Stripy example sentences
Related (11): stripey, striped, striation, striper, stripy-haired, striped-bass, stripy-shirt, stripy-socks, stripy-tent, stripe-pattern, stripe-design
stripy (adjective) · stripier (comparative adjective) · stripiest (superlative adjective) · stripey (adjective)
- striped:
striped, barred, lined, banded, streaky, striated, variegated"Stripy" Example Sentences
1. The kitten had little stripy patches on its fur.
2. The zebra's fur was covered in bold, black and white stripes.
3. The candy cane was striped with alternating stripy bands of red and white.
4. The stripy beach towel matched her striped swimsuit.
5. He saw a stripy grass snake basking in the sun on the lawn.
6. The stripy rug decorated the floor in the living room.
7. The tiger's orange fur had dark stripy lines across it.
8. The insect had little stripy wings and long antennae.
9. I bought a pair of stripy socks from the market.
10. She was wearing stripy leg warmers with her skirt.
11. The stripy shirt had red and white horizontal lines.
12. The tiger's coat mimicked the stripy pattern of sunlight filtering through jungle grasses.
13. The little boy stomped through the house wearing his stripy pajamas.
14. The frog had a green and brown stripy pattern on its skin.
15. The children played on the stripy playground equipment at recess.
16. The mother cat groomed her little stripy kittens.
17. The pilates instructor wore a stripy sports top and leggings.
18. The road markings consisted of double white stripy lines.
19. Her favorite dress had a simple stripy pattern.
20. He wound the little stripy garden hose around his arm.
21. They ate their sandwiches sitting on the stripy picnic blanket.
22. The wasp had a thin stripy body and yellow legs.
23. The patterned stockings had stripy bands of color.
24. The clown wore stripy trousers and a big floppy hat.
25. The lampshade had a beautifully stripy wooden frame.
26. The candy floss machine spun out stripy wisps of pink sugar.
27. The stripy scarf wound around her neck kept out the cold.
28. The child painted a stripy picture using thick finger paints.
29. The squash plant had large stripy leaves.
30. The spider on the wall had thin stripy legs.
31. The butterfly had stripy orange and black wings.
32. She painted the little vase with neat stripy bands.
33. The deckchair straps were faded from the sun into little stripy ribbons.
34. The dainty fly had two tiny stripy wings.
35. The paper streamers hung in neat stripy layers.
36. The black and white cat had a stripy tail.
37. The wasps built their stripy nest under the eaves.
38. The lollipop had a stripy stick.
39. The slug trails had left little stripy silver patches on the path.
40. He tied the thin stripy ribbon into a neat bow.
41. The children ate their ice creams covered in stripy wafers.
42. The worm had a stripy pattern along its body.
43. The hummingbird had a little stripy throat.
44. The insulated wire had a stripy plastic coating.
45. The bees landed on the stripy flowers.
46. She wore stripy tights under her denim skirt.
47. The ladybird had little stripy wings.
48. The beetle skittered along on little stripy legs.
49. The confetti fell in neat little stripy pieces.
50. His stripy hat kept the rain off his face.
51. The parasol had a beautiful stripy pattern.
52. The lady tied a little stripy bow in her hair.
53. The lobster had stripy fangs and pincers.
54. The horse had a long stripy mane.
55. The boys wore stripy surfing shorts.
56. The floor had been mopped, leaving stripy wet patches.
57. The elastic bands had little faded stripy sections.
58. The fields were ploughed into neat stripy lines.
59. The dressing gown cord was a long stripy ribbon.
60. The magpie had black and white stripy feathers.
Common Phases
little stripy patches
bold, black and white stripes
alternating stripy bands
stripy pattern
thin stripy body
neat stripy lines
striped with
stripy leaves
stripy legs
stripy tail
little stripy wings
stripy funny socks
stripy candy cane
stripy scarf
stripy blanket
striped zebra
stripy tiger
stripy insect
little stripy kittens
striped fabric
stripy stockings
stripy rug
stripy clothes
stripy hat
stripy beach towel
beautiful stripy pattern
stripy beach umbrella
stripy strips
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