Thaw example sentences

Related (8): melt, soften, dissolve, unfreeze, defrost, liquidate, break, relax

"Thaw" Example Sentences

1. The ice began to thaw as the spring weather arrived.
2. We cooked the frozen meat in water in order to thaw it.
3. The snow started to thaw under the warm sunlight.
4. Let's thaw the steaks before we grill them.
5. After several days, the ice finally started to thaw.
6. The sunshine helped the ground thaw after the harsh winter.
7. We left the turkey in the fridge overnight to thaw.
8. The frost and ice slowly began to thaw with the rising temperatures.
9. The sing in the air helped the lake slowly thaw.
10. The meat has been thawing in the microwave for 10 minutes now.
11. The spring rains helped speed up the thawing of the frozen ground.
12. Warm air masses moved into the region, causing the snowpack to thaw.
13. The cold winter weather will thaw out eventually.
14. The freezer burned meat thawed in warm water before cooking.
15. The frigid relations between the two countries began to thaw.
16. Her hardened heart eventually began to thaw after meeting him.
17. Warm thoughts helped thaw the chilled atmosphere.
18. The flowers began to thaw from their winter sleep.
19. His initial mistrust began to thaw after getting to know her better.
20. The warm springs caused the glacial ice to thaw and melt off the mountains.
21. The blast of warm air from the heater helped thaw the frozen pipes.
22. I put the frozen meat in a bowl of lukewarm water to thaw it.
23. An ice jam formed as the thick ice sheets gradually began to thaw and move.
24. As the ice on the river started to thaw, it created dangerous current.
25. The first weeks of spring helped thaw the hardpacked snow on the roads.
26. The rising temperatures eventually began to thaw the permafrost.
27. The ice cream had to thaw at room temperature before serving.
28. Make sure meat has fully thawed before cooking it.
29. The frozen vegetables needed to thaw in the refrigerator overnight.
30. The avalanche danger increased as the mountain snowpack began to thaw.
31. The financial strain started to thaw their relationship.
32. Putting chicken in a ziploc bag helps it thaw more evenly.
33. As the snow melted, it helped thaw and nourish the dormant seeds.
34. The river ice started to thaw and break apart as spring arrived.
35. The early rays of sunlight began to thaw the frosted grass.
36. Warm memories slowly began to thaw her frozen heart.
37. The tundra started to thaw, revealing the new growth underneath.
38. As tensions thawed, the opposing sides started communicating again.
39. The warm water helped thaw the pipe so the plumber could fix it.
40. The broken ice flows began to thaw and reconnect in open water.
41. The frozen berries thawed for a few hours before she began baking.
42. The rising temperatures finally began to thaw out the frigid city.
43. Her reluctance eventually began to thaw when she realized his sincerity.
44. We had to thaw the water pipes to fix the burst one.
45. Do not thaw meat on the counter, use the refrigerator.
46. The frozen ground started to thaw as spring finally arrived.
47. The beef steak needs to thaw before we season and grill it.
48. The frost on the grass slowly began to thaw in the morning sunshine.
49. He warmed up to her idea after his initial reluctance began to thaw.
50. I put the ice cream pint in a bowl of water to thaw it slightly.
51. The financial difficulty started to thaw their once loving relationship.
52. The tension in the room began to thaw as people started talking again.
53. The ice at the shoreline gradually began to thaw and break up.
54. Warm citrus smells helped thaw the cold winter atmosphere.
55. The emotional distance between them finally began to thaw.
56. Use a cold water bath to slowly thaw meat over hours.
57. The frozen winter crops needed time to thaw and revive.
58. The frozen water pipe took many hours to thaw enough to fix.
59. The icy winter conditions finally started to thaw and melt.
60. Her icy exterior eventually began to thaw around those she cared for.

Common Phases

1. Thaw out - To warm up something that is frozen until it becomes soft and usable again. The chicken thawed out after leaving it on the counter for a few hours.
2. Break the ice - To relieve tension and make a situation more friendly or relaxed. His jokes helped break the ice at the party.
3. Thaw frozen relations - To improve relations between two groups that have been hostile or unfriendly. Diplomatic efforts aim to thaw frozen relations between the two countries.
4. Heart began/started to thaw - Someone's attitude softened or became more kind. After talking with her, his heart started to thaw toward her.
5. Started to thaw out - Someone's negative attitude or reluctance began to change to become more open or agreeable. She started to thaw out after enjoying spending time with them.
6. Thaw out completely - To become completely warm and usable again after being frozen. The pipes thawed out completely once we turned up the heat.
7. Begin to thaw - To show the first signs of softening or warming up. Her resistance to the idea began to thaw after hearing more details.
8. Read the thawed meat - To allow meat that has been frozen to sit at room temperature long enough to be safely used/cooked. Read the label to determine how long to thaw the ground beef before cooking.
9. Slowly thaw - To allow something frozen to warm up gradually over time rather than quickly. It's best to slowly thaw meat in the refrigerator instead of at room temperature.
10. Thaw safely - To prevent bacteria by allowing frozen food to warm up at a temperature and rate that eliminates health risks. Ensure meat is thawed safely by following the recommended times and temperatures.

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