Traducer example sentences

Related (5): slanderer, backbiter, defamer, calumniator, libeler

"Traducer" Example Sentences

1. He was the malicious traducer who spread lies about her character.
2. Don't listen to the traducer's vile and unjust accusations.
3. The traducer tried to damage her reputation with false rumors.
4. The defendant called his accuser a lying traducer and slanderer.
5. The traducer's vile campaign to ruin her good name failed.
6. The anonymous letter was written by some malicious traducer.
7. The journalist exposed the traducer's lies and falsehoods.
8. The plaintiff charged his enemies as traducers and slanderers.
9. The hostile witness was revealed to be a crafty traducer.
10. The traducer attempted to besmirch his good name with baseless accusations.
11. The traducer was motivated by envy and malice in spreading lies.
12. The wicked traducer was unmasked and discredited.
13. You must not lend an ear to the foul traducer's vile calumnies.
14. The traducer's insidious campaign of character assassination eventually backfired.
15. The traducer was brought to justice for his malicious lies.
16. No traducer's lies could ever tarnish her spotless character.
17.They exposed the traducer's perfidy and calumny for all to see.
18. The traducer was hoist with his own petard when his lies were revealed.
19. The traducer's vile motives were greed and jealousy.
20. The slanderous traducer was condemned by judge and jury.
21. Do not heed the traducer's poisonous words.
22. The witnesses convincingly rebutted the traducer's false accusations.
23. Shrug off the traducer's vile calumnies like water off a duck's back.
24. The traducer met his comeuppance when his lies were exposed in court.
25. The malicious traducer was eventually discredited and disgraced.
26. The dark machinations of the envious traducer eventually came to light.
27. It mattered not one jot what those lying traducers said against him.
28. The witness exposed the traducer as a lying opportunist.
29. The traducer's campaign of vilification ultimately failed.
30. They cautioned her against lending ear to the traducer's poisonous words.
31. The traducer attempted to defame her with vicious lies.
32. Eventually the traducer's perfidy was exposed for all to see.
33. You must be careful not to spread the traducer's poisonous lies.
34. His reputation remained unsullied despite the traducer's attempts at character assassination.
35. The scandalmongers and traducers were silenced when her innocence was proven.
36. The libelous traducer was eventually denounced and disgraced.
37. The traducer attempted to blacken her good name with baseless slander.
38. The plaintiff successfully sued the traducer for libel and slander.
39. No truth lay in the traducer's defamatory words.
40. The malicious traducer was justly sentenced to prison for spreading lies.
41. The artist ignored the traducer's poison-tongued criticism.
42. His only crime was to incur the envy of some lying traducer.
43. The journalist exposed the traducer's vicious lies and smear campaign.
44. The lying traducer's villainous machinations were uncovered.
45. The gossipmongers and traducers were silenced by a vigorous rebuttal.
46. The traducer was eventually seen for what he was - a lying opportunist.
47. The traducer attempted to impugn his character with baseless allegations.
48. Their attempts to discredit him only made the traducers look small-minded and envious.
49. The slanderous traducer met with justice in the end.
50. The nobleman spurned the traducer's vile poison and calumnies.
51. Good name in man and woman is the immediate jewel of their souls. - Shakespeare on the lying traducer
52. The politician exposed the traducer's falsehoods and barefaced lies.
53. Her honour remained unstained despite the traducer's calumnies.
54. The false rumour was traced back to its source - a jealous traducer.
55. The traducer's insidious words only served to incriminate himself.
56. No amount of slander from traducers could tarnish her honour.
57. The traducer's vile accusations were completely baseless and unjust.
58. The traducer's poisonous lies were eventually discredited and exposed.
59. Do not be hoodwinked by the traducer's specious arguments.
60. The envious traducer's poisonous tongue was eventually silenced.

Common Phases

1. The traducer spread false rumors about her.
2. He maliciously accused his opponent, acting the part of a traducer.
3. Ignore the traducer who slanders honest people.
4. The jealous traducer spread vicious lies about her reputation.
5. She refused to dignify the traducer with a response to his libelous accusations.
6. The media quickly exposed the traducer's lies and defamatory claims.
7. He vilified his critics, acting the part of a malicious traducer.
8. The traducer's defamatory statements were meant to damage her reputation.
9. The politician refused to acknowledge the traducer who spread lies about him.
10. The traducer attempted to misrepresent the facts to make her look guilty.
11. The venomous traducer spread unsubstantiated rumors and gossip.
12. The noble character refused to lower themselves to respond to the traducer's lies.
13. Do not pay any heed to the despicable traducer and their false accusations.
14. Facts exposed the traducer's allegations as baseless and without merit.
15. Do not stoop to the level of the vile traducer by responding to their slander.
16. Truth eventually triumphed over the traducer's calumny and defamation.
17. The slanderer acted as a malicious traducer, spreading lies to ruin her reputation.
18. The traducer was exposed as a liar when his accusations fell apart.
19. Truth squashed the traducer's calumnious fabrications.
20. The envious traducer sought to damage her reputation through lies and innuendo.
21. The traducer maliciously misrepresented the facts to support his defamatory claims.
22. Facts and evidence eventually destroyed the traducer's baseless allegations.
23. The libelous traducer made slanderous accusations in an attempt to defame her good name.
24. Truth and justice finally prevailed, silencing the traducer's vicious lies.
25. Do not give credence to the traducer's unfounded allegations and deceitful tales.
26. The traducer falsely accused her of dishonesty in an attempt to tarnish her reputation.
27. Justice eventually exposed the traducer as a deceitful slanderer.
28. The lying traducer twisted facts to support his groundless claims.
29. Defamatory rumors were the weapon used by the vile traducer to assassinate her character.
30. Truth ultimately overwhelmed the traducer's calumny and malicious accusations.
31. The noble woman refused to dignify the traducer's lies with any acknowledgment.
32. The calumnious traducer repeated lies in an attempt to convince people of her guilt.
33. Do not listen to the slanderous traducer who spreads poison with his tainted tongue.
34. The traducer maliciously maligned her name with vicious lies.
35. Justice finally caught up with the traducer and exposed him as a liar and slanderer.
36. Facts brought to light the traducer's falsities and proved her innocence.
37. Ill intentions motivated the traducer to spread lies and defame her good character.
38. Reason and good sense will dispel the fog of lies spread by the malicious traducer.
39. The envious traducer hoped his defamatory allegations would ruin her hard-won reputation.
40. The traducer's unfounded accusations fell apart upon close inspection.
41. The traducer's groundless charges were proven false and defamatory.
42. The noble woman avoided the traducer's traps, refusing to respond to his baseless allegations.
43. The gossiping traducer wanted her downfall but was defeated by truth in the end.
44. Ignoring the traducer was the wisest course of action.
45. Allegations made by the jealous traducer were proven utterly without merit.
46. The slanderous traducer was exposed as a scheming deceiver and liar.
47. Justice revealed the traducer's character as twisted and vile.
48. Do not give any credence to the traducer's deceitful lies and groundless rumors.
49. Facts and truth finally overwhelmed the calumny of the malicious traducer.
50. Reason and good character defeated the traducer's lies and exposed them for what they were.
51. The traducer was eventually exposed as a hapless gossip monger with no solid evidence.
52. The slanderer's false accusations eventually blew up in his face, revealing his malicious intent.
53. The wicked traducer hoped to destroy another's good name through lies and rumors.
54. The noble and virtuous rise above the traducer's vicious lies and slander.
55. Truth and good intentions paved the way to victory over the traducer's schemes.
56. The heroine rose above the traducer's malicious efforts to sully her reputation.
57. The traducer's campaign of calumny eventually backfired, incriminating only himself.
58. The envious traducer employed lies, gossip, and innuendo to assassinate her good name.
59. Good character ultimately triumphed over the traducer's poisonous tongue.
60. Truth and integrity defeated the traducer's wicked intentions and lies.

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