Supranationalisms example sentences

Related (2): multilateralism, transnationalism

"Supranationalisms" Example Sentences

1. The European Union is a model for supranationalisms.
2. The African Union also showcases supranationalisms amongst member states.
3. The concept of supranationalisms is becoming increasingly popular.
4. Supranationalisms often require states to give up some of their sovereignty.
5. The success of supranationalisms depends on the cooperation of member states.
6. Supranationalisms aim to create overarching policies for the benefit of member states.
7. The supranationalisms within NAFTA have had mixed results.
8. Eastern Europe has recently seen a rise in supranationalisms.
9. Supranationalisms are a way for states to pool their resources and work together.
10. The United Nations is an example of global supranationalisms.
11. The lack of a strong supranationalism has led to conflicts in the Middle East.
12. The supranationalisms within ASEAN have been successful in facilitating economic growth.
13. Supranationalisms can help smaller states have a stronger voice on the global stage.
14. The EU's supranationalism has been criticized for being too bureaucratic.
15. Supranationalisms can lead to a loss of cultural identity for member states.
16. The supranationalisms within NATO have been crucial in ensuring global security.
17. The creation of a supranationalism for the Arctic region could help prevent conflicts over resources.
18. Supranationalisms can be a source of tension between member states with different interests.
19. The lack of a strong supranationalism in Africa has hindered the continent's development.
20. The success of European supranationalisms has led to the spread of the model to other regions.
21. Supranationalisms can help facilitate international cooperation on issues such as climate change.
22. The supranationalisms within the Pacific Islands Forum have allowed smaller nations to work together on regional issues.
23. The increasing popularity of supranationalisms has raised concerns about national sovereignty.
24. The success of the European Union's supranationalism has led to calls for a similar model in other regions such as Latin America.
25. The concept of supranationalisms originated from economic integration between states.
26. Supranationalisms could help address the inequality between developed and developing countries.
27. The ASEAN Economic Community represents a successful example of supranationalism in Southeast Asia.
28. Supranationalisms can be seen as a step towards global governance.
29. The lack of a strong supranationalism in the Middle East has led to conflicts between member states.
30. The success of supranationalisms depends on the willingness of member states to work together towards common goals.

Common Phases

1. The rise of supranationalisms is changing the dynamics of international relations;
2. Supranationalisms challenge traditional notions of state sovereignty;
3. Many countries are embracing supranationalisms as a means of achieving common goals;
4. The success of supranationalisms depends on the willingness of member states to cooperate and cede some decision-making power;
5. Supranationalisms have the potential to address global issues that transcend national borders such as climate change and human rights;
6. Critics of supranationalisms argue that they undermine national democracy and accountability.

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