Stride example sentences

Related (10): pace, gait, step, march, tread, strut, saunter, stroll, jog, run

"Stride" Example Sentences

1. He strode confidently into the room.
2. She strode purposefully down the hallway.
3. The soldier strode across the battlefield.
4. The lion strode proudly across the plain.
5. The athlete strode onto the playing field.
6. The CEO strode into the boardroom.
7. The model strode down the runway.
8. The cowboy strode into the saloon.
9. The detective strode into the crime scene.
10. The professor strode to the front of the classroom.
11. He strode quickly across the parking lot.
12. She strode briskly down the street.
13. The runner kept a steady stride.
14. Her stride was long and powerful.
15. He lengthened his stride to keep up.
16. They marched in perfect stride.
17. The horse maintained an easy stride.
18. The dancer's stride was light and graceful.
19. The mechanic shortened his stride to match his young client.
20. The runner found her rhythm and settled into a comfortable stride.
21. He took long, purposeful strides across the room.
22. She strode forward with quick, even steps.
23. Her strides were short and choppy.
24. They kept pace, matching each other stride for stride.
25. The dog trotted along at an even-paced stride.
26. The children skipped and stumbled as they tried to keep up with their parents' long strides.
27. His rapid stride showed his urgency.
28. The singer's stage movements consisted of long, wide strides.
29. The gymnast took arunning start before bounding intoa long stride.
30. The child ran, taking three strides for every two of his father's.
31. The instructor modeled proper running form with long, powerful strides.
32. The child struggled to match her father's large stride.
33. He walked with long, swinging strides.
34. She held her arms out for balance as she carefully took small strides.
35. The athlete's natural rhythm and power were evident in his easy, elastic stride.
36. The tired horse staggered along at a slow, shuffling stride.
37. The crowds parted as the king strode through the city streets.
38. His long stride eiatedconfidence and authority.
39. His quiet stride belied his hurry.
40. He strodeinto the brightly lit room.
41. The soldiers marched in perfect stride across the parade ground.
42. The penguin's gait consisted of a waddle and sliding stride.
43. As soon as she heard the music start, she strode confidently onto the stage.
44. The rabbit sprang ahead with mighty strides.
45. The elephant ambled along at a leisurely stride.
46. The princess strode regally down the palace hallways.
47. The mother duck led her ducklings in a waddling stride.
48. She took small, hesitant strides on the uneven ground.
49. The pendulum swung in a steady stride from side to side.
50. The zombies shuffled forward at a slow, lurching stride.
51. The dog bounded forward with joyful strides.
52. The Racehorse picked up speed, lengthening its graceful stride.
53. The model marched down the runway with a purposeful stride.
54. The adventurer strode confidently into the unknown.
55. The soldier maintaineda marching stride despite his heavy pack.
56. She quickened her stride to catch up with her friends.
57. His measured stride showed patience and deliberation.
58. The monkey swung from branch to branch with easy strides.
59. The giraffe took long, loping strides across the savanna.
60. The lemur hurried along with a jerky, zigzagging stride.

Common Phases

1. He strode purposefully across the room.
2. She strode confidently down the catwalk in her high heels.
3. He took long strides as he hurried to class.
4. The horse strode confidently across the field.
5. The athlete took huge strides during the marathon race.
6. They quickly strode up the gangway to board the ship.
7. In a few long strides, he crossed the distance between us.
8. She marched with long, angry strides down the hallway.
9. He strode over to the window and looked out.
10. The cowboy strode into the saloon.
11. The model strutted down the runway, showing off her long stride.
12. She strode toward me, her face wreathed in smiles.
13. The protestors strode down the street, chanting slogans.
14. We strode through the unfamiliar city together.
15. He strode purposefully into his boss's office.
16. The athlete trained to increase the length of his stride.
17. The little girl ran to meet her father, her short legs struggling to match his long stride.
18. The tiger paced back and forth in its cage, its strides shortened by confinement.
19. With quick strides, she hurried to catch the bus.
20. The mechanics strode purposefully toward the aircraft to begin repairs.
21. The soldiers marched in perfect time, their strides synchronized.
22. The detective strode determinedly toward the crime scene.
23. I matched my strides to his as we walked side by side.
24. The king strode purposefully toward the throne room.
25. The queen bee strode confidently through the hive.
26. With long, eager strides she hurried toward her lover.
27. The newborn foal struggled to match its mother's stride.
28. She strode confidently onto the stage to accept her award.
29. The runners were focused on keeping a consistent stride.
30. The band marched onto the field, their stride in perfect time.
31. The tiger's huge stride quickly ate up the distance between us.
32. The hikers increased their strides as they neared the summit.
33. The thoroughbred horse gained speed, lengthening his stride.
34. The young child struggled to match his father's long stride.
35. He strode angrily away from the argument.
36. The ghosts glided with matching strides down the hallway.
37. Her angry strides shook the ground as she marched down the hall.
38. The horses broke into a canter, their strides lengthening.
39. Donkeys have an ambling stride that makes riding them comfortable.
40. The boxer entered the ring with a confident stride.
41. The prisoners were forced to match the guard's brisk stride.
42. The manic model strutted down the catwalk in too-small high heels.
43. The dancer practiced widening his stride to improve his leaps.
44. The young child struggled to match her mother's quick stride.
45. The jogger sped up, lengthening her strides.
46. The gladiators marched into the arena with a purposeful stride.
47. The zebra's long strides quickly carried him away from the lion.
48. The cubs struggled to match their mother's confident stride.
49. He matched my quick strides, easily keeping pace beside me.
50. The penguin waddled across the ice with its funny little stride.
51. The ballerina danced en pointe, her dainty steps and long strides graceful and precise.
52. The nurse strode purposefully down the hospital corridor.
53. The wolf matched the sled dogs' long strides as he gave chase.
54. The monkey swung through the trees, a colorful blur of wrinkled strides.
55. The professor strode purposefully toward the lectern to begin his lesson.
56. The team marched in perfect time, their strides synchronized.
57. The toddler ran unsteadily on her chubby little legs, her strides uncertain.
58. The exhausted hikers slowed their strides as they neared the campsite.
59. The soldiers marched in perfect formation, their precise strides beating out the rhythm of the music.
60. The racehorses burst from the starting gate, lengthening their strides and straining for the lead.

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