Tendentiously example sentences

Related (7): biased, slanted, one-sidedly, prejudiced, unfairly, partial, partisan

"Tendentiously" Example Sentences

1. The author wrote tendentiously about the political situation in the country.
2. He approached the topic tendentiously and refused to consider other perspectives.
3. Her argument was tendentiously biased towards her own interests.
4. The journalist reported on the scandal in a tendentious manner, ignoring important facts.
5. The politician delivered a tendentious speech, twisting the truth to suit his agenda.
6. The book presented a tendentious view of history, ignoring some events and exaggerating others.
7. Critics accused the movie of being tendentious, pushing a particular political message.
8. The blogger wrote tendentiously, refusing to acknowledge any opposing viewpoints.
9. The journalist's tendentious article was widely criticized for its lack of objectivity.
10. The professor's lecture was tendentious, favoring one theory over others without evidence.
11. The essay was dismissed as tendentious propaganda by those who disagreed with the author's views.
12. The speaker's tendentious remarks were met with murmurs of disapproval from the audience.
13. Some reviewers noted that the author had approached the subject tendentiously, with an obvious bias.
14. His tendentious interpretation of the data raised eyebrows among his colleagues.
15. The editorial was criticized for its tendentious tone and lack of balance.
16. Her tendentious attitude made it impossible to have a meaningful debate.
17. The documentary presented a tendentious view of the issue, ignoring important counterarguments.
18. The novelist's work was dismissed by some critics as tendentious and simplistic.
19. The politician's tendentious claims were proven false by fact-checkers.
20. His tendentious interpretations of the law were dismissed by the judge.
21. The blogger's tendentious post was widely shared, despite its inaccuracies.
22. The journalist's tendentious reporting was used as evidence of media bias.
23. The speaker's tendentious arguments were met with eye rolls and shaking heads.
24. Critics accused the author of being tendentious and manipulative in her writing.
25. The news anchor's tendentious framing of the story was criticized by viewers.
26. His tendentious remarks in the meeting caused tension among his colleagues.
27. The historian's tendentious retelling of the story was challenged by other experts.
28. The politician's tendentious attacks on his opponents were seen as divisive and misleading.
29. The author's tendentious use of statistics was exposed by a fact-checking organization.
30. The journalist's tendentious interviewing style was seen as aggressive and confrontational.

Common Phases

1. She tended to present her arguments tendentiously; always pushing her own agenda.
2. The news channel reported the story tendentiously; emphasizing only one side of the issue.
3. He spoke tendentiously about the other candidate; trying to undermine their credibility.
4. The author wrote the article tendentiously; manipulating the facts to support their own opinion.
5. The politician made a tendentious statement; trying to sway public opinion in their favor.
6. The professor presented her research tendentiously; selectively choosing data that supported her hypotheses.
7. The debate was conducted tendentiously; with each side trying to discredit the other.
8. The journalist wrote the article tendentiously; using loaded language to convey their own bias.
9. The speaker argued tendentiously; presenting a narrow and one-sided point of view.
10. The commentator analyzed the situation tendentiously; interpreting events in a way that supported their own beliefs.

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