Stole example sentences
Related (10): Robbed, pilfered, filched, looted, appropriated, embezzled, purloined, took, pocketed, burglarized.
stole (noun) · stoles (plural noun)
- a woman's long scarf or shawl, especially of fur or similar material, worn loosely over the shoulders.
- of a strip of fabric used as an ecclesiastical vestment, worn over the shoulders and hanging down to the knee or below.
stole (past tense)
- past of steal
stole (past tense)
- take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it:
- dishonestly pass off (another person's ideas) as one's own:
- take the opportunity to give or share (a kiss) when it is not expected or when people are not watching:
- (in various sports) gain (an advantage, a run, or possession of the ball) unexpectedly or by exploiting the temporary distraction of an opponent.
- (of a base runner) advance safely to (the next base) by running to it as the pitcher begins the delivery:
- move somewhere quietly or surreptitiously:
- direct (a look) quickly and unobtrusively:
shawl, scarf, wrap, boa, tippet, cape, steal, theft, thieving, thievery, robbery, larceny, burglary, shoplifting, pilfering, pilferage, looting, appropriation, misappropriation, embezzlement, peculation, defalcation, purloin, thieve, take, loot, pilfer, appropriate, abstract, shoplift, embezzle, misappropriate, rob, swipe, nab, lift, liberate, filch, snaffle, snitch, souvenir, nick, pinch, whip, nobble, bone, blag, heist, glom, crib, hook, peculate, defalcate, walk, plagiarize, copy, pirate, poach, borrow, appropriate, lift, crib, pinch, nick, snatch, sneak, creep, sneak, slink, slip, slither, slide, glide, sidle, slope, edge, tiptoe, pussyfoot, pad, prowl, abscond, decamp, flee, bolt, disappear, vanish, escape, leave, depart, split, scram, skedaddle, vamoose, skip, scarper, Shawl"Stole" Example Sentences
1. Someone stole my wallet.
2. The thief stole the jewels.
3. She stole my heart.
4. They stole money from the bank.
5. The politician stole government funds.
6. The cat stole the fish.
7. The burglar stole the TV.
8. The students stole exam answers.
9. The dog stole the bone.
10. The pickpocket stole her purse.
11. He stole second base.
12. The jewel thief was never caught.
13. The cashier stole from the register.
14. She stole a glance at him.
15. The criminal stole a car.
16. The child stole cookies from the jar.
17. They stole company secrets.
18. The child stole a toy.
19. The boy stole the ball.
20. The crook stole the crown jewels.
21. The thief only stole a little.
22. The trickster stole her prize.
23. The girl stole her friend's boyfriend.
24. They stole credit card numbers.
25. The artist stole another's work.
26. He stole my heart away.
27. The gambler stole chips from the casino.
28. The reporters stole confidential documents.
29. The cheating student stole answers during the exam.
30. The prince stole the princess's heart.
31. His smile almost stole my breath away.
32. She stole my unfortunate line and made it her own.
33. The burglar stole everything valuable in the house.
34. She stole into the room quietly.
35. The crook stole money from charity.
36. They stole the victory right from under us.
37. The employees stole from the company they worked for.
38. The intruder stole into the house at night.
39. The crown jewels were eventually stolen.
40. They stole the base runner's attention.
41. They stole into the palace under cover of night.
42. The child stole her friend's favorite toy.
43. The suspect stole a car and went on a joyride.
44. The hacker stole personal information.
45. The fugitive stole a getaway car.
46. The thief stole the priceless vase.
47. She stole my girlfriend right from under me.
48. The crook stole money right out of the cash register.
49. The artist stole techniques from his mentor.
50. The child stole money from her parents.
51. The pickpocket stole her wallet right out of her purse.
52. The actress stole every scene she was in.
53. They stole my heart the moment I saw them.
54. Her smile could have stolen the sun right out of the sky.
55. The teenager stole his parent's credit card.
56. She stole into his heart little by little.
57. The crooks stole jewelry from dozens of homes.
58. The journalist stole sensitive information.
59. The enemy stole up behind them quietly.
60. The spy stole important secrets.
Common Phases
1. The thief stole the wallet from the store.
2. Someone stole my bike while I was at work.
3. The robbers stole millions of dollars from the bank.
4. The burglars stole jewelry and electronics from the house.
5. The art thief stole a famous painting from the museum.
6. The pickpocket stole my phone from my pocket.
7. He stole second base during the game.
8. She stole glances at him from across the room.
9. The child stole a cookie from the cookie jar.
10. They stole away in the night to escape.
11. The cat stole the ham right off my plate.
12. The dog stole the bone from the other dog.
13. My friend stole a kiss from me as a joke.
14. The magician stole the wallet and then made it reappear.
15. The teacher accused the student of stealing answers from another test.
16. The neighbor stole my newspaper before I could read it.
17. The young student stole code from an open source project without credit.
18. The plot twist stole my breath away in surprise.
19. The flowers stole her heart with their vibrant colors.
20. The joke stole the show and had everyone laughing.
21. She stole my heart the moment I saw her.
22. The villain stole the plans and fled the scene of the crime.
23. The paparazzi stole photos of the celebrity without permission.
24. My cat thinks she stole that sunbeam, not earned it.
25. The store detective accused me of trying to steal merchandise.
26. He tried to steal second base but was tagged out.
27. The band stole the guitar riff from an older song.
28. The class clown stole the show with his hilarious antics.
29. The pickpocket stole the tourist's wallet right off his hip.
30. Our dog stole a whole raw chicken off the counter.
31. The neighbor's dog stole my shoe and carried it back to their yard.
32. The getaway driver stole the stolen car for the bank robbers.
33. My little brother stole my candy bar out of my backpack.
34. The secret admirer stole a kiss on the cheek before running away.
35. The hackers stole credit card numbers from the company's database.
36. The actors stole the scene with their dynamic performance.
37. The fans said the new singer stole the style of an older musician.
38. Someone stole my phone that I left on the table.
39. The author clearly stole ideas from another writer without citation.
40. The child stole the toy from the other kid to play with it herself.
41. The guards caught the inmate trying to steal keys to escape.
42. The magpie stole shiny treasures to decorate its nest.
43. The shoplifter tried to steal merchandise but was caught by security.
44. The kitten stole the piece of string and scampered off with it.
45. The wrestler stole his opponent's wrestling holds and techniques.
46. I thought I saw someone steal my wallet from my shopping cart.
47. The play stole from many older plays but didn't credit the original authors.
48. He stole a smile from her as he walked by.
49. The soldier stole a kiss from his sweetheart before shipping out.
50. The fox stole the chicken right off the farmer's doorstep.
51. The alarm went off because someone was trying to steal merchandise.
52. The phrase stole into my mind and wouldn't leave.
53. The new novel stole the top spot on the bestseller list.
54. They stole my breath away with their incredible talent.
55. The magician stole the coin right from her hand.
56. The recording artist stole the melody from an older song.
57. The pickpocket stole the man's wallet right out of his back pocket.
58. The thief stole the family's car right out of their driveway.
59. The landlord accused me of trying to steal utilities without paying.
60. Someone stole my credit card information to make fraudulent purchases.