Tipples example sentences

Related (7): cocktails, beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, shots, aperitifs.

"Tipples" Example Sentences

I could not find a definition for the word "tipples" that would generate appropriate example sentences. The closest related word I could find was "tipple" which means to drink alcoholic beverages, especially habitually. Based on that definition, here are 60 example sentences using the word "tipple:"
1. The old man would tipple on ale all day.
2. The devoted pub-goers tipple pints after work.
3. Regulars tipple their beers while watching the game.
4. Drunkards tipple away their wages at the bar.
5. He started tippling at an early age.
6. The alcoholics tipple all day long.
7. The bartender watched as customers tippled their evenings away.
8. Local tipplers gather at the pub each night.
9. She tippled while her children were neglected at home.
10. He tipples to dull the pain of loneliness.
11. Many tipple to relieve anxiety and stress.
12. The old soak tipples instead of eating proper meals.
13. The wife grew tired of her husband's tippling.
14. The pub is full of tipplers by midday.
15. His tippling destroyed his health and finances.
16. The boss did not approve of her employees tippling on the job.
17. Friends gathered at the bar to tipple and talk.
18. Hard work makes the beer taste better when you tipple after a long day.
19. Local tipplers greet each other with cheers and toasts.
20. She began tippling before noon most days.
21. His children begged him to stop tippling and come home.
22. The bar provides a place for lonely souls to tipple away their troubles.
23. Tipplers gathered outside the pub, awaiting opening time.
24. His endless tippling started arguments with his wife.
25. In vino veritas - in wine, truth - or so the tipplers say.
26. He tipples because he hates himself when sober.
27. Tipplers swap stories of their glory days over pints of ale.
28. His doctor warned him to stop tippling or jeopardize his health.
29. The drink made her relax and stop tippling for the evening.
30. The pub attracts a colorful cast of local tipplers.
31. Regular tipplers joke and banter with the bar staff.
32. His children were relieved when he finally stopped tippling.
33. The voices of tipplers float out from the bar each evening.
34. He started tippling again after his wife passed away.
35. The pub is a refuge for the town's most dedicated tipplers.
36. Tipplers congregate on the bar stools to escape their troubles.
37. His wife begged him to stop tippling and seek help for his addiction.
38. The tipplers stick together, looking out for their own.
39. The bartender has seen generations of local tipplers come and go.
40. Tipplers talked loudly, disturbing others in the pub.
41. All the tipplers know each other by name at this point.
42. She tipples to numb the pain of loneliness.
43. The only downside to tippling was the hangover the next day.
44. The doctor finally convinced him to give up tippling for good.
45. The pub's sales increase with the summer tourist trade and tippling locals.
46. His tippling reduced him to poverty and ruined his marriage.
47. The writer tipples to stimulate his creativity.
48. The drunk tipples alone, unable to afford the price of friendship.
49. The tippler's hands trembled as he raised his glass.
50. His tippling deteriorated into dangerous alcoholism.
51. The reformed tippler stood at the bar, ordering only soda water.
52. The habit of tippling is hard to break, even when one wants to.
53. The tippler's nose was red from years of overindulgence.
54. His friend's tippling was a source of constant frustration.
55. The tipplers raised a toast to friendship and fellowship.
56. The room filled with the laughter of tipplers enjoying each other's company.
57. His tippling eventually cost him his job and his family.
58. The tippler's glass was never empty for long.
59. The judge ordered him to stop tippling as a condition of his probation.
60. His shame at being an unemployed tippler drove him to drink even more.

Common Phases

1. After a hard day's work, John enjoys relaxing with his favorite tipples.
2. The local pub is known for its selection of fine spirits and tipples.
3. The bartender served up various tipples for the patrons to sample.
4. Granny likes her tipples, especially after dinner.
5. My granddad's favorite tipples were whisky and ale.
6. They sell quality tipples at that liquor store.
7. The beer tent offered an assortment of different tipples brewed locally.
8. The bartender mixed various tipples for the customers.
9. The old gentleman enjoyed his daily tipples at the neighborhood pub.
10. The alcohol connoisseur enjoyed sampling fine tipples.
11. The wine enthusiasts discussed their favorite tipples.
12. The holiday revelers partook of numerous tipples.
13. Folks stopped by the pub to partake of their preferred tipples.
14. They sampled various tipples from the selection offered by the bartender.
15. He prefers his tipples neat rather than on the rocks.
16. Have a seat and let me fix you one of my special tipples.
17. The annual whisky tasting showcased rare Scottish tipples.
18. The bar was well stocked with copious amounts of tipples.
19. The liquor cabinet held an assortment of choice tipples.
20. His favorite tipples were dry martinis made with extra olives.
21. The guests enjoyed tipples and conversation by the fireplace.
22. The well-known bartender could concoct the rarest of tipples.
23. They gathered for an evening of tipples and tall tales.
24. The liquor store displayed tempting tipples behind its glass counters.
25. The elderly gentleman prefers hard cider amongst his tipples.
26. The connoisseurs savored the fine tipples offered at the tasting.
27. The pubgoers enjoyed their evening tipples and friendly banter.
28. His tipples of choice were scotch on the rocks or an ice cold beer.
29. The bartender mixed numerous tipples for the thirsty patrons.
30. My grandfather's favorite tipples were martinis and cigarillos.
31. The elderly gentlemen enjoyed discussing their tipples of choice.
32. We partook of several tipples before the dinner feast.
33. She enjoys a glass of sherry amongst her daily tipples.
34. The barman served us an assortment of tempting tipples.
35. The pub was well known for its variety of choose tipples.
36. He fixed himself his evening tipple of choice.
37. My father's preferred tipples were vodka tonics and bourbon whiskeys.
38. The sampling fair featured an array of different tipples made from local grains.
39. The bar offerings included copious amounts of carefully curated tipples.
40. I helped myself to one of grandad's tipples after a long day working outdoors.
41. Their shelves were stocked with numerous fine tipples and spirits.
42. He savored his after-dinner tipples with gusto.
43. The partygoers indulged in numerous tipples before the late dinner hour.
44. The pub is well known for its numerous different tipples and beverages.
45. We enjoyed copious amounts of various tipples and spicy appetizers.
46. Her favorite daily tipples were wine and chocolates.
47. The elderly gentleman enjoyed his evening tipple of sherry and cigars by the fire.
48. They partook of numerous tipples during their long and spirited conversation.
49. The visitors sampled various tipples crafted from gin and vodka.
50. The hosts kindly offered their guests an array of tipples to choose from.
51. They offered a variety of different tipples, both homemade and imported.
52. My grandfather's preferred tipples were bourbon and brandy.
53. The pub offered numerous tipples for the thirsty patrons.
54. My granddad favors whisky amongst his tipples of choice.
55. Their catalog advertised an array of fine tipples for the connoisseur.
56. The tasting showcased locally distilled tipples crafted from honey and fruit.
57. Their guests enjoyed copious amounts of homemade tipples and rich appetizers.
58. The pub offered numerous tipples to choose from for the evenings festivities.
59. He poured himself a tipple of brandy after a day spent working outdoors.
60. My grandfather enjoys scotch and Irish whisky amongst his preferred tipples.

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