Three example sentences

Related (3): trio, triad, triplet

"Three" Example Sentences

1. I ate three apples for an afternoon snack.
2. The restaurant offered a choice of three different entrees.
3. The teacher divided the class into groups of three students.
4. There are three primary colors: red, yellow and blue.
5. The team consists of three forwards, three midfielders and three defenders.
6. The holidays are coming up in about three months.
7. His parents gave him three chances to improve his grade before grounding him.
8. The experiment requires three test tubes and three different solutions.
9. The marathon runners crossed the finish line within three minutes of each other.
10. The cats have three kittens that need a home.
11. The boat sailed for three hours before arriving at the island.
12. The movie theater offers three showings per day.
13. The president signed three new laws this week.
14. There are three students absent today.
15. I need three volunteers to help set up for the bake sale.
16. The device has three settings: low, medium and high.
17. The class is divided into groups of three for the project.
18. Running three miles per day has helped me lose weight.
19. She put three coats of paint on the walls to cover the stain.
20. Please come back in three days for the results.
21. Winter lasts for about three months where I live.
22. The trio performed three songs at the talent show.
23. Our waitress recommended three appetizers for us to share.
24. The twins are three years old today.
25. Three cups of flour are needed for the recipe.
26. The movie had three plot twists that I did not see coming.
27. There are three apples left in the bowl.
28. The rescue crew saved three lives during the storm.
29. Three ships departed from the harbor this morning.
30. There were only three people in the audience that day.
31. I gained three pounds over the holiday season.
32. Three inches of snow fell overnight.
33. The vase holds three long stemmed roses.
34. I practiced the piano for three hours last night.
35. It took me three tries to parallel park correctly.
36. There were three dogs chasing the cat down the street.
37. I completed three assignments for class today.
38. The kids are three years apart in age.
39. Three cheers for the champion!
40. Their anniversary is always celebrated on the three of hearts.
41. The train leaves the station at three different times per day.
42. They found three survivors trapped in the rubble.
43. He studied for three hours before the big test.
44. The athletes ran three laps around the track.
45. Three cups of sugar are needed for the cake recipe.
46. The library closes at three o'clock on Sundays.
47. There are three coins in the fountain.
48. The race car went three times around the track.
49. She sold three paintings at the art show.
50. I burned myself three times while learning to cook.
51. My Fitbit registers at least three thousand steps per day.
52. Her story took three prizes at the writing contest.
53. The game went into triple overtime with three extra periods.
54. The couple delivered three healthy babies within four years of marriage.
55. The bus arrives at the stop every three hours.
56. All three suspects had convincing alibis for the time of the crime.
57. Please make three copies of the report for the supervisor.
58. They have been married for three decades now.
59. The meal consisted of three courses: soup, salad and an entree.
60. The baby giggled three times before falling asleep.

Common Phases

1. Three's a crowd - Used to indicate that the presence of a third party makes a situation awkward.
2. Third time's the charm - Meaning that the third attempt is likely the successful one.
3. The three R's - Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. Commonly used to refer to basic skills in education.
4. Third degree - An intensive questioning, especially one designed to intimidate.
5. Three sheets to the wind - Extremely drunk.
6. Three hots and a cot - Used to refer to basic room and board provided by the prison system.
7. Third wheel - An unnecessary or unwanted person present in a group, especially on a date.
8. The rule of threes - The idea that concepts presented in groups of three are most memorable and effective.
9. Against all odds - Despite very difficult circumstances.
10. Once in a blue moon - Very rarely or infrequently.

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