Suspiciousness example sentences

Related (10): distrust, wariness, caution, doubt, mistrust, uncertainty, apprehension, skepticism, vigilance, qualm.

"Suspiciousness" Example Sentences

1. His suspiciousness towards strangers was a result of a childhood trauma.
2. The police officer couldn't help but notice the suspiciousness in the suspect's behavior.
3. Her constant suspiciousness towards her colleagues made it difficult to work with her.
4. He couldn't shake off the feeling of suspiciousness after the phone call.
5. The company's sudden change in direction raised suspiciousness among its shareholders.
6. She was filled with suspiciousness after discovering her husband's secret phone conversations.
7. The detective's suspiciousness led him to uncover the truth about the crime.
8. His suspiciousness saved him from being scammed by the fake company.
9. Her suspiciousness has often been mistaken for paranoia by her friends.
10. They were surprised by the level of suspiciousness in the small town after the robbery.
11. His suspiciousness of modern technology made him stick to traditional ways of doing things.
12. Her suspiciousness towards the new employee's qualifications led her to research him.
13. His suspiciousness about the government's intentions made him an activist.
14. She couldn't help but feel a sense of suspiciousness towards the politician's promises.
15. His suspiciousness made it difficult for him to make friends and socialize.
16. They were questioned by security due to their suspiciousness behavior.
17. Her suspiciousness of the media made her avoid watching the news altogether.
18. The teacher's suspiciousness of cheating led her to implement strict rules during the exam.
19. He was dismissed from his job due to his excessive suspiciousness of his colleagues.
20. Her suspiciousness of her spouse's infidelity turned out to be correct.
21. His suspiciousness of the new neighbor turned out to be unfounded.
22. The suspiciousness of the witness led to further investigation by the police.
23. His suspiciousness about the quality of the product led him to leave a negative review.
24. She tried to hide her suspiciousness during the lie detector test, but it was detected.
25. His suspiciousness about the motives of the charity organization made him hesitant to donate.
26. The boss's sudden suspiciousness towards his staff caused a rift in the workplace.
27. Her suspiciousness made it difficult for her to form romantic relationships.
28. His suspiciousness of authority figures made him a rebel at school.
29. She couldn't hide her suspiciousness towards her boyfriend's sudden change in behavior.
30. His suspiciousness about the reliability of the information led him to do his own research.

Common Phases

you have something to hide?; I can't quite put my finger on it, but something seems off.; That seems too good to be true.; I don't trust them.; Why are you being so secretive?; I have a gut feeling that something is wrong.; It's almost like they're trying to hide something.; I'm starting to question their motives.; Something doesn't add up here.; They're acting very evasive.

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