Trampero example sentences

Related (8): trampa, caza, truculento, astucia, sorprender, emboscada, treta, estrategia.

"Trampero" Example Sentences

1. The trapper set his makeshift traps in the dense forest.
2. The locals warned the tourists about the trapper lurking in the area.
3. The trapper's cabin was located deep in the woods.
4. The trapper's trade was a dying profession.
5. The trapper skillfully skinned and gutted the animals he caught.
6. The trapper knew the best spots to set up his traps.
7. The trapper's livelihood depended on his ability to catch animals.
8. The trapper's rusty old trap finally caught a cunning fox.
9. The trapper's furs were in high demand in the market.
10. The trapper spent hours tending to his traps and checking them.
11. The trapper's dog was his loyal companion and hunting partner.
12. The trapper often ventured into dangerous territory to catch his prey.
13. The trapper felt a sense of satisfaction when he caught an animal.
14. The trapper's methods were considered cruel by some animal rights activists.
15. The trapper sold his skins to fur dealers who shipped them abroad.
16. The trapper wore thick, fur clothing to keep warm in the harsh winter.
17. The trapper's trap accidentally caught a non-target bird, much to his disappointment.
18. The trapper's success rate varied depending on the season and weather.
19. The trapper's lucrative business was threatened by new laws protecting wildlife.
20. The trapper's traps were invisible to most animals, ensuring a higher success rate.
21. The trapper often shared his catch with the locals in exchange for supplies.
22. The trapper's cabin was filled with animal hides and pelts.
23. The trapper's job was physically demanding and required great patience.
24. The trapper's traps were designed to kill instantly, to prevent suffering for the animal.
25. The trapper's experience allowed him to tell which animal had visited his trap.
26. The trapper's livelihood was threatened by over-harvesting and deforestation.
27. The trapper's catch included a variety of animals, such as rabbits, foxes, and raccoons.
28. The trapper's reputation preceded him, as he was known as the best in the area.
29. The trapper's trade was a dangerous one, as he often encountered wild animals in his pursuit of prey.
30. The trapper's skills were passed down through generations of his family.

Common Phases

- ¡Hay un trampero en el bosque!
- Ten cuidado con los tramperos.
- Los tramperos pueden ser peligrosos.
- ¿Alguna vez has visto las trampas que preparan los tramperos?
- Los animales caen en la trampa del trampero con facilidad.
- El trampero necesita mucha paciencia para su trabajo.
- Los tramperos suelen salir muy temprano para verificar sus trampas.
- El trampero vendió las pieles de los animales atrapados en su trampa.
- Los tramperos tienen una conexión muy especial con la naturaleza y los animales.
- ¿Conoces a algún trampero que trabaje en esta zona?

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