Tractile example sentences

Related (5): malleable, ductile, pliable, flexible, stretchable.

"Tractile" Example Sentences

1. The tractors in the field were designed with tractile technology to increase their efficiency.
2. With her tractile arms, she easily lifted the heavy box onto the shelf.
3. The artist used a special clay that was more tractile than normal to create her intricate sculpture.
4. The medical device was made with a tractile material that could stretch without breaking.
5. The trainer praised the athlete for his impressive tractile strength during the weightlifting competition.
6. The new fabric was surprisingly tractile, allowing it to move with ease.
7. The snake's tractile body allowed it to slither effortlessly through the grass.
8. The gymnast showed off her impressive tractile flexibility during her routine.
9. The spider web was incredibly tractile, able to withstand strong winds without tearing.
10. The designer used a tractile material for the dress to give it a more dynamic look on the runway.
11. The material used for the construction had to be tractile enough to support the building during an earthquake.
12. The trampoline was made with a highly tractile material, allowing the bouncers to jump even higher.
13. The tires on the race car were designed to be extremely tractile to improve traction on the track.
14. The company's new product had a highly tractile surface that was easy to grip.
15. The athlete's muscles were so tractile that he was able to lift twice his body weight.
16. The silicone used for the prosthetic hand was highly tractile, allowing the user to perform detailed actions.
17. The yoga instructor showed the class how to use tractile bands to stretch properly.
18. The caterpillar's tractile body moved effortlessly over leaves and branches.
19. The new ropes used by rock climbers were incredibly tractile, allowing for better grip and control.
20. The athlete's tractile legs propelled her forward during the race.
21. The rubber used for the trampoline was highly tractile and could withstand extreme temperatures.
22. The surgery required a tractile material to cover the damaged tissue.
23. The musician's tractile fingers were able to play complex pieces with ease.
24. The football field was coated with a highly tractile turf to prevent slips and falls.
25. The Olympic weightlifter's tractile strength allowed her to lift more than her competitors.
26. The new toy was made with a tractile material that enabled it to stretch and change shape.
27. The snow tires on the car were designed to be highly tractile to handle icy conditions.
28. The artist's tractile vision allowed him to create sculptures that were both beautiful and functional.
29. The book's cover was made with a tractile material that prevented it from tearing easily.
30. The acrobat's body was incredibly tractile, allowing him to twist and contort in amazing ways.

Common Phases

1. The tractile force of the elastic band was impressive; it could stretch to more than twice its length.
2. The material had a good tractile strength; it could withstand a lot of force without tearing.
3. The muscles in the athlete's body were highly tractile; he could bend and contort his body in incredible ways.
4. The tractile nature of the clay made it perfect for sculpting; it was easy to mold and shape.
5. The steel cables had an incredible tractile resistance; they could support heavy loads without breaking.
6. The elastic nature of the material made it highly tractile; it could snap back into shape quickly and easily.
7. The tractile properties of the rubber made it ideal for making tires; it could create a strong and durable grip on the road.
8. The artist used tractile techniques to create a 3D effect in her painting; the surface of the canvas was raised and textured.

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