Theta example sentences

Related (4): angle, trigonometry, hypotenuse, radians

"Theta" Example Sentences

1. The theta rhythm is associated with daydreaming and creativity.
2. The hippocampal theta rhythm plays an important role in memory formation and retrieval.
3. Theta oscillations are hypothesized to facilitate long-term potentiation and synaptic plasticity.
4. At around 8 Hz, the alpha waves transition into theta waves.
5. Theta waves are the lowest frequency and highest amplitude brain waves.
6. Theta waves are strongly associated with accessing the subconscious mind.
7. The theta wave frequency range is typically between 4 to 8 Hz.
8. Theta waves tend to increase when people are distracted or daydreaming.
9. Theta EEG activity has been implicated in certain types of psychological disorders.
10. Theta waves can be induced through meditation, hypnosis, and prayer.
11. Theta brainwaves may facilitate communication between different regions of the brain.
12. In REM sleep, theta rhythms synchronize different regions of the hippocampus.
13. When the theta wave state is achieved, concentration becomes highly focused.
14. In order to induce theta brainwaves, a theta stimulation audio was used.
15. The theta wave power increased significantly after beginning meditation.
16. Increased theta activity in the frontal lobes correlated with positive emotions.
17. Theta oscillation abnormalities have been reported in schizophrenia patients.
18. The first stage of sleep is associated with increased theta EEG power.
19. Increased theta EEG coherence has been observed in long-term meditators.
20. Theta connectivity was weaker in patients with major depressive disorder.
21. An individual's theta power profile can be indicative of cognitive functioning.
22. The theta-burst stimulation protocol aimed to induce synaptic plasticity.
23. The theta wave therapy program helped relieve symptoms of brain fog and fatigue.
24. During transcranental magnetic theta burst stimulation, subjects reported insightful thoughts.
25. Higher theta coherence at rest correlated with better working memory performance.
26. Theta activity in the default mode network is implicated in self-referential processing.
27. Theta oscillations are hypothesized to facilitate working memory encoding and retrieval.
28. Theta waves are associated with heightened levels of intuition and inner wisdom.
29. Theta brain wave entrainment occurs when pulses of light or sound are rhythmic at that frequency.
30. Theta waves become more synchronized during memory encoding and retrieval tasks.
31. Theta burst stimulation can increase cortical excitability and motor learning.
32. The theta/beta ratio increased as the participant became more relaxed.
33. Theta motor responses are often abnormal in children with ADHD.
34. Theta phase-locking in the hippocampus is important for spatial memory.
35. The theta power in the EEG data was measured and averaged within each time window.
36. The stimulation protocol aimed to increase theta network communication in the medial temporal lobe.
37. Theta coherence within frontal regions increased during sustained attention tasks.
38. During active navigation in a virtual maze, grid cell firing correlated with theta rhythms.
39. Later stages of sleep are associated with decreased theta and increased delta waves.
40. An increase in theta oscillations predicted successful memory encoding in the experiment.
41. The statistical analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between theta power and creativity scores.
42. The theta wave neurofeedback training program aimed to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression.
43. Higher prestimulus theta power was associated with better memory performance on the task.
44. The researchers hypothesized that burst stimulation in the theta frequency range would induce LTP.
45. Visual entrainment at the theta frequency rhythm was used to enhance memory and learning.
46. The theta wave subband was analyzed separately for EEG data collected during wakefulness and sleep.
47. The theta stimulation group demonstrated significantly better performance on the memory test.
48. Theta EEG coherence between frontal and temporal regions increased during error monitoring.
49. Statistical comparisons revealed significantly higher theta power during meditation compared to rest.
50. The patient showed abnormally low theta power at baseline but increased theta after treatment.
51. Pharmacological interventions that increase theta activity may enhance cognition.
52. Hippocampal theta oscillations play an important role in spatial memory and navigation.
53. Some researchers speculate that gamma oscillations are modulated by the theta rhythm.
54. Theta activity in the medial temporal lobe often increases prior to successful memory encoding.
55. Transcranial alternating current stimulation can entrain endogenous brain oscillations like theta waves.
56. The peak theta frequency decreased while participants performed the mental arithmetic task.
57. The theta wave generator produced pulses that closely matched the natural theta rhythm.
58. Poststimulus theta power was predictive of subsequent recall accuracy on the memory test.
59. The goal of the neurofeedback training was to increase the participant's theta/beta ratio.
60. Transcranial stimulation can effectively modulate theta rhythms implicated in cognition and emotion.

Common Phases

1. The theta wave is the dominant brain wave during deep meditative states.
2. He held the theta symbol in his hand as he prayed.
3. The fraternity's emblem featured a large theta.
4. The calculator allowed her to enter Greek letters like theta and phi.
5. The Greek letter theta resembles an upside-down horseshoe.
6. The theta band ranges in frequency from 4 to 8 hertz.
7. Theta has many functions in mathematics and science.
8. The capital letter for theta looks like this: Θ
9. The lowercase letter for theta is: θ
10. The fraternity's motto contained the phrase "Thetatus Aureeus".
11. Theta syncopation is a common rhythm in jazz music.
12. During his prayers, he chanted the syllable "Om" in conjunction with the theta mudra gesture.
13. The seal of the college displayed a theta symbol.
14. He etched the theta symbol in the sand as he contemplated life's mysteries.
15. Yawning induces theta brain activity.
16. In geometry, they learned about theta angles.
17. She doodled thetas in the margins of her textbook.
18. Theta energy healing uses symbols and geometric shapes.
19. His ring bore the theta symbol of his fraternity.
20. Theta rhythm promotes creativity and relaxation.
21. The dancer performed a theta pose as part of her ritual.
22. The sorority's badge shone with a gold theta.
23. As she meditated, theta waves pulsated through her mind.
24. Theta neurons fire rapidly during REM sleep.
25. She wrote the theta symbol on the cover of her notebook.
26. The ancient symbol of the theta serpent represents eternity.
27. The fraternity brother proudly wore his theta pin on his jacket.
28. The equation contained several thetas and phis.
29. The theta frequency is most pronounced during daydreaming.
30. Theta is represented numerically as θ.
31. Her thesis referenced a variety of theta derivatives.
32. The ads featured a big theta logo.
33. Theta crewel embroidery featured stylized Greek symbols.
34. The null hypothesis was denoted Hθ.
35. Theta notation is commonly used in mathematics.
36. The Greek game of petteia utilized six-sided dice with theta pips.
37. The bishop traced a theta symbol in the air during the blessing.
38. Theta waves pulse through the eyes during REM sleep.
39. Theta cycles per second refers to the theta band hertz.
40. The theta digitizer converted analog signals to digital values.
41. The variable theta represented an angle in geometry.
42. The logo incorporated both uppercase and lowercase thetas.
43. Theta cytoplast fusion is a technique used in cloning.
44. Theta was depicted with a lit candle on the zodiac wheel.
45. The professor wrote a long equation on the board containing many thetas.
46. Theta synaptic connections form memory traces in the brain.
47. Theta structures form at dendritic spines.
48. Theta stimulation can improve memory and focus.
49. The theta state enabled deep spiritual connection.
50. The patch on his uniform jacket displayed a golden theta.
51. The chant contained the repeated syllable "thaaa eeetaaaa".
52. The book opened with a detailed illustration of the theta symbol.
53. The ritual involved holding the breath for several theta cycles.
54. The symbol theta stands for the independent variable in a function.
55. Theta was the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet.
56. Theta wave frequencies increase during REM sleep.
57. Theta rhythm can heighten intuition and imagination.
58. Theta oscillations synchronize hippocampal place cells during navigation.
59. The protractor had degree markings from 0 to 360 theta degrees.
60. Theta healing incorporates reiki energy and Buddhist mantras.

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