Toe example sentences

Related (10): foot, nail, phalange, digit, socks, shoes, balance, stub, corns, sandals

"Toe" Example Sentences

1. She dipped her toe into the water to test the temperature.
2. He stubbed his toe on the table leg and cursed in pain.
3. The child was learning to walk and took a few wobbly steps on his toes.
4. She painted her toenails a bright red color.
5. He tapped his foot impatiently, drumming his toes on the floor.
6. She wore sandals that showed off her nicely painted toes.
7. The athlete ran fast on her tiptoes.
8. He curled his toes under the warm blanket.
9. The athlete stretched and pointed his toes.
10. The referee told the players to get on their toes for the play.
11. The diver aimed his toes as he entered the water.
12. The shoe was too small and pinched her little toe.
13. They walked barefoot on the beach, letting the waves lap over their toes.
14. The doctor examined the patient's toes and soles of his feet.
15. He wiggled his toes in his socks.
16. She stepped on his toe by accident.
17. The diver aimed for the water, pointing his toes.
18. He walked the tightrope barefoot, balancing on his toes.
19. She tapped her toes to the beat of the music.
20. The cat's fur tickled between my toes.
21. The acrobat balanced on the ball on just her toes.
22. Showing one's toes in public was considered inappropriate.
23. The patient complained of pain in his big toe.
24. The ballet dancer practiced pointing and flexing her toes.
25. The doctor checked to see if the patient could wiggle his toes.
26. It's polite to point one's toes when sitting.
27. The kid jumped into the pool, knees tucked to his chest and toes pointed.
28. The water felt cold on his bare toes.
29. The athlete flexed and pointed his toes during his warm-up routine.
30. She spread her toes out in the hot sand.
31. My toes curled up instinctively at the cold air.
32. I crossed my toes for good luck.
33. I wiggled my toes in my new shoes.
34. The doctor examined sensation in his toes and soles.
35. The stagnant pond was full of algae between my toes.
36. My foot fell asleep and my toes tingled.
37. His Band-Aid fell off his little toe.
38. I cracked my toes one by one.
39. The podiatrist examined the fungus between my toes.
40. The prosthetic replaced several of his toes that had been lost to frostbite.
41. The anesthesiologist numbed his toes before the surgery.
42. My feet were swollen and my toes felt tight in my shoes.
43. He could not flex his toes due to the injury.
44. Her feet ached, especially between the toes.
45. The rope burned between my toes as I climbed.
46. The water was cold, causing my toes to cramp.
47. The doctor checked circulation in his toes.
48. The athlete taped his toes together for the competition.
49. The locker room floor was cold on my bare toes.
50. The doctor recommended toe spreaders to relieve pressure between the toes.
51. She curled her cold toes under the warm blankets.
52. She massaged the arch of his foot and between the toes.
53. Her toes cramped up as she warmed them by the fire.
54. The athlete tied his shoelaces tightly around his toes.
55. His toes stuck out the hole in his worn-out sock.
56. The diver stretched and pointed her toes as she prepared for her dive.
57. I counted my toes to make sure they were all still there.
58. The ballet dancer practiced perfecting her toe extensions.
59. The athlete taped his toes to protect them during the game.
60. The leeches attached between his toes but fell off when he walked in the stream.

Common Phases

1. He dipped his toe into the cold pool.
2. She stubbed her toe on the table leg.
3. The child dangled his toes in the water.
4. I broke my little toe in the accident.
5. They curled their toes inside their shoes.
6. Please do not tap your toes on the floor.
7. I painted my toenails bright red.
8. She has extremely long toes.
9. The diver pushed off with his toes.
10. She wiggled her toes in her sandals.
11. The patient complained of numbness in his toes.
12. The cells in his toes started to freeze.
13. The doctor examined the athlete's injured big toe.
14. The toes on my right foot feel pins and needles.
15. The pirate walked the plank toe over head.
16. He picked up the pencil with his toes.
17. The water was so cold it made my toes curl.
18. The toenails on his neglected feet were long and yellow.
19. She daintily tucked her toes underneath her.
20. I sliced my big toe on the sharp edge of the table.
21. His toes tend to get battered and bruised from hiking.
22. My toes are delicate and prone to blisters.
23. The doctor inspected each of his patient's toes carefully.
24. The toes of his right foot were black and blue.
25. His toes curled into the soft grass.
26. The children lined their toes up at the edge of the pool.
27. Her toes crept out of her flip flops.
28. She wiggled her icy cold toes under the blanket.
29. The angry mother threatened to yank him by the toe.
30. He lost his balance and fell toe over tit.
31. His mom had to cut his toenails for him.
32. We were instructed to dip our toes into the healing waters.
33. The athlete had to stretch her toes before the race.
34. The pressure of the tight shoes caused his toes to throb.
35. The diver pointed his toes down toward the water.
36. His toes pressed into the soft sand.
37. The tightrope walker carefully balanced toe to toe.
38. Her wet, pruney toes emerged from the bath.
39. She slapped him on the toe with her sandal.
40. His toes curled in pain as he removed his shoes.
41. Her toenails were painted a pretty shade of pink.
42. The toes of her right foot were swollen from the injury.
43. The child wiggled his toes in his socks.
44. She dangled her legs and toes off the edge of the dock.
45. Trim those long toenails!
46. She wiggled her toes in the fluffy carpet.
47. His toes banged into the chair leg.
48. He pointed his toes as he did his ballet exercises.
49. He cleaned the dirt from between his toes.
50. His big toe throbbed after stubbing it on the bedframe.
51. The boy wiggled his toes with glee.
52. The naughty puppy chewed his owner's toes.
53. He tested the temperature of the water with one toe.
54. The snail inched its way forward toe by toe.
55. Her toes peeked out from underneath the blanket.
56. His toes curled up in pain.
57. The toes of her left foot were black and swollen.
58. The doctor flexed the patient's toes with his hands.
59. She tucked her cold toes under the table leg for warmth.
60. The runner stretched her toes before jogging.

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