Supramundane example sentences

Related (9): Transcendent, heavenly, divine, spiritual, mystical, otherworldly, ethereal, celestial, extramundane.

"Supramundane" Example Sentences

1. The concept of supramundane beings is commonly found in religious traditions.
2. The yogis were said to have achieved supramundane states of consciousness through their practice.
3. Many of the Buddhist sutras describe supramundane experiences of the Buddha and his disciples.
4. The philosopher was known for his interest in supramundane concepts such as the nature of the self.
5. The artist's work often explored the boundary between the mundane and the supramundane.
6. The mystic claimed to have had several supramundane visions during her meditative practices.
7. The guru taught his followers how to access supramundane realms through intense spiritual discipline.
8. The novelist often included supernatural and supramundane elements in his stories to create a sense of mystery.
9. The priest believed that his religion provided a path towards a supramundane existence.
10. The scientist's theories challenged conventional notions of reality and explored the possibility of supramundane phenomena.
11. The poet's work often juxtaposed everyday experiences with supramundane themes to create a sense of awe.
12. The musician's compositions were inspired by the beauty of nature and the mysteries of the supramundane world.
13. The student was fascinated by the concept of supramundane knowledge and spent years studying ancient texts and philosophies.
14. The dancer's movements were inspired by the graceful flow of supramundane energies.
15. The philosopher argued that the supramundane realm was the true source of human happiness and fulfillment.
16. The artist's surreal paintings invited viewers to contemplate the supramundane aspects of reality.
17. The mystic claimed that by meditating on the supramundane, one could attain a state of pure enlightenment.
18. The playwright explored themes of love and betrayal in the context of supramundane forces such as fate and destiny.
19. The philosopher argued that the supramundane realm was inaccessible to ordinary humans and could only be experienced through spiritual practices.
20. The poet's work explored the tension between the ethereal and the material, between the supramundane and the mundane.
21. The guru taught that by focusing on the breath, one could achieve states of supramundane consciousness.
22. The musician's music was infused with a sense of longing for the supramundane, the transcendent.
23. The scientist's experiments were aimed at uncovering the mysteries of the supramundane realm.
24. The artist's sculptures captured the essence of the supramundane, the eternal.
25. The mystic claimed that by surrendering to the supramundane, one could achieve a state of divine grace.
26. The writer explored the themes of illusion and reality in the context of the supramundane world.
27. The philosopher argued that the supramundane realm was not a separate entity from the material world, but rather a higher state of being.
28. The artist's work was characterized by a sense of otherworldliness, a connection to the supramundane.
29. The guru's teachings emphasized the importance of humility and devotion in the quest for supramundane knowledge.
30. The poet's words evoked a sense of wonder and awe in the face of the supramundane mysteries of the universe.

Common Phases

1. The monk meditated on supramundane matters;
2. She achieved a state of supramundane awareness;
3. The yogi practiced supramundane meditation techniques;
4. His teachings focused on attaining a supramundane state of being;
5. The guru spoke of the potential for supramundane experiences;
6. The student sought out supramundane knowledge and wisdom.

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