Synchronic example sentences

"Synchronic" Example Sentences

1. The instruments played in perfect synchronicity.
2. The dancers moved with synchronic grace and precision.
3. The choreographed routine was carefully planned for synchronic execution.
4. Their timing was synchronic, as if they had practiced the act a thousand times before.
5. The flashing lights and blaring sirens created a synchronic sensory overload.
6. The flashing cameras created a synchronic strobe effect.
7. The radio stations played the same song in synchronic harmony.
8. The soldiers fired their weapons in precise synchronic timing.
9. The fireworks show featured multiple explosions in synchronic sequence.
10. The metronome kept the musicians playing with synchronic rhythm and tempo.
11. The clapping of the audience created a synchronic beat.
12. Their motions seemed almost synchronic, as if they were perfectly in tune with each other.
13. Their breathing and heartbeats became synchronic during deep meditation.
14. The sounds of the city created a synchronic white noise.
15.The clocks in the town square all chimed in synchronic time.
16. The athletes started running in nearly perfect synchronic unison.
17.The flashing traffic lights created a synchronic red-yellow-green sequence.
18. The flashing police lights created a synchronic pattern of light and dark.
19. Their footsteps created a synchronic marching rhythm.
20. The orchestra played together with synchronic harmony and grace.
21. The team executed their plays in near-perfect synchronic unison.
22. The chanting created a synchronic hum that resonated throughout the hall.
23. The musicians tuned their instruments to achieve synchronic resonance.
24. Their minds seemed to operate in synchronic tandem, almost as if they could read each other's thoughts.
25. The software programs ran in perfectly synchronic parallel.
26. The trains arrived at the station in synchronic succession.
27. With synchronic precision, the soldiers moved as one cohesive unit.
28. The steady beating of the drums created a synchronic rhythm to dance to.
29. The screams melded together into a synchronic cacophony of horror.
30. Their schedules synchronized into synchronic harmony.
31. The slideshow advanced in perfect synchronic timing with the music.
32. The classroom clocks were synchronized to the synchronic second.
33. The symphony played with synchronic precision and beauty.
34. The rising and falling of their chests achieved synchronic motion.
35. Their movements seemed almost synchronic, smooth and effortless.
36. The planes took off and landed in synchronic formation.
37. The music and light show were perfectly synchronic.
38. Their thoughts and feelings seemed to operate in perfect synchronic tandem.
39. Their heartbeats achieved synchronic harmony during deep meditation.
40. The metronome helped them achieve synchronic tempo and rhythm.
41. The waves crashed onto the shore in perfect synchronic timing.
42. The marching band moved with synchronic precision and grace.
43. The applause at the end was almost perfectly synchronic.
44. They executed the dance routine with synchronic perfection.
45. The music and lights were perfectly synchronic down to the millisecond.
46. Their actions moved with synchronic fluidity and grace.
47. Their breathing slowed into a synchronic pattern during rest.
48. The clock chimes rang out with synchronic tone and timbre.
49. The software performed its functions with perfect synchronic timing.
50. The music, lights and dance came together in synchronic harmony.
51. The engines of the jets roared to life in synchronic symphony.
52. Their brainwaves showed nearly perfect synchronic alignment.
53. The singers' voices blended together in synchronic harmony.
54. The satellites orbited the earth in nearly perfect synchronic formation.
55. Their heartbeats synchronized into perfect synchronic resonance.
56. The traffic lights changed in perfect synchronic sequence.
57. The fireworks exploded into the air in beautiful synchronic fashion.
58. The orchestra played with beautiful synchronic precision.
59. Their sleep cycles fell into perfect synchronic alignment.
60. Their movements exhibited nearly perfect synchronic timing and grace.

Common Phases

1. In synchronic time
2. Achieve synchronic resonance
3. Synchronic precision
4. Perfect synchronic timing
5. Synchronic rhythm
6. Near synchronic unison
7. Synchronic harmony
8. Synchronic sequence
9.Motion in synchronic tandem
10. Synchronic parallel
11. Display synchronic grace
12. Create a synchronic beat
13.Attain synchronic tempo
14.Execute with synchronic fluidity
15.Fall into synchronic formation

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