Traitors example sentences

Related (8): Betrayal, turncoat, double-crosser, renegade, backstabber, Judas, deserter, defector.

"Traitors" Example Sentences

1. The general called the defecting soldiers traitors.
2. The king had the traitors hanged for betraying the crown.
3. The government labeled the rebels as traitors and enemies of the state.
4. The spies were seen as traitors for selling state secrets.
5. The revolutionaries saw the crown loyalists as traitors to the people.
6. The empire crushed all attempts at treason from would-be traitors.
7. The senator called those who opposed the war effort traitors.
8. The king branded those who failed to support him as traitors.
9. The colonel was betrayed by traitors within his own ranks.
10. The invading force executed all known traitors who aided the enemy.
11. The ruling regime punished treason severely, making examples of traitors.
12. The general condemned the conspirators as traitors and cowards.
13. The guerillas saw government collaborators as traitors.
14. The populace saw the surrendering soldiers as traitors and cowards.
15. The rebels called those who refused to join their cause traitors.
16. The emperor had little mercy for those branded as traitors.
17. The officers saw the deserters as cowards and traitors.
18. The party officials labeled dissenters as political traitors.
19. The colony saw the mother country's new policies as betrayals by traitors.
20. In wartime, collaboration with the enemy was seen as the ultimate act of treason by traitors.
21. The empire made examples of would-be traitors to discourage rebellion.
22. The king's followers saw the defectors as traitors and ingrates.
23. The coup plotters were seen as treasonous traitors by the regime.
24. The nation saw foreign spies as the worst kind of traitors.
25. The leader called those who criticized him traitors and malcontents.
26. The clan executed suspected traitors to demonstrate loyalty to the chief.
27. The judge condemned the convicted traitors to death for high treason.
28. The defeated army saw deserters as the lowest form of traitor.
29. The government labeled whistleblowers and leakers as traitors.
30. The authoritarian regime tolerated no dissent from suspected traitors.
31. The church branded heretics and apostates as the worst kind of spiritual traitors.
32. The coven executed traitors to demonstrate their loyalty to the dark lord.
33. The junta punished all acts of treason severely to set an example for would-be traitors.
34. The mob lynched those they suspected of being traitors.
35. The master condemned runaway slaves as the worst kind of traitors.
36. The tribe cast out traitors who aided enemy tribes.
37. The empire executed traitors publicly as a demonstration of power and a warning to others.
38. The movement saw government agents as traitors infiltrating their ranks.
39. The loyalists saw the independence advocates as treasonous traitors.
40. The oppressed saw their oppressors as traitors against humanity.
41. The victors executed surrendering troops as cowardly traitors.
42. The detectives uncovered a conspiracy of traitors plotting against the state.
43. The teacher branded students who broke the rules as traitors to the class.
44. The plague doctor accused disease carriers of spreading plagues as spiritual traitors.
45. The informant ratted out suspected traitors to gain favor with the authorities.
46. Theologians branded heretics and nonbelievers as spiritual traitors.
47. The fugitives were pursued as traitors on the run from the law.
48. The accused traitors pleaded for mercy but were shown none.
49. The court branded witnesses who changed their testimony as traitors to the truth.
50. The judge condemned whistleblowers as traitorous leakers.
51. The accused traitors gave false confessions under torture.
52. The corporation fired employees suspected of leaking secrets as corporate traitors.
53. The citizens saw those avoiding the draft as traitorous slackers.
54. The board expelled members seen as traitors to the cause.
55. The army executed deserters as traitors during wartime.
56. The loyalists saw the protesters as treasonous traitors to the government.
57. The hunters pursued the fleeing traitors.
58. The zealots saw infidels and heretics as spiritual traitors against their god.
59. Vigilantes punished those seen as traitors to the community.
60. The judge doled out the maximum punishment for the convicted traitors.

Common Phases

act of treason - An action or activity that betrays one's country or supporter.
betray like a traitor - To act disloyally like a traitor.
brand someone as a traitor - To label someone as a traitor.
consort with traitors - To associate or interact with traitors.
execute traitors - To put traitors to death as a form of punishment.
hang traitors - To punish traitors by hanging.
hunt down traitors - To search for and capture traitors.
imprison traitors - To hold traitors captive in prison.
like all traitors - In the same manner as traitors typically act.
make an example of traitors - To publicly punish traitors to deter others.
punish traitors severely - To inflict harsh penalties on traitors as a warning.
rotten to the core like traitors - Completely dishonest and disloyal.
scheme with traitors - To plot and plan with traitors.
the Crown's justice for traitors - Harsh punishment for treason against the monarch.
track down traitors - To locate and apprehend traitors.
treat traitors leniently - To deal gently with traitors, without severe punishment.
turncoat like a traitor - To change allegiance disloyally like a traitor.
viewed as a traitor - Regarded as a disloyal person who betrays their country or group.
worm his way into their counsels like a traitor - Gain their trust deceitfully like a traitor.
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