Torpor example sentences

Related (10): dormancy, lethargy, inactivity, sluggishness, hibernation, apathy, stupor, drowsiness, coma, ennui

"Torpor" Example Sentences

1. The long winter left the bear in a state of torpor.
2. The frigid air made me sleepy and filled my body with torpor.
3. The hibernating animals slowly woke from their winter torpor.
4. Her lack of energy and interest indicated a state of melancholia and torpor.
5. The tropical heat made me feel slow and inactive, in a state of drowsy torpor.
6. The harsh medicine made me fall into a gloomy torpor for days.
7. His long illness left him in a state of listless torpor.
8. The lethargy and torpor of the winter months seemed to drag on forever.
9. The patient's somnolence and torpor concerned the doctor.
10. The trees were bare and the ground frozen, everything in a state of dreary torpor.
11. My spirit dragged under the weight of torpor.
12. His mind seemed stuck in a stupor of mental torpor.
13. Boredom and ennui led to a dull state of physical and mental torpor.
14. The oppressive heat seemed to sap my energy and lull me into a state of languid torpor.
15. The student struggled to fight off the torpor that threatened to overtake him during the long lecture.
16. His limbs felt heavy with torpor.
17. The plants seemed paralyzed by winter torpor.
18. Torpor seemed to grip the town after the holiday festivities ended.
19. The torpor of the bat caused it to sleep hanging upside down from its perch.
20. He could not shake the physical and mental torpor that plagued him during the darkest months.
21. The drug induced a state of stupor and torpor.
22. Physical inertia and mental torpor seemed to weigh me down.
23. The great tortoise lay in torpid serenity.
24. Her listless apathy bordered on mental torpor.
25. I could not rouse myself from the dullness and torpor that had overtaken me.
26. The gloomy torpor that settled over the castle lifted slowly as spring approached.
27. The lifeless torpor of midwinter is broken by anticipation of the spring.
28. The thick fog seemed to promote a state of torpid listlessness.
29. The cold monotonous weather seemed to induce a state of mental and physical inaction and torpor.
30. The despondency kept me in a state of dejected torpor for days.
31. The long recess had left the students in a state of dull torpor when classes resumed.
32. The depression seemed to sap my energy and leave me in a state of lethargic torpor.
33. She tried everything to rouse him from his torpid state of mental lethargy.
34. The fox was active and alert after emerging from winter's torpor.
35. The thick humid air left me feeling heavy and dull, steeped in torpor.
36. When he awoke from his long sleep, his joints were stiff from days of torpor.
37. The cold, foggy day encouraged physical and mental torpor.
38. The flu left him in a state of listless torpor for days.
39. The town seemed sunk into gloomy torpor after the celebrations ended.
40. Ice coated the river in a thick layer, the plants in torpid rigidity.
41. The long winter months left his mind in a stupor of torpidity.
42. The tropical heat made me feel heavy and slow, in a state of stupefied torpor.
43. The serpent lay in motionless torpor, warmed by the sun.
44. He tried in vain to shake off the state of lethargy and mental torpor.
45. The opiate slowly dragged her into a state of stuporous torpor.
46. The cold weather left the plants dormant in wintery torpor.
47. His indifference bordered on mental torpor.
48. I watched the butterfly slowly emerge from its chrysalis state of torpidity.
49. His body felt heavy, his mind numb - in a state of melancholy torpor.
50. The bedraggled leaves looked brittle and lifeless in their wintry torpor.
51. After a long illness, her recovery was slow and she remained in a state of physical and mental torpor.
52. The garden was frozen in a state of torpid winter stillness.
53. The bored student tried to shake off the dull torpor that threatened to overtake him.
54. The winter cold seemed to infect everything with its torpid gloom.
55. The effects of anesthesia slowly wore off, lifting the torpor that had settled over him.
56. The icy cold left the river frozen in torpid stillness.
57. Her vague indifference worried him, seeming to indicate a state of mental torpor.
58. She struggled to rouse herself from the state of dull torpidity that threatened to overwhelm her.
59. The cruel medication immersed him in a state of stuporous torpor.
60. The gloomy mood seemed to sap his energy and leave him in a state of lethargic torpor.

Common Phases

1. A state of torpor
2. In a state of torpor
3. Left in a state of torpor
4. Steeped in torpor
5. Sunk into torpor
6. Overcome by torpor
7. Fallen into torpor
8. Emerging from torpor
9. Waking from torpor
10. Shaken from torpor

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