Transfixiation example sentences

Related (7): paralysis, fixation, mesmerization, captivation, enchantment, hypnosis, entrancement

"Transfixiation" Example Sentences

1. The transfixiation caused by the hypnotic music left the entire audience spellbound.
2. She was so lost in thought that she hardly noticed the transfixiation of the clock ticking in the background.
3. The transfixiation of the dance performance was so great that many people burst into tears.
4. The transfixiation of the kaleidoscope mesmerized the little girl for hours.
5. His transfixiation with the book was so intense that he lost track of time and read through the night.
6. The transfixiation of the beautiful sunset left the couple speechless and in awe.
7. Her transfixiation with the rainbow was so great that she couldn't take her eyes off of it.
8. The transfixiation of the singer's voice was so powerful that the entire audience was moved to tears.
9. His transfixiation with the painting was so intense that he didn't even notice the museum closing.
10. The transfixiation of the fireworks display held the attention of the entire town.
11. Her transfixiation with the ocean's waves was so great that she spent hours just staring out into the water.
12. The transfixiation of the actor's performance was so convincing that the audience believed he was really crying.
13. His transfixiation with the video game was so intense that he forgot to eat or drink for hours.
14. The transfixiation of the shooting stars was so mesmerizing that everyone stayed up past their bedtimes.
15. Her transfixiation with the snowflakes was so great that she spent hours watching them fall from the sky.
16. The transfixiation of the thunderstorm was so intense that she couldn't sleep through the night.
17. His transfixiation with the magician's performance was so great that he didn't even notice his wallet was missing.
18. The transfixiation of the acrobats' performance was so breathtaking that everyone held their breath in anticipation.
19. Her transfixiation with the newborn baby was so great that she couldn't stop staring at him.
20. The transfixiation of the starry sky was so beautiful that everyone was silent for a long time.
21. His transfixiation with the nature documentary was so intense that he forgot about his upcoming appointment.
22. The transfixiation of the waterfall was so powerful that everyone stopped to admire it.
23. Her transfixiation with the shooting range was so great that she quickly became an expert marksman.
24. The transfixiation of the opera singer’s voice left people in tears and begging for more.
25. His transfixiation with the jigsaw puzzle was so great that he finished it in one sitting.
26. The transfixiation of the hummingbird's dance was so beautiful that nobody dared to interrupt it.
27. Her transfixiation with the lion's roar was so terrifying that she couldn't move.
28. The transfixiation of the circus act was so entertaining that nobody wanted to leave their seats.
29. His transfixiation with the car engine was so intense that he was able to fix it himself.
30. The transfixiation of the ocean's waves was so peaceful that it put her to sleep.

Common Phases

1. The audience sat in complete transfixiation; not a single person dared to move or make a sound.
2. The painting had a certain quality that caused transfixiation in anyone who viewed it; it was as if its colors and strokes had a hypnotic effect.
3. The detective's eyes were filled with transfixiation as he stared at the crime scene; he seemed to be piecing together the clues in his mind.
4. As the singer belted out the final notes of the song, the entire crowd was in a state of transfixiation; they had never heard such a powerful voice before.
5. The horror movie had everyone in the room in a state of transfixiation; they couldn't look away despite the feeling of terror it caused.
6. The thrill of jumping from a plane filled him with a sense of transfixiation; he was completely focused on the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of the wind rushing past him.
7. The child's gaze was fixed on the butterfly that fluttered by, causing a moment of transfixiation in the midst of all the chaos; for that brief moment, everything else seemed to fade away.

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