Toothlessness example sentences

Related (3): edentulous, toothless, gummy

"Toothlessness" Example Sentences

1. The toothlessness of the treaty was evident from the start.
2. The committee's recommendations suffered from toothlessness due to lack of enforcement power.
3. Many criticized the organization for its apparent toothlessness and inability to make real change.
4. The policy's toothlessness became apparent when major violations went unpunished.
5. The law was derided for its utter toothlessness and lack of meaningful penalties.
6. Her warnings about the dangers lacked any real bite due to the toothlessness of her position.
7. While well-intentioned, the plan was doomed to fail due to its inherent toothlessness.
8. The warnings of toothlessness fell on deaf ears as the politicians pushed forward with their plan.
9. The paper tiger tactics revealed the toothlessness of the so-called regulatory authority.
10. The agreement's toothlessness soon led to its collapse as parties ignored its stipulations.
11. The toothlessness of the resolution undermined its potential effectiveness.
12. They criticized the agency for its bureaucratic toothlessness and inability to enact real change.
13. The toothlessness of the slap-on-the-wrist punishment only emboldened him to continue his illegal activities.
14. Due to the toothlessness of the legal system, corrupt officials often acted with impunity.
15. His threats were empty due to the inherent toothlessness of his position.
16. The report highlighted the toothlessness of child labor laws which were regularly flouted.
17. The gummy strategies betrayed the toothlessness of the organization's tactics.
18. They derided the toothlessness of government oversight that allowed harmful products to slip through.
19. The watchdog group's inability to take real action revealed its toothlessness.
20. The toothlessness of international bodies meant millions suffered without relief.
21. The empty promises and toothless threats revealed the weakness of his position.
22. The nominal penalties exposed the toothlessness of the law in the face of open defiance.
23. Due to the toothlessness of the legal system, the wealthy often managed to avoid punishment for their crimes.
24. The toothlessness of the law was revealed when high-ranking officials violated it with impunity.
25. He ignored her feeble warnings due to the inherent toothlessness of her position.
26. Due to the toothlessness of social service agencies, many children fell through the cracks.
27. The loopholes revealed the toothlessness of the regulations meant to protect citizens.
28. The toothlessness of the government's response betrayed its impotence in the face of crisis.
29. They criticized the recommendations for their inherent toothlessness and inability to enact real reform.
30. The court ruling revealed the toothlessness of antitrust laws which failed to curb monopolistic practices.
31. Reform efforts proved futile due to the toothlessness of initiatives that lacked meaningful enforcement.
32. The toothlessness of international aid organizations meant many crises went unrelieved.
33. The lack of real consequences revealed the toothlessness of the agency's oversight powers.
34. His empty threats were dismissed due to their toothlessness and lack of credible enforcement.
35. The toothlessness of labor laws meant many workers suffered exploitation with little recourse.
36. The loopholes betrayed the toothlessness of the regulations meant to protect consumers.
37. Due to the toothlessness of child welfare laws, many children suffered in abusive homes.
38. The toothlessness of academic integrity policies meant cheating and plagiarism often went unpunished.
39. Her weak warnings were dismissed due to their toothlessness and lack of any credibility.
40. The toothlessness of the sanction revealed the true helplessness of their position.
41. The toothlessness of environmental regulations meant corporations often violated limits with impunity.
42. The hapless recommendations pointed to the toothlessness of the advisory council's position.
43. She derided the toothlessness of the agency's investigation that had failed to uncover dangerous practices.
44. His toothless threats were met with derision and mockery due to their lack of credibility.
45. No one took her feeble warnings seriously due to the inherent toothlessness of her role.
46. Violations of the treaty went unpunished due to its general toothlessness and lack of enforcement mechanisms.
47. The toothlessness of tax laws meant many wealthy individuals and corporations avoided paying their fair share.
48. His threats were dismissed as toothless bluster due to the weakness of his bargaining position.
49. The toothless watchdog group proved unable to curb illegal and unethical practices.
50. The toothlessness of the advice suggested she had little real authority to make demands.
51. Critics derided the toothlessness of government initiatives that failed to solve pressing social problems.
52. The loopholes signaled the true toothlessness of the regulations that were supposed to protect consumers.
53. They criticized the toothlessness of the union which was powerless to stop management abuses.
54. The toothlessness of her threats suggested an inability to follow through on promises.
55. The toothlessness of justice meant crime paid off for many while the innocent suffered.
56. The toothlessness of the U.N. resolution betrayed its ultimate impotence in the face of open defiance.
57. His toothless accusations were dismissed due to his lack of credibility and power.
58. The toothlessness of the safety guidelines meant many dangerous practices continued unabated.
59. The hapless warnings revealed the toothlessness of her position and inability to enact real change.
60. The loopholes in the treaty revealed the toothlessness from the outset and predicted its eventual failure.

Common Phases

1. The government's inability to pass meaningful reforms illustrates its toothlessness.
2. Her threats seemed pointless and empty, revealing the toothlessness of her authority.
3. The dictator ruled with an iron fist, making up for his regime's toothlessness in other areas.
4. The union issued threats of a strike, but their toothlessness was revealed when no strike ever materialized.
5. The new policies did little to address the real issues, serving as a symbol of the government's toothlessness.
6. The law's many loopholes reveal its fundamental toothlessness and inability to effect real change.
7. The toothlessness of the regulator allowed the corrupt practices to continue unchecked for years.
8. The aging lion's toothlessness had turned him into an object of ridicule among the younger members of the pride.
9. The committee's toothlessness frustrated those who had hoped it would uncover wrongdoing and hold the powerful accountable.
10. The toothlessness of the decrees made them little more than words on paper with no meaningful impact.
11. The army's defeat exposed the toothlessness of the country's outdated military strategies and equipment.
12. The toothlessness of the enforcement gave rise to widespread cheating and corruption.
13. Their threats were met with derision, exposing the toothlessness of their position.
14. The organization issued many recommendations but lacked any real authority, revealing its toothlessness.
15. The toothlessness of the international body allowed the conflict to escalate with no intervention.
16. The toothlessness of the dorm rules allowed parties and pranks to continue undisturbed.
17. The toothlessness of the rules meant they were routinely broken with impunity.
18. His toothlessness reduced him to a mocking figure rather than the fearsome predator he once was.
19. The toothlessness of the lecture revealed the futility of further discussion on the matter.
20. The toothlessness of the resolutions meant the conflict continued unabated.
21. The toothlessness of their warnings revealed they had no real power to impose any consequences.
22. The toothlessness of the critique allowed the bad behavior to continue.
23. The censure was meaningless, exposing the toothlessness of the institution.
24. Her gums bled regularly as a result of her advanced toothlessness.
25. His angry words were met with indifference, exposing his toothlessness and inability to inspire fear.
26. The toothlessness of the proposal meant that no real change would result from its passage.
27. The toothlessness of international law allowed violators to act with impunity.
28. The report's recommendations were widely ignored, revealing the toothlessness of the oversight committee.
29. The toothlessness of their protest revealed their lack of power to effect meaningful change.
30. The toothlessness of the rules had led to their widespread violation and disregard.
31. The toothlessness of the threat rendered it pointless and meaningless.
32. His warnings were met with mockery and laughter that exposed the toothlessness of his position.
33. The toothlessness of academic discourse meant that no action resulted from the calls for reform.
34. The toothlessness of the reprimand allowed the bad behavior to continue unabated.
35. The toothlessness of the review board's recommendations illustrated the lack of real authority.
36. The toothlessness of international organizations allows powerful nations to ignore their mandates.
37. The toothlessness of the reserve forces meant they were useless in time of actual conflict.
38. The toothlessness of the curfew revealed the impotence of the occupying forces.
39. The toothlessness of the war tribunal meant that many guilty parties escaped justice.
40. The toothlessness of business regulations allowed corporations to ignore environmental and labor laws.
41. Their threats were so toothless that they were better off remaining silent.
42. His warnings fell on deaf ears, exposing the toothlessness of his position.
43. The toothlessness of the rules revealed that they existed merely for display rather than to impose any real discipline.
44. The toothlessness of the penalty rendered it virtually meaningless as a deterrent.
45. His toothlessness rendered him unable to properly chew his food.
46. The toothlessness of the committee's findings ensured that no real action would result.
47. The toothlessness of the U.N. resolution allowed the aggressors to ignore it with impunity.
48. The toothlessness of the criticism revealed the lack of willingness to take meaningful action.
49. The toothlessness of the proposals meant the problems they purported to solve would continue unchecked.
50. Even his roar had lost its power, revealing the toothlessness behind his once fearsome visage.
51. The toothlessness of the international body exposed its inability to enforce any of its resolutions.
52. The toothlessness of the policies meant the problems they purported to solve persisted.
53. The toothlessness of his threats rendered them ineffectual and pointless.
54. The toothlessness of his anger revealed how little power he actually held.
55. The toothlessness of the regulations rendered them effectively useless at imposing any real discipline.
56. The toothlessness of government oversight allowed the corruption to persist for years unabated.
57. The toothlessness of the ruling party's opposition rendered political debate pointless and vacuous.
58. Their criticism was met with indifference, exposing the toothlessness behind their words.
59. The toothlessness of his position was revealed when his orders went completely ignored.
60. The toothlessness of the academic debates led to no meaningful changes in institutional policy.

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