Strictum example sentences
"Strictum" Example Sentences
1. The teacher was very strictum in his classroom.2. The company enforced strictum rules regarding employee conduct.
3. The athlete had to follow a strictum training regimen to compete at the highest level.
4. The doctor gave the patient strictum instructions for taking their medication.
5. The judge handed down a strictum sentence to the convicted criminal.
6. The boss expected strictum adherence to the project timeline.
7. The school had a strictum policy against bullying.
8. The coach had a strictum policy against tardiness to practices.
9. The security guard enforced a strictum dress code for the office building.
10. The airline had a strictum policy regarding carry-on luggage size.
11. The summer camp had a strictum schedule that campers had to follow.
12. The restaurant had a strictum policy regarding reservations and walk-ins.
13. The lab had strictum guidelines for handling hazardous materials.
14. The government had a strictum policy regarding the protection of classified information.
15. The fashion designer had a strictum vision for their latest collection.
16. The military had strictum regulations for soldiers regarding physical fitness.
17. The spa had strictum policies regarding customer privacy and confidentiality.
18. The police department had a strictum code of conduct for officers.
19. The university had strictum standards for accepting new students.
20. The church had strictum guidelines for wedding ceremonies.
21. The social media platform had strictum community guidelines for user content.
22. The surgeon had strictum procedures in place to prevent infections during surgeries.
23. The museum had strictum policies regarding the handling and preservation of artifacts.
24. The news organization had strictum guidelines for reporting on sensitive topics.
25. The hotel had strictum policies regarding noise levels and disturbance of other guests.
26. The financial institution had strictum regulations for preventing money laundering.
27. The zoo had strictum protocols for the care and feeding of the animals.
28. The construction site had strictum safety guidelines in place to prevent accidents.
29. The daycare had strictum policies regarding the health and safety of the children.
30. The hair salon had strictum policies regarding the use of chemicals and potential allergies.
Common Phases
1) Carpe diem; seize the day, strictum.2) Veni, vidi, vici; I came, I saw, I conquered, strictum.
3) Ad astra per aspera; to the stars through difficulties, strictum.
4) E pluribus unum; out of many, one, strictum.
5) Tempus fugit; time flies, strictum.
6) Caveat emptor; buyer beware, strictum.
7) Annuit coeptis; he has favored our undertakings, strictum.
8) In vino veritas; in wine, there is truth, strictum.
9) Sic semper tyrannis; thus always to tyrants, strictum.
10) Festina lente; make haste slowly, strictum.