Teetotaled example sentences

Related (10): abstinence, temperance, sober, abstain, abstainer, abstemious, dry, nonalcoholic, teetotaler, teetotalism

"Teetotaled" Example Sentences

1. He was a teetotaler who never touched a drop of alcohol.
2. She was a teetotaler and never went to bars.
3. He was a teetotaler who believed that alcohol was a sin.
4. I'm a teetotaler and don't drink any alcohol.
5. She was a teetotaler and never touched a drop of alcohol.
6. He was a teetotaler and never went to parties.
7. His family were all teetotalers and never drank alcohol.
8. She was a teetotaler and never went to pubs.
9. He was a teetotaler who never drank alcohol.
10. She was a teetotaler and never went to nightclubs.
11. He was a teetotaler and never kept alcohol in the house.
12. He was a teetotaler who never tasted a drop of alcohol.
13. She was a teetotaler who never drank alcohol in public.
14. I'm a teetotaler and never drink any kind of alcohol.
15. She was a teetotaler who never drank alcohol at all.
16. He was a teetotaler who never touched a drop of hard liquor.
17. He was a teetotaler and never went to bars or clubs.
18. She was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of alcohol.
19. He was a teetotaler who believed that drinking was a sin.
20. He was a teetotaler who never drank alcohol in his life.
21. She was a teetotaler and never went to any kind of bars.
22. He was a teetotaler and never drank any alcoholic beverages.
23. She was a teetotaler who never went to bars or clubs.
24. I'm a teetotaler and never drink alcohol or other beverages.
25. He was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of alcoholic drinks.
26. She was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of alcoholic beverage.
27. He was a teetotaler and never kept any kind of alcoholic drinks.
28. She was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of alcoholic beverages.
29. He was a teetotaler and never touched any kind of alcoholic drinks.
30. She was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of alcoholic beverages.
31. He was a teetotaler and never went to any parties or clubs.
32. He was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of alcoholic beverage.
33. She was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of hard liquor.
34. He was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of alcohol in public.
35. She was a teetotaler and never kept any kind of alcoholic drinks.
36. He was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of alcoholic beverages.
37. She was a teetotaler and never drank any kind of hard liquor.
38. He was a teetotaler and never went to any kind of bars or clubs.
39. She was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of alcoholic drinks.
40. He was a teetotaler who never drank any kind of alcoholic beverages.

Common Phases

abstaining; abstained; abstaining; abstains

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