Stolidly example sentences

Related (9): apathetically, unemotionally, impassively, stoically, phlegmatically, calmly, expressionlessly, unresponsively, unflinchingly.

"Stolidly" Example Sentences

1. The bodyguard stood stolidly at his post, impassive and unmoving.
2. The soldier marched stolidly onward, his face betraying no emotion.
3. The butler served dinner stolidly, his expression revealing nothing of his thoughts.
4. The referee officiated the game stolidly and impartially, showing no favoritism.
5. The professor lectured on stolidly, oblivious to the sleeping students in the lecture hall.
6. The CEO delivered his presentation stolidly and professionally, despite the critical audience.
7. The politician answered the questions stolidly and carefully, giving nothing away.
8. The witness testified stolidly, recounting the events in a detached and factual manner.
9. The tour guide spoke stolidly into his microphone, reciting the same facts he had repeated hundreds of times.
10. The nurse went about her duties stolidly and efficiently, caring for her patients with skill and competence.
11. The monk prayed stolidly, focusing only on his devotion and religious observances.
12. The jury member listened to the testimony stolidly and carefully, betraying no hint of bias or favoritism.
13. The poker player bet stolidly but consistently, giving nothing away in his placid facade.
14. The lifeguard watched the pool stolidly, his face a mask of calm professionalism.
15. The doctor examined the patient stolidly and methodically, revealing no emotion through her gestures or expression.
16. The accountant crunched the numbers stolidly and robotically, showing no passion for the work.
17. The operator performed his duties stolidly and dutifully, never complaining or flagging in enthusiasm.
18. The editorial assistant proofread the magazine stolidly but meticulously, catching every typo or grammatical error.
19. The guards stood post at the gate stolidly, trained to remain stone-faced and motionless for hours.
20. The reporter covered the disaster stolidly and dispassionately, reciting facts without emotion.
21. The greeter greeted customers stolidly and dutifully, smiling genuinely but with little personal enthusiasm.
22. The assistant served the client stolidly and competently, giving little hint of her own personality through the professional veneer.
23. The security guard monitored the cameras stolidly for hours, only bothered when something noteworthy appeared on the screens.
24. The instructor led the class through the exercises stolidly and mechanically, giving little thoughtful insight or personal interpretation.
25. The undersecretary drafted the report stolidly, obediently paraphrasing the speeches and policies handed down from above.
26. The concierge tended to guest needs stolidly and dutifully without complaint, following the instructions of hotel management.
27. The chauffeur drove the car stolidly and obediently according to the wishes of his employer, asked no questions and offered no opinions.
28. The judge handed down the verdict stolidly and dispassionately according only to the law, without sympathy for either side.
29. The lawyer presented the argument stolidly and thoroughly, without expressing personal opinions or emotion.
30. The investigator questioned the witness stolidly and methodically, betraying no bias or attempt to steer the testimony.
31. The bouncer threw out unruly patrons stolidly and dutifully, showing no favoritism or grudges.
32. The steward served meals stolidly and obediently to the passengers' specifications, showing no preferences of his own.
33. The advisor counseled stolidly and objectively with no attempt to sway the decision in any direction.
34. The sentry stood guard stolidly and obediently for the required hours, showing no fatigue or restlessness.
35. The porter carried luggage stolidly and obediently for the guests, showing no preference for any one party or passenger.
36. The mercenary fought stolidly and obediently for whichever side paid him, showing no allegiance beyond his contract.
37. The attendant served customers stolidly and obediently for hours on end, showing no personal frustration with difficult clients.
38. The clerk processed paperwork stolidly and obediently, following protocol mechanically without complaint.
39. The secretary typed correspondence stolidly and obediently under the direction of her employer, suggesting no alternatives or deviations.
40. The drill instructor corrected posture stolidly and mechanically across hundreds of recruits, showing no personal warmth or patience.
41. The hired help performed duties stolidly and dutifully according to orders, showing no initiative or investment beyond the paycheck.
42. The robot performed its functions stolidly and predictably within programmed parameters, showing no adaptability or flexibility.
43. The civil servant implemented policies stolidly and obediently, showing no concern for how they might impact real people's lives.
44. The employee followed orders stolidly and without question, showing no skepticism towards management's directives.
45. The peasants toiled stolidly and obediently in the fields as they had for generations, showing no hope for change or improvement.
46. The churchgoers worshipped stolidly and dutifully according to ritual and tradition, showing no innovative thought or spiritual insight.
47. The penitent prayed stolidly and dutifully for forgiveness as instructed, showing no true reflection or contrition.
48. The witness recounted the story stolidly and unemotionally exactly as rehearsed, showing no doubt or variation in the coached testimony.
49. The teen performed household chores stolidly and obediently with no complaints or negotiations, showing parenting had effectively quashed willfulness.
50. The worker performed his job stolidly and obediently on theassembly linehour after tedious hour, showing no creativity or free thought.

Common Phases

1. He stared stolidly ahead, oblivious to the chaos around him.
2. She sat stolidly in her seat, refusing to answer any of the teacher's questions.
3. The guards stood stolidly by the entrance, not reacting to any of the guests' jokes.
4. The bull ignored the matador's cape and stood stolidly in the ring.
5. He responded stolidly to the good news, showing no emotion.
6. The horse plodded stolidly down the dirt road.
7. The instructor droned on stolidly, ignoring the students' yawns and daydreaming.
8. The student answered the professor's questions stolidly and without enthusiasm.
9. The butler served the dinner guests stolidly, his emotions rigidly in check.
10. With stolid determination, she completed the challenging task.
11. His wife spoke to him stolidly about their problems, but he refused to engage.
12. The clerk answered the customer's many questions stolidly and without complaint.
13. The hikers trudged stolidly up the steep trail.
14. Her assistant followed her orders stolidly and efficiently.
15. The old man gazed stolidly into the distance, lost in thought.
16. She pushed the shopping cart stolidly through the grocery store aisles.
17. The guard stood stolidly at his post, unfazed by the cold winter air.
18. Her neighbors waved to her stolidly but she ignored their greetings.
19. The worker performed his duties stolidly and dutifully without complaining.
20. The scientist announced the results stolidly, devoid of emotion or celebration.
21. The witness answered the lawyer's questions stolidly and impartially.
22. I stolidly refused to show any emotion or give in to their demands.
23. The monk chanted his prayers stolidly and without passion.
24. He greeted his co-workers stolidly every morning but shared little personal conversation.
25. John walked stolidly down the busy street, oblivious to the people and noise around him.
26. The army marched stolidly into battle, steeling themselves for the fight ahead.
27. The sheep grazed stolidly in the green pasture.
28. Jane stolidly ignored her friend's attempts to get her attention.
29. The diner ate his breakfast stolidly, not speaking to the other patrons.
30. The soldier stood stolidly at attention, remaining still despite his discomfort.
31. The old lady knitted stolidly, lost in concentration.
32. The CEO delivered the bad news stolidly, seeming unaffected.
33. The crowd around the accident moved on stolidly, unconcerned.
34. The reporter interviewed the grieving mother stolidly and professionally.
35. The boxer took the punches stolidly, absorbing the blows without visible reaction.
36. The boxer threw punches stolidly, methodically wearing his opponent down.
37. The swimmer made her laps stolidly and mechanically, focused only on finishing her workout.
38. The spa visitor endured the beauty treatments stolidly, finding little pleasure in the experience.
39. The party goers danced on stolidly into the early hours of the morning.
40. She boiled the water and cooked the noodles stolidly, following the recipe exactly.
41. The factory workers continued their assembly line jobs stolidly, day after day.
42. The coach scolded his players stolidly, refusing to show any emotion.
43. The teacher reviewed the material stolidly, ignoring the students' inattention.
44. The pope delivered his sermon stolidly, staying faithful to the church's teachings.
45. The trainee followed the instructions stolidly but struggled to grasp the concepts.
46. The surgeon performed the operation stolidly and expertly.
47. The student answered the pop quiz questions stolidly, showing no signs of stress.
48. The actor recited his lines stolidly and without emotion.
49. The photographer clicked away stolidly, capturing images without expression.
50. The drummer kept a stolid beat, staying steady through the performance.
51. The ice cream vendor scooped the cones stolidly, indifferent to the treats.
52. The mechanic repaired the car stolidly and efficiently.
53. The farmer tilled his fields stolidly, following the seasons like clockwork.
54. The journalist reported the facts stolidly and impartially.
55. The judge issued his rulings stolidly and fairly, without showing favoritism.
56. The toddler demanded a snack stolidly and repeatedly.
57. The police officer interrogated the suspect stolidly and by the book.
58. The professor graded the papers stolidly and fairly.
59. The zookeeper fed the animals stolidly, following the established routine.
60. The protestors marched on stolidly, determined to have their voices heard.

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