Tombs example sentences

Related (12): mausoleums, crypts, sepulchers, sarcophagi, graves, necropolises, catacombs, ossuaries, barrows, tumuli, pyramids, cenotaphs

"Tombs" Example Sentences

1. The pharaohs built grand tombs to signify their power and wealth.
2. The archaeologists discovered many tombs in the ancient burial site.
3. The tombs of the kings were heavily guarded.
4. The tourists were fascinated by the elaborate tombs of the emperors.
5. The robbers were caught stealing from the tombs of the wealthy.
6. The tombs were decorated with intricate carvings and designs.
7. The guide took us on a tour of the famous tombs in the cemetery.
8. The historian studied the inscriptions on the tombs to learn more about the past.
9. The family placed flowers on the tombs of their ancestors.
10. The tombs were hidden deep in the mountains.
11. The king's tomb was the grandest of them all.
12. The thieves tried to break into the tomb, but they were caught by the guards.
13. The tour group marveled at the opulence of the pharaoh's tomb.
14. The tomb was sealed to protect the treasure within.
15. The archaeologists carefully excavated the tomb to avoid damaging anything inside.
16. The tomb was shrouded in mystery and legend.
17. The tombs were visited by countless pilgrims every year.
18. The tomb raider risked his life to explore the ancient ruins.
19. The colorful murals in the tomb depicted scenes from daily life.
20. The tomb contained artifacts that revealed the secret rituals of the ancient civilization.
21. The treasure hunters searched for tombs filled with riches beyond their wildest dreams.
22. The tombs provided a glimpse into the beliefs and customs of the people long gone.
23. The explorers stumbled upon a hidden tomb in the midst of the jungle.
24. The tomb was a spiritual sanctuary for the believers to honor their departed loved ones.
25. The tombs were constructed with the utmost care and precision.
26. The archaeologists discovered a tomb belonging to a previously unknown queen.
27. The ancient Greeks believed the tombs were the gateway to the afterlife.
28. The tombs were evidence of the high social status of the people buried within.
29. The tomb was built with materials imported from faraway lands.
30. The tombs were a testament to the artistry and architecture of the ancient world.

Common Phases

not include proper nouns or specific locations.
1. Ancient tombs tell stories of the past; many are shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
2. Exploring the tombs of ancient civilizations can be a thrilling experience; just be sure to respect the history and culture of the site.
3. The tombs of royalty and pharaohs offer a glimpse into the opulent lifestyles of the past; they are truly remarkable monuments.
4. Tombs are often adorned with intricate carvings and artwork; these details can give clues about the beliefs and values of the people who built them.
5. Many tombs have been looted or damaged over time; preserving these historical treasures is a constant battle.
6. Tombs can be haunting and eerie places; the silence and darkness can be overwhelming.
7. The discovery of a new tomb can be a major breakthrough for archaeologists; it may provide new insights into a particular time period or culture.
8. The construction of elaborate tombs was a sign of wealth and power in many ancient societies; it was a way for rulers to showcase their status.
9. The tombs of famous figures like Tutankhamun and Qin Shi Huang have captivated people for centuries; they are symbols of greatness and achievement.
10. Many tombs were built with specific rituals and traditions in mind; understanding these customs can help us gain a deeper appreciation for the culture that created them.

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