Transpired example sentences

Related (11): occurred, happened, unfolded, developed, evolved, ensued, passed, materialized, emerged, manifested, transpired

"Transpired" Example Sentences

1. It is unclear what has transpired during the meeting.
2. Can you please update me on what has transpired since last week?
3. The investigation is ongoing and we are still trying to determine exactly what transpired.
4. I couldn't believe what had transpired in just one day.
5. Let's sit down and discuss everything that has transpired since we last spoke.
6. After hours of questioning, the witness finally revealed what had transpired that night.
7. It is important to establish a clear timeline of events to understand what transpired.
8. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to prevent what transpired.
9. The exact details of what transpired during the altercation are still unknown.
10. There were several differing accounts of what had transpired, which made it difficult to get to the bottom of things.
11. After months of hard work, he was finally able to see the positive results of everything that had transpired.
12. It was only after she returned home that she realized what had transpired in her absence.
13. The events that transpired on that fateful day will never be forgotten.
14. Despite her attempts to forget, she couldn't help but think constantly about what had transpired that night.
15. The police are still trying to piece together what transpired leading up to the accident.
16. The witness provided crucial information that shed light on what had transpired.
17. It is important to understand the context of what transpired before making any judgments.
18. He regrets what transpired and wishes he could go back in time to prevent it from happening.
19. The jury listened carefully to all evidence presented in order to determine what precisely transpired.
20. It is difficult to comprehend everything that has transpired in just a few short weeks.
21. She searched for any clues that might help her understand what had transpired that night.
22. The full story of what had transpired slowly began to emerge.
23. We were shocked to learn of everything that had transpired behind closed doors.
24. Despite their efforts to keep things quiet, news of what had transpired leaked to the press.
25. After much reflection, he was able to make sense of everything that had transpired.
26. The people involved were unwilling to speak, so it was nearly impossible to determine what had transpired.
27. They promised to investigate what transpired and hold those responsible accountable.
28. After the decision was made, everyone was left wondering what had transpired in the room.
29. The events that transpired that day were forever etched in her memory.
30. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had transpired while he was away.

Common Phases

1. It transpired that the meeting was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances;
2. After extensive investigation, it transpired that the suspect had a history of criminal activity;
3. It only transpired later that the project had been mismanaged from the beginning;
4. The truth eventually transpired, revealing the extent of the deception;
5. It transpired that the company had been withholding important information from its employees;
6. Despite initial denials, it eventually transpired that the athlete had been using performance-enhancing drugs;
7. It transpired that the mistake was caused by a miscommunication between departments;
8. In the aftermath of the incident, it transpired that safety protocols had not been followed;
9. Throughout the trial, new evidence gradually transpired, changing the course of the proceedings;
10. It transpired that the CEO had been embezzling company funds for years.

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