Subside example sentences
Related (10): decrease, settle, diminish, abate, wane, ebb, dwindle, recede, drop, decline
"Subside" Example Sentences
1. The storm eventually subsided.
2. The flood waters gradually subsided.
3. The pain started to subside after she took the medicine.
4. His anger started to subside after he calmed down.
5. The noise finally subsided and the house was quiet once again.
6. Her tears gradually subsided as her emotions calmed.
7. The crowd's shouting subsided when the police officer stepped in.
8. The swelling in her ankle started to subside after a few days.
9. The panic started to subside once he realized it was just a dream.
10. The flames finally subsided after the firefighters arrived.
11. The traffic eventually subsided and they were able to move again.
12. The coughing spell eventually subsided and she caught her breath.
13. The pain in her abdomen finally subsided after several hours.
14. His heart rate gradually subsided as he calmed his nerves.
15. The chatter among the students finally subsided as class began.
16. The throbbing in her head started to subside after she took some aspirin.
17. The headache eventually subsided after she drank some water.
18. His nausea gradually subsided as his body got used to the medication.
19. The protests subsided after officials promised action.
20. The fighting slowly subsided as both sides began to negotiate.
21. The coughs gradually subsided as his lungs cleared.
22. The nausea eventually subsided and she was able to eat again.
23. Her rapid breathing finally subsided after taking her anxiety medication.
24. The tremors in her hands gradually subsided as she relaxed.
25. The commotion eventually subsided once everyone settled down.
26. The chaos slowly subsided as order was restored.
27. The train's rumbling gradually subsided as it slowed.
28. The dizziness eventually subsided and she was able to stand again.
29. The witness's sobs subsided and she was finally able to give her testimony.
30. The market volatility slowly subsided as investor confidence returned.
31. The waves gradually subsided as the storm dissipated over the ocean.
32. The panic attack began to subside as her breathing slowed.
33. His migraine eventually subsided after several hours of rest in a dark room.
34. The bombing runs eventually subsided and the city was able to begin repairs.
35. Her mood swings gradually subsided after she started taking her medication.
36. Her heart rate eventually subsided to a normal pace after the run.
37. The raid subsided after the enemy troops fled the region.
38. His nasal congestion gradually subsided after taking decongestant medicine.
39. The applause slowly subsided as the conductor came back on stage.
40. The tremors in the earth gradually subsided after several minutes.
41. The hot flashes finally subsided after menopause.
42. The sobbing eventually subsided into tears.
43. The sense of dread gradually subsided as the sun rose.
44. The chatter slowly subsided as the teacher entered the classroom.
45. The shivering gradually subsided after she got under the warm blankets.
46. The gossip eventually subsided when an official announcement was made.
47. The argument gradually subsided as both sides started to calm down.
48. The commotion eventually subsided when police restored order.
49. The aftershocks gradually subsided over the next few days.
50. His shortness of breath eventually subsided after he rested and used his inhaler.
Common Phases
1. The storm finally began to subside after hours of raging winds and heavy rain.
2. As the medication started to take effect, her headache finally began to subside.
3. The fever fortunately subsided after a few days of antibiotics and bed rest.
4. The panic attack subsided once she was able to regain control of her breathing.
5. As the sedatives took hold, her anxiety began to slowly subside.
6. The rapid beating of his heart finally began to subside once he got over the initial shock.
7. Her emotional outburst finally began to subside as she talked through her feelings.
8. The crowd noise eventually subsided once the match began.
9. The protests gradually began to subside over the next few weeks.
10. The swelling in his ankle finally started to subside after he iced it for 15 minutes.
11.The rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins finally began to subside as she came down from the high.
12. The flash flooding slowly began to subside as the rain finally stopped.
13. The waves gradually subsided once the storm had passed.
14. His anger finally began to subside once he was able to calm down and think rationally.
15. The tensions between the two countries are finally starting to subside after months of conflict.
16. The political unrest eventually began to subside as the new reforms took effect.
17. The revolt rapidly began to subside once government troops regained control.
18 The volcanic eruption finally began to subside after a few days of ash and lava flow.
19.The smoke eventually began to subside once the fire was extinguished.
20. The rebels' demands eventually began to subside once their grievances were addressed.
21. The commotion gradually started to subside once people returned to their seats in the auditorium.
22. The flames eventually started to subside once the firefighters were able to contain the blaze.
23. The nausea finally began to subside after a few hours of rest and ginger ale.
24. The congregation's laughter finally began to subside after the minister's humorous sermon was over.
25. The throbbing in her temples finally began to subside after a few hours of calm and darkness.
26. The expanding fireball finally began to subside after consuming most of the fuel available.
27. The intense cramps finally began to subside once she took some pain medication.
28. The agitated waters eventually calmed and began to subside.
29. The riots finally began to subside after several days of conflict and violence.
30. The market's volatility finally began to subside after days of wild price swings.
31. The blood flow finally began to subside once he applied pressure to the wound.
32. The chaos slowly started to subside once order was restored in the classroom.
33. His cough finally began to subside after drinking some warm tea with honey.
34. Once they discussed the issue rationally, their tempers began to subside.
35. The tsunami eventually began to subside after causing widespread destruction.
36. The blood loss finally began to subside once the wound was properly bandaged.
37. The gunfire eventually began to subside as the battle wound down.
38. The contractions finally began to subside several hours after giving birth.
39. Her tremors gradually started to subside once she took her medication.
40. The commotion in the crowd finally began to subside after the photo op was over.
41. The activity on the trading floor eventually began to subside at the end of the trading day.
42. The swelling in her ankle finally started to subside after being elevated and iced.
43. The coughing fit finally began to subside after several minutes.
44. The earth finally began to subside after months of seismic activity.
45. Her rapid breathing finally began to subside once she calmed down and regained her composure.
46. The traffic gradually started to subside once most people had arrived at work.
47. His blood sugar levels finally began to subside after he ate something.
48. The violence finally began to subside after months of unrest and conflict.
49. The tension in the air finally started to subside once they were able to joke and laugh together.
50. The smoke eventually began to subside after a few hours of clearing out the building.
51. Her hiccups finally started to subside after drinking water from the opposite side of the glass.
52. The high tide finally began to subside, revealing all the debris and seaweed left behind.
53. The internal bleeding finally began to subside once the surgeon was able to locate the source.
54. The crowd's roar finally began to subside once the ceremony was over.
55. The explosions eventually began to subside as the ammunition storehouse ran out of fuel.
56.The roaring flames finally began to subside after running out of fuel to burn.
57.The exertion of running finally began to subside once he slowed to a walk.
58. The churning sea finally began to subside as the winds died down.
59. The crashing waves finally began to subside along the shore.
60. The political tensions gradually started to subside after the two sides agreed to meet and negotiate.