Courtesans example sentences

Related (9): prostitutes, mistresses, geishas, concubines, escorts, harlots, paramours, temptresses, demimondaines

"Courtesans" Example Sentences

1. During the Renaissance period, courtesans were highly sought after for their charm and wit.
2. The novel tells the story of a group of courtesans who navigate the complex world of high society in Paris.
3. In ancient Rome, the courtesan was an elevated member of society, often educated and wealthy.
4. The courtesans of the Edo period in Japan were known for their artistic talents and entertainment skills.
5. Many famous painters and writers of the 19th century were inspired by the courtesans of their time.
6. The brothel was filled with courtesans waiting for their next client.
7. Courtesans were often associated with scandal and controversy, as their profession was seen as immoral.
8. In some cultures, courtesans were seen as a symbol of beauty and grace, admired by both men and women.
9. The courtesan's luxurious lifestyle and glamorous appearance were often the subject of envy among those less fortunate.
10. Courtesans were expected to be skilled in many areas, including music, dance, conversation, and etiquette.
11. During the Middle Ages, courtesans were often protected by powerful lords and knights.
12. The courtesan's reputation for seduction and sensuality was both celebrated and feared.
13. In India, courtesans were known as devadasis and were considered to be married to the gods.
14. The courtesan's job was to provide companionship and pleasure to wealthy men in exchange for money and gifts.
15. Some courtesans used their position to gain power and influence in society, using their connections to further their own interests.
16. The courtesan's clothing and makeup were often more elaborate and ornate than that of the common people.
17. Courtesans were often educated by their patrons and became well-versed in literature, politics, and current events.
18. The courtesan's role in society was complex, as she was both admired and criticized for her profession.
19. Many courtesans became famous for their beauty and charm, attracting wealthy patrons from all over the world.
20. Some courtesans used their position to advocate for women's rights and education.
21. In China, courtesans were trained in the art of calligraphy and were admired for their elegant handwriting.
22. The courtesan's lifestyle was often short-lived, as many were unable to save their earnings and depended on their patron's support.
23. Courtesans were often depicted in art and literature, becoming symbols of beauty and seduction.
24. Despite their controversial profession, many courtesans were respected for their intelligence, wit, and creativity.
25. Courtesans often faced discrimination and prejudice, with society labeling them as immoral and unclean.
26. Some courtesans used their earnings to support charitable causes and help those less fortunate.
27. The courtesan's life was often filled with danger and uncertainty, as she relied on her patrons for protection.
28. Courtesans were often skilled in dance and music, entertaining their patrons with their performances.
29. In Japan, courtesans were often portrayed as tragic heroines, torn between their duty to their patrons and their own desires.
30. Despite the hardships they faced, many courtesans found a sense of freedom and independence in their profession.

Common Phases

not use the word "courtesans" in your phrases.
1. The women of high society who provide companionship;
2. The ladies who understand the art of seduction;
3. Women who possess wit, charm and beauty;
4. The alluring mistresses of the wealthy;
5. The skilled entertainers of the elite;
6. Women who are sought after for their companionship and intimacy;
7. The bewitching women who excel in the art of pleasing;
8. The fascinating women who are well-versed in the art of conversation;
9. Women who are admired for their beauty and grace;
10. The captivating women who possess an irresistible charm.

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