Synergy example sentences

Related (12): cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, partnership, integration, harmonization, synchronicity, coordination, combination, interdependence, mutualism, unity.

"Synergy" Example Sentences

1. The merger created synergies between the two companies that improved efficiency.
2. The synergy of the team's diverse skills enabled them to solve complex problems.
3. Marketing and sales worked in synergy to increase brand awareness and revenue.
4. Synergy between engineering and design led to innovative new products.
5. The acquisition delivered synergies through reduced costs and expanded capabilities.
6. The joint venture will aim to realize synergy benefits through economies of scale.
7. Their diverse but complementary skills created synergies that made the whole greater than the sum of its parts.
8. Management hopes the acquisition will result in operational and revenue synergies.
9. There were few synergies between the two divisions of the company.
10. They achieved record results through synergy and teamwork.
11. Synergies between related technologies will fuel the next wave of innovation.
12. The strategic alliance seeks to realize synergies through shared resources and expertise.
13. The synergistic relationship produced breakthrough innovations.
14. Synergy between marketing strategies drove brand recognition and sales growth.
15. The new products leverage synergies between our software and hardware platforms.
16. Synergy between departments enabled streamlined processes and cost savings.
17. True synergies are rare and hard to realize in practice.
18. There were few synergies to realize between the two companies.
19. The partnership aimed to create synergies in research, development and distribution.
20. The department reorganization sought to foster synergies between teams.
21. The management consultant touted possible synergies and cost savings from the merger.
22. Synergies between products or services can generate significant growth opportunities.
23. Their individual skills and knowledge enabled synergistic collaboration.
24. The alliance combines complementary strengths to generate synergies through collaboration.
25. There is potential for tremendous synergies between artificial intelligence and other technologies.
26. The company's channels failed to operate with synergy to maximize results.
27. The alliance created synergies between technologies that neither company could achieve alone.
28. She leveraged synergies between departments to improve efficiency.
29. The reorganization aimed to foster synergies through consolidating similar functions.
30. Their approach leveraged existing synergies and created new ones.
31. Synergies between physical and digital retail will reshape the customer experience.
32. The new managers struggled to realize potential synergies across divisions.
33. Synergies between sciences will catalyze the next frontier of discovery.
34. The tech giants aim to create synergies through their vast data collection.
35. The merged company struggled to realize synergies from duplicative operations.
36. Their skill sets worked in synergy to achieve more than the sum of individual efforts.
37. Innovation often comes from synergies between seemingly unrelated fields.
38. Synergies between teams resulted in invaluable shared insights.
39. The combined company failed to achieve the promised synergies.
40. Synergies between products enhanced customer value propositions.
41. Synergies between functional areas improved resource allocation and speed to market.
42. Their synergistic working relationship produced innovations that transformed the industry.
43. The acquisition should achieve synergies through economies of scale.
44. She searched for potential synergies between the company's offerings.
45. Synergies between corporate divisions enabled them to dominate the market.
46. The researchers created synergies between their complementary skill sets.
47. Synergies between processes optimized efficiencies throughout the organization.
48. The synergistic effect made their collaboration more effective than either working alone.
49. The department reorganization sought to realize synergies within the larger organization.
50. Their partnership creates synergies that sum to more than the individual parts.

Common Phases

1. Economies of scale and synergies from increased efficiency.
2. Synergies from collaboration and resource sharing.
3. Realize synergies from combining operations.
4. Leverage existing synergies and create new ones.
5. Synergies between divisions/teams/products.
6. Synergies between technologies/fields/industries.
7. Capture synergies through consolidation.
8. Synergistic collaboration and innovation.
9. Struggle to realize potential synergies.
10. Foster synergies through reorganization.

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