Synopsized example sentences

Related (5): abbreviated, condensed, summarized, abridged, shortened



synopsized (past tense) · synopsized (past participle)

  - give a brief summary or general survey of (something):



"Synopsized" Example Sentences

"Synopsized" is an uncommon word, so there aren't many quality examples of it in use. Some forced examples:
1. The editor synopsized the novel into a 200-word summary.
2. The student synopsized the 500-page textbook into bullet points.
3. The marketing report was synopsized into a one-page overview.
4. The instructor asked the students to synopsize the chapter into a paragraph.
5. The article was synopsized into a short blurb for the program notes.
6. The movie review was synopsized into a few lines for the newspaper.
7. The scholar synopsized the 10-year research into a journal article.
8. The news broadcast synopsized the day's top stories into 5 minutes.
9. The lengthy biography was synopsized into an encyclopedia entry.
10. The speech was synopsized into a few key bullet points for the notes.
11. The presentation was synopsized into a few slides for the executive summary.
12. The research findings were synopsized into a short abstract.
13. The 200-page book was synopsized into a 20-page summary.
14. The one-hour video lecture was synopsized into an 8-page handout.
15. The consultant synopsized the client's business plan into key highlights.
16. The precedent legal cases were synopsized into a chart for comparison.
17. The policy paper was synopsized into a brief for the board meeting.
18. The journalist synopsized the debate into a 300-word recap.
19. The play was synopsized into a short program note for patrons.
20. The instruction manual was synopsized into a one-page summary.
Will continue with more examples, but the main point is that "synopsized" is a pretty uncommon word and it's often better to use more common verbs like "summarized," "recapped," "condensed," etc. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Common Phases

1. The teacher synopsized the 3 hour lecture into 10 minutes.
2. The book synopsized the history of the region in just 5 chapters.
3. The summary synopsized the main points of the article well.
4. The document synopsized the key provisions of the law.
5. He synopsized the 5 business proposals into a 1 page spreadsheet for comparison.
6. The movie synopsized the entire novel into just 2 hours of screen time.
7. The presentation synopsized the quarterly results in just 10 slides.
8. The report synopsized the results of the study in a concise and readable format.
9. The news article synopsized the key points of the presidential speech.
10. The executive summary synopsized the research report's findings and recommendations.
11. The journalist synopsized the interview in just 3 paragraphs for the article.
12. She synopsized the topics from the 2-day conference into bullet points for her team.
13. The chef synopsized the 5 course tasting menu into an abbreviated 3 course dinner.
14. I synopsized the 100 page manual into a 10 page cheat sheet for my team's quick reference.
15. The study guide synopsized the most important concepts from the textbook.
16. Her blog post synopsized the latest news on the topic in just a few sentences.
17. The PowerPoint presentation synopsized the project's key stages and milestones.
18. The project manager synopsized the workplan into a simplified Gantt chart.
19. I synopsized the essential information from the PowerPoint slides into study notes.
20. His introduction synopsized the entire thesis in just a few paragraphs.
21. She synopsized the company's products and services into a single page overview.
22. The graph synopsized the key patterns from the data set.
23. The podcast synopsized the memoir into key episodes for listeners.
24. The annotated bibliography synopsized the relevant research sources for the topic.
25. The syllabus synopsized the semester's learning objectives and assignments.
26. The captions synopsized the key details in each artwork.
27. The whitepaper synopsized the key issues and recommendations regarding the policy.
28. The movie trailer synopsized the full film into just a few minutes.
29. The infographic synopsized the complicated processes into easy-to-understand visuals.
30. He synopsized the client's web traffic data into simple statistics for their report.
31. She synopsized the requirements specification into a simplified and more succinct version.
32. The outline synopsized the chapters and main ideas of the planned book.
33. The mission statement synopsized the organization's purpose and goals.
34. The recipe synopsized the cooking techniques into simple to follow steps.
35. The chatbot synopsized client queries into predefined categories for response.
36. The bulleted list synopsized the top considerations for the project.
37. The checklist synopsized the health and safety guidelines.
38. The feasibility report synopsized the opportunities and risks for the initiative.
39. The certificate synopsized my achievement and proficiency in the course.
40. The program synopsized the concert for attendees.
41. He synopsized the product research into advantages and disadvantages of each option.
42. The minutes synopsized the 2 hour meeting into a 1 page summary.
43. The test review synopsized important concepts from the course material.
44. She synopsized the client's objectives into a clearly defined project scope.
45. The itinerary synopsized the travel plans for the trip.
46. The commercial synopsized the brand's many products in 30 seconds.
47. The lesson plan synopsized the learning objectives and activities for the class.
48. The slogan synopsized the company's mission in just a few words.
49. The equation synopsized the intricate relationship between variables.
50. The summary synopsized the important events from each year in history.
51. The slide synopsized the main features of the new product.
52. The caption synopsized the critical elements of the image.
53. The formula synopsized the complex calculations into one simple expression.
54. The cue cards synopsized the key points to cover in the speech.
55. The elevator pitch synopsized the company's product in 20 seconds or less.
56. The workflow diagram synopsized the multistep process.
57. The profile synopsized the candidate's qualifications for the position.
58. The plot synopsized the complex story into key events.
59. The blog synopsized the project details for readers.
60. The mission briefing synopsized the incoming assignment for the agents.

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