Stepped example sentences
Related (17): stepped, advanced, progressed, elevated, ascended, upgraded, promoted, climbed, treaded, scaled, mounted, increased, amplified, intensified, expanded, augmented, enhanced.
stepped (adjective)
- having or formed into a step or series of steps:
- carried out or occurring in stages or with pauses rather than continuously:
stepped (past tense) · stepped (past participle)
- lift and set down one's foot or one foot after the other in order to walk somewhere or move to a new position:
- used as a polite or deferential way of asking someone to walk a short distance for a particular purpose:
- take a particular course of action:
- set up (a mast) in its step.
walk, move, tread, pace, stride, stamp, trample, tramp, squash, crush, flatten"Stepped" Example Sentences
1. She stepped outside into the cool morning air.
2. He stepped on a crack in the sidewalk.
3. I stepped over the sleeping dog on the floor.
4. The thief stepped into the dark alley.
5. The janitor stepped into the deserted classroom.
6. The teacher stepped aside to let the students pass.
7. She stepped out onto the deck to enjoy the view.
8. The dog stepped away when the stranger approached.
9. He stepped towards her and took her hand.
10. I stepped off the boat onto the dock.
11. He stepped in to help me with the project.
12. She reluctantly stepped down from her position.
13. The man stepped forward to receive his award.
14. They stepped up security after the threat was made.
15. The store manager stepped in and resolved the dispute.
16. He stepped out of the shadows and confronted them.
17. I stepped onto the scale to weigh myself.
18. The mouse stepped gingerly across the kitchen floor.
19. The teacher stepped between the two fighting students.
20. His father stepped into his life after many years away.
21. She stepped out from behind the curtain onto the stage.
22. The general stepped up to the podium to address the troops.
23. The class stepped in unison as they performed the routine.
24. The stagehand stepped carefully around the wires and cables.
25. The soldier stepped forward bravely to face the enemy.
26. After debating for hours, they finally stepped out to vote.
27. He stepped out of the car and reached for her hand.
28. I stepped back in surprise as the door suddenly flew open.
29. She stepped lightly up the creaky old stairs.
30. I stepped around the puddle on the wet sidewalk.
31.He stepped into the role of team leader with ease.
32. The new CEO stepped up and laid out an ambitious plan.
33. The hikers stepped carefully over the loose rocks.
34. The teacher stepped into the front of the room to begin class.
35. I stepped on the scales to weigh myself.
36. The cat stepped daintily around the food on the floor.
37. She reluctantly stepped away from the mirror.
38. The suspect stepped forward and was placed under arrest.
39. The lifeguard stepped into the water to help the struggling swimmer.
40. He stepped into the classroom as the bell rang.
41. The Secret Service agents stepped aside to let the president pass.
42. The judge stepped down from the bench at the end of the day.
43. The hikers stepped cautiously over the icy trail.
44. She stepped out of the car and into the rain.
45. The toddler stepped hesitantly into the empty pool.
46. The cat stepped carefully over the child on the floor.
47. The soldier stepped onto the mine and was blown to pieces.
48. The explorer stepped into uncharted territory.
49. He stepped confidently up to the podium to give his speech.
50. The angry crowd stepped toward the police line.
51. He stepped noisily across the loose floorboards.
52. The actor stepped onto the stage to begin his monologue.
53. I stepped over the low wall and into the garden.
54. The detective stepped gingerly around the crime scene.
55. The hiker stepped cautiously over the narrow ledge.
56. The suspect stepped out of the vehicle and was apprehended.
57. I stepped on the brake pedal to stop the car.
58. The nurse stepped in to care for the injured patient.
59. The witness stepped forward to identify the suspect.
60. The child stepped clumsily off the curb into the street.
Common Phases
1. He cautiously stepped into the dark cave.
2. I stepped on a stone and twisted my ankle.
3. She stepped out of the car and waved to her friend.
4. The cat stealthily stepped around the corner.
5. I stepped over the large puddle on the sidewalk.
6. The child stepped on the fragile vase and broke it.
7. The dog happily stepped out into the backyard.
8. I stepped carefully to avoid the broken glass scattered on the floor.
9. The man suddenly stepped out in front of the speeding car.
10. The boxer stepped into the ring to face his opponent.
11. The shipwreck survivor stepped onto the deserted island shore.
12. The performer stepped onto the bright stage to a roar of applause.
13. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel.
14. The woman stepped out of her towering high heels and relaxed her feet.
15. He stepped onto the scales to measure his weight.
16. The toddler stepped forward when it was his turn for pictures with Santa.
17. I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained five pounds.
18. The suspect quickly stepped into the waiting getaway car.
19. The photographer stepped back to frame the perfect shot.
20. The dancer stepped gracefully across the stage.
21. The burglar cautiously stepped through the darkened house.
22. The prisoner stepped out of the prison gates into freedom.
23. The bride stepped carefully down the aisle in her high heels.
24. The investigator cautiously stepped over the crime scene tape.
25. The sentry stepped forward and challenged the approaching figure.
26. The new boss stepped into the meeting and demanded silence.
27. The trainee stepped forward to tackle the obstacle course.
28. He stepped boldly up to the microphone to address the crowd.
29. The model stepped proudly down the catwalk wearing the stunning outfit.
30. The suspect retreated when the police officer stepped forward aggressively.
31. The captain stepped onto the deck and raised his spyglass.
32. The athlete stepped up his training regimen in preparation for the big race.
33. The teacher stepped into the hallway to break up the fight between students.
34. The soldier stepped off the bus and onto foreign soil for the first time.
35. The scientist stepped into the laboratory to begin a new experiment.
36. The director stepped onto the film set to inspect the day's shoot.
37. The bully quickly stepped back when the bigger boy confronted him.
38. The explorer carefully stepped through the thick jungle undergrowth.
39. The gardener stepped into his well-tended flower beds.
40. I stepped on the nail and had to get a tetanus shot.
41. The battle-hardened warrior cautiously stepped onto the field of battle.
42. The nominee stepped up to the podium to accept his award.
43. The golfer stepped up to take his shot on the narrow fairway.
44. The new recruit stepped forward for inspection when his name was called.
45. The maid stepped in to clean up after the unruly toddler.
46. The teacher stepped over to help the struggling student.
47. The mountaineer gingerly stepped across the crevasse in the glacier.
48. I stepped over the sleeping dog so I wouldn't wake him.
49. The rookie cop stepped into her first day on the job.
50. The student nervously stepped up to give her classroom presentation.
51. The stranded hiker stepped off the trail and into the thick bush.
52. The shoplifter stepped quickly out of the store with her stolen goods.
53. The judge stepped down from the bench at the end of the case.
54. The elderly woman carefully stepped over the uneven pavement.
55. The writer stepped back in time through the pages of history.
56. The athlete stepped up his training as the big race approached.
57. The coach stepped in to break up the scuffle between players.
58. The king stepped out onto the balcony to greet his subjects.
59. The new recruit gingerly stepped into the fierce-looking drill sergeant's office.
60. The startled fawn cautiously stepped into the unfamiliar clearing.
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