Swanking example sentences

Related (4): boasting, flaunting, parading, strutting

"Swanking" Example Sentences

1. He strutted around the room, swanking about his new promotion.
2. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his constant swanking.
3. His swanking about his wealth was not appreciated by anyone in the room.
4. Despite his swanking, nobody was impressed by his lack of humility.
5. Her swanking about her accomplishments made her unpopular among her coworkers.
6. His swanking attitude made it difficult for anyone to trust him.
7. Even though he was clearly swanking, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.
8. His swanking demeanor was a clear indication of his insecurity.
9. Despite his best efforts at swanking, nobody believed his far-fetched story.
10. Her swanking about her designer clothes made her seem shallow and superficial.
11. He was always swanking about his expensive car, but nobody really cared.
12. His constant swanking only served to annoy his colleagues.
13. She tried to hide her swanking about her vacation, but it was obvious to everyone.
14. His swanking behavior only made it more obvious that he was trying too hard to impress.
15. Despite his swanking, he couldn't seem to win over his boss.
16. Her swanking about her intelligence only made her seem arrogant.
17. He couldn't resist swanking about his high status in the company.
18. Despite his swanking efforts, he couldn't seem to find a date for the weekend.
19. She tried to keep her swanking under wraps, but it always seemed to slip out.
20. His swanking about his athletic ability only made him seem more insecure.
21. Even though he was swanking about his new house, he secretly felt like it wasn't enough.
22. She couldn't hide her swanking about her amazing new job.
23. His friends were tired of his constant swanking about his good looks.
24. Despite his swanking, nobody could deny his talent for music.
25. Her swanking about her celebrity connections only made her seem desperate for attention.
26. He refused to believe that his swanking about his wealth was off-putting to others.
27. She relished swanking about her social connections to make others feel inferior.
28. Despite her swanking, nobody envied her stressful job.
29. His swanking about his new business venture only served to annoy his friends.
30. Even though he was swanking about his perfect life, nobody believed he was truly happy.

Common Phases

1. Stop swanking around and get to work;
2. He was swanking about his new car;
3. She couldn't resist swanking about her promotion;
4. The group was swanking down the street;
5. He spent the entire evening swanking about his achievements;
6. She is always swanking her expensive clothes;
7. He is swanking his new watch to everyone he meets;
8. They were swanking their vacations on social media.

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