Tend example sentences

Related (1): tendency

"Tend" Example Sentences

1. Older people tend to wake up earlier.
2. Teenagers tend to stay up late at night.
3. Plants tend to grow best in the spring.
4. Children tend to ask a lot of questions.
5. Dogs tend to be loyal and affectionate pets.
6. Kittens tend to play with moving objects.
7. Flowers tend to bloom in the springtime.
8. Introverts tend to prefer solitary activities.
9. Extroverts tend to enjoy social gatherings.
10. Babies tend to cry when they are hungry.
11. Bullies tend to pick on those they perceive as weak.
12. Cynics tend to view things in a negative light.
13. Optimists tend to see the best in every situation.
14. Writers tend to spend long hours alone.
15. Actors tend to enjoy being the center of attention.
16. Students tend to procrastinate on projects.
17. Businessmen tend to wear suits and ties.
18. Prices tend to increase over time.
19. Crowds tend to gather around celebrities.
20. Plants tend to wither without enough water.
21. Fruits tend to ripen in late summer.
22. Injuries tend to heal more quickly in the young.
23. Strong storms tend to cause power outages.
24. Leaders tend to inspire loyalty and dedication.
25. Comedians tend to make people laugh.
26. Teachers tend to have summers off.
27. Police officers tend to work long hours.
28. Politicians tend to make grand promises.
29. The elites tend to isolate themselves.
30. Husbands tend to be older than their wives.
31. Children tend to outgrow their clothes quickly.
32. Employees tend to resist major changes at work.
33. Teenagers tend to rebel against authority.
34. Clouds tend to block the sun during storms.
35. Vegetarians tend to avoid eating meat.
36. The wealthy tend to donate to charities.
37. Stocks tend to fluctuate on a daily basis.
38. Employees tend to grumble about their workload.
39. Politicians tend to pander to their constituents.
40. Neighbors tend to borrow things from each other.
41. Expenses tend to increase as children age.
42. The crowd tends to follow the loudest voices.
43. Investors tend to chase the latest trends.
44. Antibiotics tend to cure bacterial infections.
45. Colds tend to spread quickly within families.
46. Armies tend to invade during the warm months.
47. Politicians tend to exaggerate their accomplishments.
48. CEOs tend to earn outrageous salaries.
49. Sports fans tend to develop loyalties early in life.
50. Women tend to live longer than men.
51. Parents tend to worry excessively about their children.
52. Democracies tend to move slowly.
53. Writers tend to favor working alone in quiet places.
54. Storms tend to uproot trees.
55. Opinions tend to harden with age.
56. Smokers tend to develop respiratory problems.
57. Tragedies tend to bring people together.
58. Mobs tend to engage in violence and destruction.
59. Vacations tend to rejuvenate the spirit.
60. Employees tend to grumble about their workload.

Common Phases

1. Bears tend to hibernate during the winter.
2. Older people tend to need more medical care than younger people.
3. Women tend to live longer than men.
4. Students tend to procrastinate studying for exams until the last minute.
5. Extraverts tend to enjoy social interactions and being around people.
6. Introverts tend to prefer spending time alone or with a few close friends.
7. Cats tend to be independent and aloof compared to dogs.
8. Dogs tend to be very loyal and affectionate with their owners.
9. Babies tend to cry when they need something.
10. Executives tend to make higher salaries than average employees.
11. The CEO tends to make the final decisions for the company.
12. The defense tends to play a more conservative strategy than the offense.
13. Early birds tend to wake up early in the morning.
14. Night owls tend to stay up late at night.
15. Newborns tend to feed every two to three hours.
16. Meat tends to provide more protein than plant-based foods.
17. Vegetables tend to have more fiber and vitamins than meat.
18. Smoking tends to increase the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
19. Exercise tends to boost energy levels, mood, and cognitive function.
20. Older cars tend to break down and need repairs more often than newer cars.
21. Scientists tend to rely on data and facts when forming hypotheses.
22. Politicians tend to focus more on emotions when trying to persuade voters.
23. Puppies tend to need bathroom breaks every few hours when they're young.
24. Teenagers tend to need more sleep than adults and children.
25. Writers tend to spend a lot of time editing and revising their work.
26. Professional athletes tend to be in peak physical condition.
27. Plants tend to grow faster during the spring and summer months.
28. Full-time employees tend to receive more benefits than part-time employees.
29. Women tend to live longer than men because of biological and lifestyle differences.
30. Children tend to push boundaries and test limits when growing up.
31. Overweight people tend to have higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
32. Pessimists tend to focus on the negative aspects of any situation.
33. Optimists tend to focus on the positive and possible benefits.
34. Dogs tend to wag their tails when they are happy.
35. Cats tend to lie on high surfaces to survey their territory.
36. Hot peppers tend to make people sweat when they eat them.
37. Antibiotics tend to produce side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
38. Students in high-performing schools tend to score better on standardized tests.
39. Rude people tend to have fewer friends and relationships.
40. Average temperatures tend to be higher in the summer and lower in the winter.
41. Differences in culture tend to lead to misunderstandings between groups of people.
42. Sleep-deprived people tend to make more mistakes and have poorer judgment.
43. Lower back pain tends to worsen with age.
44. People who eat fast food tend to gain more weight over time.
45. Aliens in science fiction movies tend to invade Earth and threaten humans.
46. House cats tend to be more active at dawn and dusk.
47. Ice cream tends to melt quickly on a hot summer day.
48. Children tend to become more independent as they get older.
49. Older adults tend to slow down physically and mentally.
50. Sparrows tend to eat seeds found on the ground.
51. Tsunamis tend to cause catastrophic damage and loss of life when they hit populated coastal areas.
52. People tend to prefer jobs that match their personality and interests.
53. Martial arts experts tend to practice and train for many years before they achieve mastery.
54. Flowers tend to bloom in the spring.
55. Adolescents tend to spend a lot of time socializing with their peers.
56. Politically conservative people tend to prefer smaller government and lower taxes.
57. Liberals tend to support more government intervention and spending on social programs.
58. Mothers tend to be very protective of their young children.
59. The elderly tend to require more emotional and social support as they age.
60. Birds that migrate tend to follow the same routes every year.

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