Sufferance example sentences

Related (5): endurance, tolerance, permission, acquiescence, patience



sufferance (noun)

  - absence of objection rather than genuine approval; toleration:

  - the condition of the holder of an estate who continues to hold it after the title has ceased, without the express permission of the owner:

  - patient endurance.

  - the suffering or undergoing of something bad or unpleasant.


mercifulness, mercy, clemency, lenity, forgiveness, tolerance, forbearance, moderateness, moderation, humanity, charity, indulgence, gentleness, mildness, acceptance, pity, sympathy, compassion, understanding, concern, consideration, kindness, benevolence, permissiveness, liberality, liberalness, mercilessness, strictness, severity, authority, authorization, sanction, covenant, dispensation, consent, permission, prerogative, privilege, right, droit, patience, forbearance, tolerance, stoicism, endurance, fortitude, fatalism, acceptance, acquiescence, compliance, passivity, passiveness, nonresistance, submission, docility, phlegm, resistance, Legal

"Sufferance" Example Sentences

1. He endured her tirades with sufferance.
2. She bore their contempt and prejudice with sufferance.
3. The beggar waited patiently on sufferance for her charitable alms.
4. The servant worked under sufferance of his master's harsh treatment.
5. She bore their insults and cruelty with stoic sufferance.
6. The boy worked under sufferance of his strict father.
7. The animal cowered in sufferance of its cruel master.
8. The man bore his sickness and poverty with long sufferance.
9. The refugees lived on sufferance in the overcrowded camps.
10. He remained there only under sufferance of their ill treatment.
11. The workers labored under sufferance of long hours and low pay.
12. The little girl bore sufferance of her stepmother's cruelty.
13. The old car ran with much sufferance and frequent breakdowns.
14. The people lived on sufferance, barely able to make ends meet.
15. The hopeless man endured his misfortune with long sufferance.
16. The slaves toiled under sufferance of cruel whippings and punishment.
17. The criminal served his sentence under sufferance in the harsh prison.
18. The tenant lived in the dilapidated dwelling under sufferance.
19. The victim bore sufferance of the assault with silent forbearance.
20. The condemned man awaited his doom with long sufferance.
21. The sick woman lay in sufferance of great discomfort.
22. He remained loyal to her under sufferance of her neglect.
23. The migrant workers labor under sufferance of poor pay and conditions.
24. The widow lived on sufferance of the kindness of her children.
25. The poor man lived on sufferance of whatever scraps he could find.
26. The mistreated wife bore sufferance of her husband's brutality.
27. The puppy endured sufferance of the children's rough treatment.
28. The skinny donkey worked under sufferance of heavy burdens.
29. The frightened animal cowered in sufferance of the children's taunts.
30. The helpless man bore sufferance of his hopeless fate.
31. The old machine worked with much sufferance and frequent breakdowns.
32. The frail old woman lived on sufferance of charity.
33. The asylum seekers awaited their fate under sufferance.
34. The patient endured sufferance of many treatments and hospital stays.
35. The mistreated servant worked under sufferance of his cruel master.
36. The failed business ran under sufferance of mounting debts.
37. The starving refugees lived under sufferance in the small refugee camp.
38. The hopeless man remained patient under sufferance of his misfortune.
39. The injured soldier endured sufferance of excruciating pain.
40. The neglected garden grew under sufferance of weeds and poverty.
41. The bullied child bore sufferance of her tormentors with silent tears.
42. The injured animal limped in sufferance of an injured paw.
43. The beaten dog endured sufferance of cruel beatings.
44. The victims bore sufferance of the tragedy with fortitude.
45. The homeless man lived on sufferance of whatever charity he could find.
46. The frail branches bore sufferance of heavy snow.
47. The humiliated man bore sufferance of their taunts with clenched fists.
48. The patient endured sufferance of bouts of intense pain.
49. The dilapidated buildings remained under sufferance of years of neglect.
50. The abandoned child endured sufferance of loneliness.
51. The overworked employees labored under sufferance of unreasonable demands.
52. The criminal endured sufferance of harsh punishment.
53. The long-suffering wife bore sufferance of her husband's neglect and abuse.
54. The broken machine ran with much sufferance and frequent breakdowns.
55. The homeless man lived on sufferance of whatever he could find in the trash.
56. The forsaken grave lay under sufferance ofyears of neglect.
57. The frightened child bore sufferance of her parents' fighting.
58. The sick animal lay in sufferance awaiting its fate.
59. The defeated man bore sufferance of his loss with bowed head.
60. The patient endured sufferance of the painful treatment.

Common Phases

1. He lived at his father's sufferance.
2. The landlord allows them to stay out of Christian sufferance.
3. She stayed in an unhappy marriage out of sufferance and pity for her children.
4. I tolerated his rude behavior under sufferance.
5. They were living on neighbors' sufferance after their home burnt down.
6. He lingered at the party only at the host's sufferance.
7. Under sufferance of my painful memories, I stayed quiet.
8. The cat lived under the sufferance of its owner.
9. His boss tolerated his lateness out of sufferance.
10. She allowed him to stay at her home out of Christian sufferance.
11. At my father's sufferance, I lived rent free in his guest house.
12. They are merely sufferance guests at their friend's beach house.
13. She tolerated his rudeness out of sufferance.
14. He stayed at work out of sufferance rather than enjoyment.
15. He was granted temporary asylum under sufferance.
16. The beggar sat outside the storefront under sufferance of the shopkeeper.
17. The tenant remained at the mercy and sufferance of his landlord.
18. I bore his criticism under sufferance.
19. She resigned herself to a life of sufferance and lack of freedom.
20. They lived together on sufferance without trust or intimacy.
21. He allowed her to stay out of Christian sufferance.
22. Through sufferance and endurance, I found peace.
23. She put up with his bad habits out of sufferance.
24. They patiently suffered their losses under sufferance.
25. I tolerated her insults through Christian sufferance.
26. We must bear our sufferance patiently and with dignity.
27. He lived with his parents out of financial sufferance.
28. She put up with his anger and abuse through sufferance.
29. I bore the insults under sufferance of my weak position.
30. She stayed in a loveless marriage out of sufferance for her children.
31. I allowed him to stay through Christian sufferance.
32. His incompetence was tolerated out of sufferance at work.
33. The child lived at the sufferance and mercy of her parents.
34. She stayed in an oppressive work environment out of financial sufferance.
35. The guest outstayed their welcome through sufferance of the hosts.
36. I put up with her rudeness out of Christian sufferance.
37. The widow lived under the sufferance of her charitable neighbors.
38. They patiently bore criticism through Christian sufferance.
39. I endured his loud music through sufferance.
40. They tolerated her bad behavior out of Christian sufferance.
41. His rudeness was allowed through sufferance.
42. She lived with relatives out of financial sufferance.
43. The tenants were living under sufferance at the mercy of their landlord.
44. I endured his insults through sufferance.
45. Their visa only granted them temporary residence under sufferance.
46. He bore the hardship with Christian sufferance.
47. I bore the offense under sufferance.
48. She lived at her parents' sufferance.
49. They put up with her bad behavior out of Christian sufferance.
50. I tolerated his rudeness through Christian sufferance.
51. He put up with the bad work conditions out of financial sufferance.
52. The child lived at the mercy and sufferance of her parents.
53. I endured the hardship with Christian sufferance.
54. They lived together without trust or intimacy out of sufferance.
55. The cat lived at the sufferance of its owner.
56. She bore the criticism with Christian sufferance.
57. I put up with her rude behavior through Christian sufferance.
58. They lived on the charity and sufferance of neighbors.
59. He bore the insult with Christian sufferance.
60. Through sufferance and endurance, I found peace.

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