Strumpets example sentences

Related (8): prostitutes, harlots, courtesans, streetwalkers, escorts, hooker, courtesies, concubines

"Strumpets" Example Sentences

1. Shakespeare wrote about strumpets in his plays.
2. The village was known for its abundance of strumpets.
3. The king was often seen in the company of strumpets.
4. She was accused of being a strumpet by her husband's family.
5. The brothel was filled with strumpets of all ages.
6. The town was scandalized by the strumpets who moved in.
7. The church admonished women who dressed like strumpets.
8. The strumpets were arrested by the city guard for solicitation.
9. The inn was known as a gathering place for strumpets and thieves.
10. The prince was warned about getting involved with strumpets.
11. The strumpets were banished from the town by the mayor.
12. The sailors were often tempted by the strumpets in port.
13. The duke was rumored to have fathered a child with a strumpet.
14. The strumpets were feared for their sharp tongues and quick wit.
15. The queen was disgusted by the strumpets in court.
16. The strumpets performed bawdy songs and dances to entertain the men.
17. The judge showed no leniency to the strumpets in his courtroom.
18. The strumpets would often fight over the most wealthy customers.
19. The mayor organized a campaign to rid the city of strumpets.
20. The strumpets were known to be skilled at pleasing their clients.
21. The tavern was filled with drunken strumpets and rowdy men.
22. The strumpets were often approached by desperate men looking for companionship.
23. The prostitutes were referred to as strumpets by the nobility.
24. The strumpets would often resort to thievery to support themselves.
25. The bishop preached against the sins of strumpets and sinners.
26. The strumpets were blamed for spreading disease and corruption.
27. The soldiers were warned to stay away from the strumpets in camp.
28. The strumpets were often targeted by religious zealots for punishment.
29. The brothel was raided by the authorities in an attempt to arrest the strumpets.
30. The strumpets were reviled by the town's moral majority.

Common Phases

1. The king was scandalized by the presence of so many strumpets in the court; he immediately ordered their expulsion.
2. The brothel was filled with strumpets of all kinds; some were shy and timid, while others were bold and assertive.
3. The strumpets were paid a pittance for their services; they were often mistreated and abused by their clients.
4. The village was infamous for its strumpets; many young women were lured into prostitution by the promise of easy money.
5. The wealthy merchant was surrounded by a bevy of strumpets; he spent lavishly on their entertainment and pleasure.
6. The strumpets were a constant source of gossip and scandal in the town; many people shunned them and treated them with contempt.
7. The tavern was often frequented by strumpets looking for work; the owner turned a blind eye to their presence as long as they paid their fees.
8. The duke was known for his fondness for strumpets; he kept several mistresses and was notorious for his lavish spending on them.
9. The strumpets were often targeted by thieves and robbers looking to take advantage of their vulnerability; they had little protection or recourse.
10. The judge was lenient in his punishment of the strumpets; he recognized their plight and tried to help them find a way out of their situation.

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