Deprivation example sentences

Related (14): privation, scarcity, want, need, paucity, deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy, destitution, poverty, penury, hardship, difficulty, adversity

"Deprivation" Example Sentences

1. Poverty and food deprivation caused much suffering.
2. The children suffered from neglect and deprivation.
3. Social deprivation can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.
4. Prolonged sensory deprivation is a form of psychological torture.
5. The inmate complained of physical and social deprivation during solitary confinement.
6. Children raised in emotional deprivation often have trouble forming close relationships as adults.
7. Infant mortality rates are linked to health deprivation and poor nutrition.
8. Studies found a link between violent behavior and childhood emotional deprivation.
9. Educational deprivation limited opportunities for many people.
10. The longterm impact of childhood deprivation on brain development is well documented.
11. The areas most affected by climate change often experience high levels of educational and economic deprivation.
12. Income deprivation affects access to basic necessities like food, shelter and healthcare.
13. The neighborhood suffered from infrastructure deprivation with few playgrounds or parks for children.
14. Many issues linked to social deprivation like crime and substance abuse persist for generations.
15. The policy aimed to address health deprivation by improving medical care for underserved communities.
16. Housing deprivation left thousands of people homeless.
17. Rural communities often face higher levels of educational and economic deprivation.
18. The study examined how material and social deprivation impact child development.
19. The initiative seeks to reduce educational deprivation among disadvantaged youth.
20. The family experienced severe financial deprivation after the father lost his job.
21. Mental health issues can stem from or exacerbate social deprivation.
22. Effects of deprivation range from behavioral issues to chronic health conditions.
23. The short film highlighted the lifelong impact of childhood material and emotional deprivation.
24. Nutritional deprivation during pregnancy can lead to health problems for both mothers and babies.
25. Prolonged sleep deprivation can degrade health and interfere with daily functioning.
26. Government policies aim to reduce material deprivation and improve living standards for citizens.
27. The reform package focused on alleviating environmental and economic deprivation in rural communities.
28. The study found high rates of sensory and cognitive deprivation among institutionalized children.
29. Community advocates worked to address infrastructural deprivation and improve public services.
30. Educational programs target children in communities facing high social and economic deprivation.
31. Medical teams sought to relieve medical deprivation by providing basic health services to remote villages.
32. The show raised awareness of deprivation among refugees and migrants around the world.
33. Human rights groups spoke out against human rights abuses and the resulting physical and emotional deprivation.
34. Financial deprivation during childhood can negatively impact health and behavior later in life.
35. Caregivers must be attentive to signs of social and emotional deprivation in young children.
36. Researchers are studying how chronic stress from environmental and material deprivation affects people at a molecular level.
37. Studies have found strong links between maternal deprivation and antisocial behavior in children.
38. Reports of sensory deprivation, isolation and inhumane conditions at the prison raised public outrage.
39. Noise deprivation has been used as a form of psychological treatment for some medical conditions.
40. The assessment found high levels of material and educational deprivation among low-income families.
41. Initiatives aim to reduce cognitive deprivation by providing early childhood education programs for at-risk youth.
42. Healthcare access was extremely limited due to infrastructural and material deprivation.
43. Nutritional deprivation can lead to significant cognitive and behavioral impairments in young children.
44. Tactile and auditory deprivation from an early age can impact language development.
45. Poverty reduction efforts seek to alleviate multiple dimensions of deprivation including income, education and health.
46. The community came together to address material deprivation and improve living standards for residents.
47. The singer spoke out about the long-term effects of childhood emotional deprivation and neglect.
48. Concentration camps led to severe health problems from malnutrition and sensory deprivation.
49. Minority groups often face higher levels of economic deprivation and reduced life expectancy.
50. Economic policies aim to reduce material deprivation and improve social welfare.

Common Phases

1. Poverty and food deprivation are major problems in developing countries.
2. The neglect and emotional deprivation he suffered as a child shaped who he became as an adult.
3. The victims suffered from severe sensory deprivation during their captivity.
4. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on one's health.
5. Prolonged sensory deprivation can cause hallucinations and psychosis.
6. The children suffered from neglect and love deprivation.
7. The soldier experienced severe social deprivation while being detained in isolation.
8. The area suffers from economic deprivation and high unemployment.
9. Social deprivation is linked to many societal issues like increased crime and violence.
10. Environmental deprivation can stunt a child's cognitive and social development.
11. His nutritive deprivation in youth hampered his growth.
12. The prison's solitary confinement represents nothing but violent sensory deprivation.
13. Many experts believe that creative stimulation helps offset sensory deprivation.
14. The lack of affection and nurturing as a child had lasting effects of emotional deprivation.
15. The psychological effects of information deprivation can be very damaging.
16. The victims experienced extreme sensory and environmental deprivation.
17. The study seeks to determine the effects of light deprivation on plants.
18. He suffered from attention deprivation as a child which impacted his self-esteem.
19. Long-term isolation can cause health issues related to physical and social deprivation.
20. The study looks at how language deprivation impacts brain development in children.
21. Cultural deprivation is closely linked with poverty and lack of access to resources.
22. The deprivation of liberties violates one's basic human rights.
23. The scientists studied the effects of oxygen deprivation on humans.
24. Educational deprivation contributes to the cycle of poverty.
25. Deprivation of proper nourishment can inhibit physical growth.
26. The power outages led to information and entertainment deprivation.
27. Lack of occupational stimulus often results in intellectual deprivation.
28. The soldiers experienced sensory and social deprivation during their time as POWs.
29. New evidence suggests love deprivation in childhood impacts adult relationships.
30. The study seeks to determine how visual deprivation impacts a person's dreams.
31. The hostages suffered from severe social and emotional deprivation.
32. The abuse left her with permanent psychological scars of love deprivation.
33. Sleep deprivation experiments highlight the importance of proper rest.
34. Sensory deprivation tanks are used for relaxation and meditation purposes.
35. Deprivation from human contact can cause psychological distress.
36. The campus is located in an area of severe economic deprivation.
37. Educational deprivation continues the legacy of social inequity.
38. The infant suffered from malnutrition and emotional deprivation.
39. Social media helps offset some of the effects of information deprivation.
40. The prisoner filed a complaint about sleep deprivation as a form of torture.
41. The restrictions placed on them amounted to economic and environmental deprivation.
42. Social programs aim to mitigate some effects of poverty and resource deprivation.
43. Medical experts warn against the dangers of oxygen deprivation.
44. Deprivation of basic necessities violates international human rights laws.
45. Deprivation of autonomy negatively impacts one's psychological wellbeing.
46. The prisoners experienced abuse that included physical, mental and nutritional deprivation.
47. The survivors endured deprivation of adequate food, water and shelter.
48. The report highlighted the effects of economic and intellectual deprivation.
49. Some research suggests that overstimulation may offset effects of sensory deprivation.
50. The school aims to help alleviate educational deprivation in underserved communities.
51. The new study explores linguistic deprivation among deaf children.
52. The news blackout amounted to information deprivation on a massive scale.
53. The hostages suffered from inadequate nutrition and lack of exercise due to deprivation.
54. The prisoners alleged verbal abuse and torture through enforced sleep and food deprivation.
55. The effects of social deprivation are most apparent in pre-verbal and young children.
56. The lack of artistic stimulation pointed to a history of cultural deprivation.
57. Deprivation of natural light can have negative psychological impacts.
58. Social media helps mitigate some effects of social deprivation.
59. Many parents worry love deprivation caused by daycare negatively impacts children.
60. The lack of sufficient oxygen led to cellular death from oxygen deprivation.

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