Toil example sentences

Related (7): labor, drudgery, grind, exertion, effort, travail, hardship.

"Toil" Example Sentences

1. The farmer toiled in the field all day.
2. The workers toiled for long hours in the factory.
3. The miner toiled deep underground extracting coal.
4. The slaves toiled under harsh conditions.
5. The single mother toiled at two jobs to provide for her children.
6. The scientist toiled for years trying to find the cure for the disease.
7. The writer toiled over the manuscript for months.
8. The athlete toiled for hours training for the competition.
9. The students toiled for weeks preparing for the final exam.
10. The characters in the story toiled to make ends meet.
11. The old woman toiled in the garden planting vegetables.
12. The construction workers toiled in the hot sun building the new road.
13. The accountant toiled long into the night preparing tax returns.
14. The chef toiled for hours in the hot kitchen cooking the elaborate feast.
15. The pioneer woman toiled endlessly doing chores and raising her children.
16. The carpenter toiled day after day building cabinets and furniture.
17. The servant toiled tirelessly to please her mistress.
18. The parents toiled together raising their children and managing the household.
19. The young man toiled to save money for his college education.
20. They toiled diligently to achieve success.
21. She toiled constantly making things better for others.
22. The inventor toiled in his workshop creating prototypes of his new device.
23. The crew toiled intensely repairing the damaged ship.
24. Her hands became calloused from toiling all day long.
25. The poet toiled over her words striving for perfection.
26. The boy toiled for hours doing chores around the house.
27. The young woman toiled under a hot sun picking fruit on the orchard.
28. After years of toiling in obscurity, his genius was finally recognized.
29. His chance at happiness was lost after years of endless toil.
30. For years he toiled over numerous projects but never seemed satisfied.
31. The working class toiled under difficult conditions for little pay.
32. Her angelic singing voice seemed out of place with her toiling in the fields.
33. His calloused hands were evidence of a lifetime of toil.
34. The students found the assignment laborious and tiresome requiring much toil.
35. The prisoners toiled at hard labor for hours each day.
36. Creativity and inspiration seemed lost amidst the endless toil.
37. The donkey continued to plod along bearing its heavy burden without complaint or respite from its daily toil.
38. Their work ethic and tireless toil were inspirational.
39. Her hands grew blisters from the constant toil but she persevered.

40. The musician's hands ached from years of toiling over his craft.
41. Various jobs around the farm required constant toil and effort.
42. His brow glistened with sweat from hours of tedious toil.
43. After a lifetime of thankless toil, she felt underappreciated.
44. Their struggles and years of toil had finally paid off.
45. Her hands covered in dirt, evidence of a lifetime of toil.
46. His mind longed for leisure and repose, weary from years of toil.
47. He toiled away at his work, lost in thought.
48. The peasant women labored continually with unrewarded toil.
49. Sisyphus was condemned to unending toil pushing a heavy boulder up a hill only to watch it roll back down.
50. His livelihood depended on the the weary and unending toil in the fields.
51. The seeds of his creativity seemed to wither under so much tedious toil.
52. Their hard work and constant toil eventually resulted in success.
53. Her ambition drove her to endure physical and mental toil.
54. Her hands bore the callouses and scars of years of toil and hardship.
55. The ceaseless round of duties and toil were wearing her down.
56. The servant worked diligently without complaint, accustomed to a life of toil.
57. The sight of her worn hands was a testament to a life of unremitting toil.
58. Though weary, he continued to labor in earnest without pause from his toil.
59. The old woman's hands, wrinkled and gnarled from a lifetime of toil.
60. Despite years of difficult toil, she still dreamed of a better life ahead.

Common Phases

1. The farmer toiled in the field all day.
2. The worker toiled tirelessly in the factory for long hours.
3. She toiled away at her homework for hours.
4. He toiled under the hot sun.
5. The slaves toiled all day under harsh conditions.
6. The professor toiled over the research paper for weeks.
7. The miner toiled deep underground in the coal mine.
8. The mother toiled away cooking and cleaning for her family.
9. Her hands ached from the daily toil of washing clothes by hand.
10. The servants toiled to make the feast perfect for the king.
11. The scientist toiled away at his experiments for years.
12. The worker toiled long hours for low pay and little appreciation.
13. They toiled in obscurity for most of their lives.
14. The pianist toiled over the difficult sonata for months.
15. He toiled at the thankless job for little recognition.
16. She toiled tirelessly to create the perfect garden.
17. I have toiled hard all my life but have little to show for it.
18. The writer toiled over every word to make the sentence perfect.
19. They toiled for years to build the cathedral.
20. The workman toiled all day long in the unforgiving heat.
21. He toiled mightily but made little progress.
22. The sweat of his brow bore witness to his daily toil.
23. The accountant toiled through all the paperwork to finish the audit.
24. The inventor toiled late into the night to fix the machine.
25. My forefathers toiled on this land for generations.
26. She toiled away regretting her life choices.
27. They toiled uphill against the strong winds.
28. I watched as his face grew grimmer from the daily toil.
29. The writer toiled over each perfect word and phrase.
30. The athletes toiled mightily but were unable to break the record.
31. The slaves toiled endlessly under the hot desert sun.
32. Their hands were calloused from years of hard toil.
33. The soldier toiled under heavy loads during training.
34. The gardener toiled to create a sense of perfect order.
35. Their daily toil barely produced enough to survive.
36. The wagon wheels groaned under the weight of their toil.
37. Her toil went unnoticed and unappreciated.
38. He toiled away at boring menial tasks for low pay.
39. The musician toiled for years before achieving success.
40. They toiled for years to build their fortune from nothing.
41. His toil had rewarded him with little comfort or joy.
42. The students toiled over their endless assignments.
43. His face showed signs of endless toil and hardship.
44. Their backs bent from years of toil and hardship.
45. Their ragged clothes bore witness to years of endless toil.
46. The chef toiled all day to prepare the elaborate meal.
47. The jury toiled for hours to reach a verdict.
48. His rough hands were testimony to years of toil.
49. The miners toiled deep underground in dangerous conditions.
50. Their clothes became dirty from endless toil.
51. The athletes toiled to break the world record.
52. The writer toiled over every sentence to perfect the novel.
53. They toiled endlessly to escape poverty.
54. His poetry bears the marks of endless nights of toil.
55. The slaves toiled all day and were given little food.
56. The workers toiled but made little progress.
57. Her novels testify to years of toil and discipline.
58. The mechanics toiled long hours to fix the broken machine.
59. Their weary bodies bore witness to years of hard toil.
60. He toiled thanklessly to provide for his family.

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