Tendrils example sentences

Related (15): vines, creepers, tentacles, filaments, runners, shoots, stalks, branches, stems, whips, sprouts, twigs, extensions, appendages, tendrils.

"Tendrils" Example Sentences

1. The vine slowly crept up the wall, its green tendrils searching for purchase.
2. The ivy's dark green tendrils spread across the old stone facade.
3. The creeping fig's aerial tendrils grew long and tangled in the tree.
4. The banyan tree's aerial tendrils descended from high branches and took root.
5. The trumpet vine's leafy tendrils reached for the trellis.
6. Wisteria blossoms hung from the thick tendrils that climbed the arched gate.
7. The Virginia creeper's curling tendrils sought out cracks and crevices in the masonry.
8. The morning glory's slender tendrils climbed the porch posts.
9. The kudzu vine's grasping tendrils smothered the trees they climbed.
10. Spanish moss hung in ghostly gray tendrils from the live oak branches.
11. The stringy tendrils of silkweed caught on my pants as I walked through the field.
12. The devil's snare's tendril reached out to grab my wrist.
13. The alien plant's wiry tendrils started creeping across the floor.
14. The little girl watched fascinated as the ivy's trailing tendrils reached toward her window.
15. The lichen's pale yellow tendrils spread slowly across the rock surface.
16. Hydra's many grasping tendrils attempted to trap its prey.
17. It fought to escape the plant's coiling tendrils wrapping around its legs.
18. Tangles of vines with leafy tendrils reached for the sunlight.
19. The labyrinthine tendrils of the anemone swayed gently in the current.
20. Long brown tendrils dangled from the caterpillar's body.
21. The climbing rose's thorny tendrils enveloped the garden arch.
22. The liana vines' thick woody tendrils climbed high into the tree canopy.
23. The octopus used its thin grasping tendrils to explore its environment.
24. The hanging moss formed curtains of gray tendrils.
25. Cottony tendrils of fog swirled around the gnarled tree trunks.
26. The seaweed's long tangled tendrils swayed under the waves.
27. The algae formed slimy green tendrils along the pond shore.
28. The bamboo's flexible tendrils spread out in all directions.
29. Tentacles, not tendrils, were used to describe the monster's appendages.
30. I gently untangled the fishing line from the plant's wispy tendrils.
31. The juniper's drooping tendrils brushed against my face as I walked past.
32. The coral polyp extended its tiny tendrils to capture plankton.
33. It escaped by cutting through the plant's grasping tendrils with a knife.
34. Mossy tendrils hung from the ancient oak tree branches.
35. The forest was full of vines with looping woody tendrils.
36. The tendrils curled and twisted in strange geometrical patterns.
37. The tangled mass of vines had snakelike tendrils that reached for prey.
38. Fuzzy white tendrils sprouted from the mushroom caps.
39. The hosta's broad leaves spread outward from its creeping tendrils.
40. The ghostly strands of Spanish moss formed shroudlike tendrils.
41. The bean sprouts sent out their first thin tendrils in search of support.
42. The arum lily's thick fleshy tendrils spread in opposite directions.
43. Stringy brown tendrils emerged from the damp cloth and curled up the wall.
44. The sea anemone's slender tendrils sensed movement in the nearby current.
45. The creature's sticky tendrils grasped at anything within reach.
46. Spiderwebs formed silky golden tendrils across the empty window frame.
47. The mangrove roots formed a dense maze of intertwined tendrils.
48. Searing pain shot through my arm as the plant's tendrils tightened their grip.
49. The fungus formed hairlike tendrils that spread out across the moldy bread.
50. The seedling's thin green tendril pushed its way through the soil in search of light.
51. The long roots were more like tendrils than true taproots.
52. Moss tendrils covered the old abandoned foundations in the field.
53. Long ropey tendrils of mucus dripped from the slime mold.
54. The sensitive plant's tendrils recoiled at the slightest touch.
55. The creeping fig's aerial roots acted like tendrils, branching and grasping.
56. The parasitic plant sent thin feeding tendrils into the host tree.
57. Silvery catkins formed the tendrils of the willow tree.
58. The climbing hydrangea's twining tendrils engulfed the wooden trellis.
59. Fingerlike plant tendrils wrapped around my ankle as I walked through the jungle.
60. The tangled jungle vegetation was a mass of twisting woody tendrils.

Common Phases

1. The ivy spread its twisting tendrils over the old stone wall.
2. The vine climbed the trellis, its green tendrils wrapping tightly around the wooden bars.
3. Her long, dark hair flowed around her like tendrils of seaweed.
4. The liana vine drooped from the trees, its woody tendrils snagging on branches.
5. The grape vines stretched their gnarled tendrils out towards the sun.
6. The kudzu smothered everything in its path, spreading its invasive tendrils across the yard.
7. The twisting tendrils emerged from the ornate urn to grab at passersby.
8. The threads of smoke curled up in wispy tendrils from the chimney.
9. The octopus grabbed the diver with its long, grasping tendrils.
10. The mad scientist's hair stood on end, writhing like octopus tendrils.
11. The mold grew in dark tendrils across the rotting wood.
12. The tree roots worked their way under the sidewalk in twisting, questing tendrils.
13. The creeping vines sent out exploring tendrils along the ground.
14. The dandelion seeds floated off on silken tendrils of fluff.
15. The spidery tendrils of frost coated the windows in elaborate patterns.
16. The plant's grasping tendrils latched onto anything within reach.
17. The tentacles writhed and flailed, their suckered tendrils slapping against the deck.
18. The fungus spread like dark tendrils through the damp wood.
19. The doctor cut away the cancerous tendrils from the patient's lung.
20. The creepers wound their woody tendrils around the trunk of the tree.
21. The wind picked up tufts of dandelion fluff and sent them floating off on silken tendrils.
22. Wisps of spiderwebs spread their delicate tendrils across the corner.
23. The woman's thoughts wandered away on twisting tendrils of imagination and fantasy.
24. The roots spread their probing tendrils through the soil in search of moisture and nutrients.
25. The invasive plant stifled native growth, sending out strangling tendrils that engulfed everything.
26. The creepers quested upward, reaching with yearning tendrils toward the light.
27. Thread-like tendrils of seaweed floated near the surface of the water.
28. The octopus tentacles waved their grasping tendrils as the creature explored.
29. The fog flowed in ethereal tendrils across the moors.
30. Lightning forked through the sky in blinding tendrils.
31. The mist rose from the swamp in ghostly tendrils.
32. The antlers branched into twisting tendrils reaching towards the sky.
33. The sea anemone blossomed its waving tentacles like grasping tendrils.
34. The hair floated around the figure, dancing on unseen tendrils in the wind.
35. The smoke billowed into the air, rising in choking tendrils.
36. The long strands of Spanish moss hung like trailing tendrils from the oak tree limbs.
37. The moss crept up the wall in delicate green tendrils.
38. The tree branches reached out with woody tendrils into the surrounding territory.
39. The dream faded away leaving only wavering tendrils of fantasy.
40. The branches stretched out in drooping tendrils, laden with fruit.
41. The hair floated free, writhing around her face like phantom tendrils.
42. The veins stood out on his scarred hands like gnarled tendrils.
43. The vines crept along the ground, sending out searching tendrils.
44. The waves crashed against the shore, spraying up misty tendrils of froth.
45. The doctor snipped away the spreading cancerous tendrils.
46. The electricity arced through the air in spectacular tendrils.
47. The fog curled around the tower in ghostly tendrils.
48. The tree's bare branches reached out in questing tendrils.
49. The storm clouds gathered in inky tendrils on the horizon.
50. The octopus unfurled its tentacles, revealing suckered tendrils.
51. Veins bulge from his arms in ropey tendrils.
52. Smoke rises in snaking tendrils from the chimney.
53. The squid darted through the water, propelled by jetting tendrils.
54. The supervillain's hair writhed like tendrils in every direction.
55. Her imagination wandered along twisting tendrils of fanciful thought.
56. The rock climber threaded his way along the craggy tendrils of rock.
57. The dark haired woman eyed him with a penetrating gaze from eyes fringed by long tendrils of hair.
58. The ivy leafed out in new spring growth, sprouting fresh tendrils that reached for the trellis.
59. The network of tree roots burst forth from the ground in a tangle of woody tendrils.
60. The fog snaked through the graveyard in ghostly tendrils.

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