Suretyship example sentences

Related (9): bond, guaranty, indemnity, assurance, guarantee, security, undertaking, pledge, covenant

"Suretyship" Example Sentences

1. The bank required a suretyship agreement before approving the loan.
2. John provided suretyship for his friend’s business venture.
3. The suretyship bond protected the company against potential financial losses.
4. Tom’s father acted as suretyship for his college fees.
5. The landlord demanded a suretyship deposit before leasing the apartment.
6. The suretyship agreement stated that all parties were equally responsible for repayment.
7. The company had to provide suretyship to secure the government contract.
8. The suretyship contract included clauses for default and non-payment.
9. The suretyship arrangement ensured that all debts would be covered.
10. The court demanded that the defendant provide suretyship for bail.
11. The suretyship document listed the terms of repayment in case of default.
12. The suretyship guarantee gave peace of mind to the lender and protected their investment.
13. The suretyship form included information on the guarantor’s assets and liabilities.
14. The suretyship policy covered losses due to theft and fraud.
15. The suretyship provision in the contract protected both parties in case of breach.
16. The suretyship requirement for the loan ensured that all parties had a stake in the project’s success.
17. The suretyship bond was forfeited when the principal failed to pay back the loan.
18. The suretyship pledge gave the lender confidence in the borrower’s ability to repay.
19. The suretyship contract was signed by both the principal and the guarantor.
20. The suretyship indemnity protected the guarantor from any financial losses.
21. The suretyship fee was calculated based on the total loan amount and the borrower’s creditworthiness.
22. The suretyship deed listed the assets provided as collateral for the loan.
23. The suretyship liability extended to the guarantor’s heirs in case of death.
24. The suretyship promise required the guarantor to repay the loan in case of default.
25. The suretyship security ensured that the lender had access to alternative sources of repayment.
26. The suretyship undertaking stated that the guarantor was legally liable for the loan.
27. The suretyship warranty guaranteed the accuracy of the borrower’s financial information.
28. The suretyship bondholder’s rights were protected by law.
29. The suretyship loan allowed the borrower to access funds they would not have qualified for on their own.
30. The suretyship obligation was legally binding and enforceable in court.

Common Phases

1. The suretyship agreement was signed by all parties involved; the terms and conditions were clearly outlined.
2. John agreed to act as a surety for his friend's loan; he understood the risks and responsibilities that came with it.
3. The bank required a suretyship from the borrower's parents; they needed assurance that the loan would be repaid.
4. Mary's employer asked her to provide a suretyship for company funds; she was hesitant but eventually agreed.
5. Peter's suretyship for his brother's bail resulted in financial difficulties; he learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of such agreements.

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