Supposable example sentences

Related (8): hypothetical, conjectural, hypothetical, presumed, suppositive, theoretical, possible, imagined

"Supposable" Example Sentences

1. The idea that aliens exist is supposable, but there is no concrete evidence to support it.
2. It is supposable that the criminal had an accomplice, but the investigation is ongoing.
3. The fact that the sky is blue is not supposable, as it has been scientifically proven.
4. It is supposable that the company will release a new product line next year.
5. The argument put forth by the lawyer is supposable, but the judge will make the final decision.
6. It is supposable that the stock market will experience a dip in the near future.
7. The possibility of time travel is supposable, but it remains in the realm of science fiction.
8. It is supposable that the new medication will alleviate the patient's symptoms.
9. The hypothesis that dinosaurs had feathers is supposable, but more research is needed to confirm it.
10. It is supposable that the reason for the power outage was a faulty transformer.
11. The theory that life originated from Mars is supposable, but needs further investigation.
12. It is supposable that the candidate will win the election, but polls can be inaccurate.
13. The notion that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe is supposable, but unlikely.
14. It is supposable that the new restaurant will be successful because of its prime location.
15. The concept that ghosts exist is supposable, but has not been scientifically proven.
16. It is supposable that the missing item was stolen by someone in the household.
17. The idea that love at first sight is real is supposable, but differs from person to person.
18. It is supposable that the recent increase in crime is due to economic factors.
19. The belief that unicorns exist is supposable, but considered mythical by most.
20. It is supposable that the project will be completed on time and within budget.
21. The possibility that life exists on other planets is supposable, but unproven.
22. It is supposable that the weather will clear up by the weekend, according to the forecast.
23. The assumption that all politicians are corrupt is supposable, but unfair to those who serve with integrity.
24. It is supposable that the reason for the delay is due to traffic congestion.
25. The notion that dreams have symbolic meanings is supposable, but not universally accepted by psychologists.
26. It is supposable that the missing papers are in a different file folder.
27. The hypothesis that laughter is the best medicine is supposable, but not a substitute for medical treatment.
28. It is supposable that the reason for the malfunction is a software glitch.
29. The theory that there are parallel universes is supposable, but still purely theoretical.
30. It is supposable that the new marketing campaign will increase sales for the company.

Common Phases

1. "It is supposable that";
2. "One might suppose";
3. "Assuming that";
4. "Presumably, it is supposable";
5. "Given the circumstances, it's supposable";
6. "It's not beyond supposable";
7. "In theory, it's supposable";
8. "It's conceivable that";
9. "Hypothetically speaking, it's supposable";
10. "It's not unreasonable to suppose that."

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