Stealers example sentences

Related (8): thieves, robbers, burglars, pilferers, looters, snatchers, bandits, kleptomaniacs

"Stealers" Example Sentences

1. The police caught the stealers in the act of shoplifting.
2. The company has had to deal with several cases of data stealers.
3. The neighborhood was plagued by car stealers.
4. The supermarket installed security cameras after experiencing problems with produce stealers.
5. The museum was targeted by a group of art stealers.
6. The bank robber was one of the most skilled stealers in the country.
7. The police launched a massive operation to catch the diamond stealers.
8. Software companies often have to contend with software stealers.
9. The community rallied against the copper wire stealers who damaged public infrastructure.
10. The store manager fired the employee who was caught assisting the shoplifters and stealers.
11. The jeweler invested in heavy security because of the high risk of jewel stealers.
12. The authorities were able to rescue the hostages and capture the bank stealers.
13. Most museums have procedures in place to prevent art stealers from successfully taking any pieces.
14. The navy cracked down on the drug smugglers and gun stealers operating in the area.
15. The police believed that the series of burglaries were the work of a group of organized stealers.
16. The police sting operation revealed that there was an organized gang of bicycle stealers.
17. The boss was always on the lookout for any dishonest employees who could be potential stealers.
18. The city had installed street lights to deter nighttime stealers from operating in the area.
19. The large display windows and high visibility made the jewelry store vulnerable to diamond stealers.
20. The airport had a team of guards who watched for any suspicious passengers or potential luggage stealers.
21. The video evidence from the store cameras confirmed the identity of the hat stealers.
22. The hotel had a safe in every room to ensure the guests' valuable possessions were protected from thieves and stealers.
23. The authorities were able to bring down the international art smuggling ring, and arrest multiple art stealers.
24. The bank assure customers that their safe deposit boxes are secure and protected from any potential stealers.
25. The city hired security guards to patrol the parking lots and deter car stealers.
26. The art collectors were devastated when their prized possessions were stolen by art stealers.
27. The notorious criminal gang had a reputation for being successful jewel and diamond stealers.
28. The company hired a security firm to protect their intellectual property and prevent piracy by software stealers.
29. The police urged the public to report any suspicious activity in the area to prevent car and bicycle stealers.
30. To deter identity stealers, the bank recommends not sharing personal information online or over the phone.

Common Phases

1. They stole the car;
2. I caught them stealing my wallet;
3. The thieves were stealing jewelry from the store;
4. The burglar attempted to steal my laptop;
5. The children stole candy from the store;
6. The shoplifter was caught stealing clothes;
7. The thief was stealing money from the bank;
8. The pickpocket was stealing phones from people's pockets;
9. The intruder stole valuable items from the house;
10. The smugglers were caught stealing goods from the dock.

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