Tardy example sentences

Related (9): late, delayed, unpunctual, overdue, belated, procrastinating, sluggish, slack, dilatory.

"Tardy" Example Sentences

1. The teacher reprimanded the tardy student.
2. I was marked tardy for being late to class.
3. The bell rang, signaling that any students still tardy would receive detention.
4. Three tardy marks equals an absence on your record.
5. My alarm clock failed, making me extremely tardy for work.
6. The wedding guests grew impatient as the bride was running extremely tardy.
7. You'll have to get a note from the office explaining why you were tardy this morning.
8. The boss was not happy with her employee's constant tardiness.
9. After the third tardy, I was given detention.
10. Tardiness will not be tolerated in this classroom.
11. I apologize for my tardy report, but the server was down this morning.
12. My roommate's tardiness made us miss the beginning of the movie.
13. The professor took roll and marked all tardy students absent.
14. The boss threatened to dock the wages of employees who were frequently tardy.
15. The new policy cracked down on student tardiness.
16. Constantly coming to work tardy is inconsiderate to your coworkers.
17. Three tardies equals an unexcused absence on your record.
18. Please do not be tardy for your appointment tomorrow.
19. After repeated warnings, they had to let the tardy employee go.
20. Her oversleeping made her tardy for school yet again.
21. The boss issued a warning to the employee about their constant tardiness.
22. They stood outside the closed doors, embarrassed at being tardy for class.
23. The students lined up outside the classroom, waiting for the tardy bell to ring.
24. His habitual tardiness frustrated his coworkers and supervisor.
25. If you're tardy one more time, you'll get detention.
26. My boss docked my pay for being tardy last week.
27. The HR department had to have a meeting with the employee about their repeated tardiness.
28. The start of the class was disrupted by the constant flow of tardy stragglers.
29. She pleaded with the teacher, offering excuses for her repeated tardiness.
30. After the fifth tardy mark, I lost my perfect attendance award.
31. The performance started without the tardy cast members.
32. Students had to sign a tardy slip when coming in late to class.
33. Traffic made me tardy getting home from work.
34. I apologized profusely for my tardiness, blaming it on the crowded subway.
35. The boss issued a written warning to the constantly tardy worker.
36. The military culture does not tolerate even the slightest tardiness.
37. Repeated tardiness can lead to disciplinary action by the company.
38. I received a detention slip for being tardy to my third period class.
39. The professor lectured the classroom of tardy students about punctuality.
40. Constantly being tardy will not reflect well on your work record.
41. I have had to change jobs due to the constant tardiness of my coworkers.
42. The teacher had a no-nonsense policy regarding student tardiness.
43. The teacher closed the door promptly, leaving tardy students in the hall.
44. The judge was irritated by the tardy lawyer's excuses.
45. Her habitual tardiness eventually cost her the job.
46. Showing up late and tardy to meetings is unprofessional.
47. Many employees were reprimanded for constant tardiness.
48. The constantly tardy employee faced the threat of being let go.
49. Constant tardiness is discourteous and unprofessional.
50. The HR manager had to issue a written warning due to the employee's repeated tardiness.
51. Don't make a habit of always being tardy for work.
52. After three tardy slips, I had to serve detention.
53. The boss grew weary of his employee's chronic tardiness.
54. The tardy students rushed into the classroom as the lesson began.
55. Her tardiness was attributed to traffic and public transit delays.
56. Please do not be habitually tardy for our meetings.
57. The teacher threatened to send tardy slips home with students.
58. The hurried, breathless student gave a lame excuse for being tardy.
59. The singer's tardy arrival caused delays in the concert schedule.
60. Her constant tardiness eventually got her fired from the job.

Common Phases

1. I apologize for being tardy to the meeting.
2. The teacher reprimanded the tardy student.
3. The tardy clock must be reset.
4. The professor gets angry when students are tardy.
5. "You're tardy!" the teacher exclaimed.
6. The boss hates when employees are tardy.
7. The school has a strict tardy policy.
8. After three tardies, students are given detention.
9. He was given a warning for being tardy too many times.
10. Workers are docked pay for tardiness.
11. The airport scheduled arrivals and departures were tardy.
12. The train was running 15 minutes tardy.
13. Please try not to be tardy for your appointment again.
14. My husband is always tardy, no matter how early we leave.
15. The tardy slip was signed by my parents.
16. The performance started without the tardy musicians.
17. The doctor kept the tardy patient waiting.
18. The guests felt embarrassed for being tardy to the wedding.
19. My parents hate it when I'm tardy coming home.
20. Traffic made me tardy for the interview.
21. The report was submitted tardy.
22. The official was tardy in calling the game due to the rain.
23. The mail was delivered tardy that day.
24. The new employee quickly realized being tardy wasn't tolerated.
25. My son always arrives tardy to his morning classes.
26. Her tardiness caused her to miss the first part of the lecture.
27. Multiple tardies in a week result in after-school detention.
28. The meeting started without the other tardy members of the committee.
29. The official apologized for being tardy to make the opening kickoff.
30. The employee was marked tardy in the system.
31. Due to a car accident, she was tardy picking up her children from school.
32. The article was submitted tardy to the editor.
33. The patient's tardiness delayed the doctor's whole schedule that afternoon.
34. Her tardiness was beginning to become an issue with her supervisor.
35. The princess's tardy arrival upset the king.
36. The ballerina was tardy to warm-ups and given a warning.
37. My daughter's chronic tardiness was becoming problematic.
38. The employee had been tardy too many times to receive a raise that year.
39. The critic noted that the novel arrived tardy to an already crowded genre.
40. The candidate was tardy arriving to her own election party.
41. The actress received a tardy call from hair and makeup.
42. The athlete had a history of being tardy to practices and games.
43. The guest blamed being tardy on traffic and bad directions.
44. The photographer was running tardy to the graduation ceremony.
45. The bride and her bridesmaids were tardy to their own wedding.
46. The business got off to a tardy start that morning.
47. The musician's tardy arrival disrupted the entire concert.
48. The witness arrived tardy at the courtroom.
49. Our daughter was often tardy getting home from her after-school activities.
50. His tardiness means he will likely miss the beginning of the meeting.
51. The scientists announced their discovery tardy in the game of scientific progress.
52. The athletes were given push-ups for being tardy to practice.
53. The tardy servant infuriated the duke.
54. The moon rose tardy into the night sky.
55. The army marched tardy into battle.
56. The newcomer quickly learned to never be tardy for roll call.
57. The official started the race tardy after not hearing the starter's pistol.
58. The critic accused the band of arriving tardy to their recent revival of popularity.
59. The student arrived tardy to school with a lame excuse.
60. The author's tardy submission lost favor with the editor.

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