soldiers and civilians alike starved to death by the thousands.
39. The abandoned puppy looked close to starving when the shelter workers found her.
40. People lining up for bread and soup were in danger of starving that winter.
41. They survived the plane crash in the jungle but were still at risk of starving to death.
42. The neglected plant was left so long without water that its leaves started to starve and droop.
43. Millions of people around the world go to bed hungry and starve every night.
44. During hard times, even families with jobs had to line up at soup kitchens to avoid starving.
45. She starved herself on fancy, low-calorie diets for years in a vain quest for thinness.
46. The little girl's eyes grew large in her thin, starving face.
47. The farm's fields lay fallow and uncultivated, its crops left to starve and rot.
48. Workers at the relief agency fought to ensure no one would have to starve that winter.
49. The doctor warned that continuing her crash diet could literally starve her organs of nutrients.
50. The country had been struck by a devastating drought that threatened to leave millions starving.
51. Even the hardiest weeds struggled to survive and starved in the harsh desert conditions.
52. Families had to ration their remaining food stores carefully to avoid starving over the long winter.
53. Despite the hunger and pain of starvation, she refused to eat the food they offered.
54. The cloud cover starved the landscape of sunlight for days, leaving it bleak and colorless.
55. With no food or water, they knew they would soon begin to starve to death.
56. The victims of human trafficking were malnourished and starving when authorities rescued them.
57. Neglected houseplants can quickly become malnourished and start to starve.
58. The emaciated prisoner was so starved that he could barely stand.
59. Millions of refugees fled starvation and violence in their war-torn country.
60. People lined up for hours just for a bowl of soup to keep from starving that night.

Common Phases

1. The poor children were starving in that remote village.
2. Families were driven from their homes and forced to starve on the streets.
3. Millions of people across the continent were starving due to the drought.
4. They went on a hunger strike to protest the unjust policies that were starving their families.
5. The dictator let his own people starve while he lived in luxury.
6. The battered nation struggled to feed its citizens and prevent them from starving.
7. He chose to fast and starve himself for religious purposes.
8. The prisoners were forced to survive on minimal rations and many of them starved to death.
9. He purposely starved himself to lose weight for the boxing match.
10. The deserted island offered nothing edible to keep the shipwreck survivors from slowly starving.
11. After weeks of food rationing, the explorers were beginning to starve on their expedition.
12. During the Great Depression, many people starved because they didn't have enough money to buy food.
13. The famine was so severe that hundreds of people were starving to death every day.
14. They had to beg for food just to keep from starving on the streets.
15. The lions prowled the desert, starving and desperate for prey.
16. The plague starved the population and devastated the economy.
17. Her parents neglected her, leaving her to starve in the basement.
18. The students were forced to attend school without breakfast, as their families could not afford to feed them.
19. Many Native tribes were starved onto reservations by the U.S. government.
20. He wanted to live a simple, minimalist life and starve himself of material desires.
21. Parts of India continue to suffer from starvation and acute malnutrition.
22. The abandoned puppy was found starving and close to death.
23. The guerrilla soldiers hid in the jungle, slowly starving as they plotted their next attack.
24. Volunteers work to distribute food and prevent children from starving on the streets.
25. Without money, she had no choice but to starve on the mean streets of the city.
26. Aid organizations scramble to airlift food supplies to the country to prevent mass starvation.
27. The refugees struggled to survive, forced to starve for days with almost no food or water.
28. The enemy troops laid siege to the city, cutting off supply lines and causing the citizens to slowly starve.
29. The animals in the cage had been left without food or water to starve and die.
30. Parents worried that their children would come home starving after school.
31. The rich country has more than enough food to prevent millions from starving around the world.
32. Prisoners were forced into hard labor with minimal rations, left to gradually starve to death.
33. She never got enough to eat and was always starving by dinnertime.
34. The captives remained chained up for weeks, left to slowly starve and waste away.
35. Many children in impoverished countries continue to starve to death every day.
36. People who fast for religious reasons deprive themselves of food in order to starve themselves.
37. Sick and starving children filled the overflowing refugee camp.
38. Consumers complain that higher prices will leave them unable to afford enough food and starve.
39. The dire conditions left them starving, diseased, and vulnerable to exploitation.
40. People were rioting in the streets, demanding food to prevent themselves and their families from starving.
41. Activists demanded that the government do more to end starvation and malnutrition in the poor communities.
42. Families were reduced to begging and stealing just to keep themselves from literally starving.
43. Miners went on strike to demand higher pay so their families would no longer have to starve.
44. The criminal neglect left the helpless child to weaken, waste away and ultimately starve to death.
45. The stranded campers were forced to ration their meager food supplies to avoid starvation.
46. The boy reported that his parents often left him home alone without any food, forcing him to starve.
47. People lined up for hours to receive food from the soup kitchens that worked to prevent the poor from starving.
48. The dictator cut off aid to enemy territories, condemning their populations to slowly starve.
49. Many residents of rural villages still do not have enough food to prevent themselves and their children from starving.
50. The woman fainted from hunger on the street, as she had gone for days without enough food to prevent herself from starving.
51. Unless food aid arrives soon, thousands of children in the refugee camps will starve to death.
52. He starved himself for days in an attempt to cleanse his body through fasting.
53. The office remains empty on weekends, when employees do not come in to work up their daily appetites and then starve until Monday morning.
54. Many activists argued that Western countries had a moral obligation to provide food aid and prevent millions from starving.
55. Children were pulled from school to work long hours and provide extra income for their families just to keep from starving.
56. The abandoned zoo animals were left to starve and die in their cages with no food or care.
57. Without any money to buy groceries, they had no choice but to slowly starve on the barely edible scraps donated by strangers.
58. The rebellion failed, and the remaining fighters were forced to retreat into the jungle to starve and die slowly.
59. The man has been refusing food and water for days now as part of his religious observance and efforts to starve himself.
60. Protesters took to the streets after reports emerged that the corrupt government leaders were living lavishly while allowing citizens to starve.

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