Trashion example sentences

Related (4): upcycling, eco-fashion, recycling, repurposing

"Trashion" Example Sentences

1. She tottered down the runway in her trashion masterpiece, made entirely of recycled plastic bags.
2. The trashion exhibit at the museum was a unique display of fashion that highlighted environmental issues.
3. Walking through the park, she saw a group of people sporting trashion outfits and found it inspiring.
4. She had always been fascinated by trashion, and regularly attended eco-fashion shows to discover new designers and trends.
5. Trashion was not only fashionable but also a way to promote sustainability and reduce the waste that ends up in landfills.
6. In her trashion design, she used discarded materials such as bottle caps, tin cans, and old tires, demonstrating how stylish clothing can be created out of waste.
7. Eco-conscious celebrities like Emma Watson and Gisele Bündchen have been spotted in trashion on the red carpet, bringing awareness to environmental issues through fashion.
8. The trashion movement encourages creativity, innovation, and a shift towards more mindful consumption.
9. She spent months collecting materials for her trashion project, scouring thrift stores and dumpster diving to find the perfect pieces for her design.
10. With the rise of trashion, fashion designers have begun to incorporate upcycling and sustainable materials into their collections.
11. The trashion show at the local high school was a hit, showing that even young students can create stunning eco-fashion.
12. The trashion movement seeks to change the perception that fashion must be expensive and unsustainable.
13. By challenging the status quo and embracing trashion, we can create a more sustainable world for future generations.
14. Her award-winning trashion design featured a skirt made entirely of discarded candy wrappers that had been meticulously sewn together.
15. The trashion exhibit at the art museum showcased the creative genius of artists who use unconventional materials to create wearable art.
16. The fashion industry has a responsibility to promote sustainable practices and encourage the trashion movement.
17. The trashion trend has spread globally, with eco-friendly fashion shows and events popping up around the world.
18. Using her sewing machine and a stack of old t-shirts, she created a trashion dress that was both comfortable and sustainable.
19. In trashion, the possibilities are endless, with designers using everything from newspaper to coffee filters to create unique, one-of-a-kind designs.
20. The trashion event was a huge success, raising awareness about sustainable fashion and donating proceeds to environmental charities.
21. Wearing trashion allows you to express your creativity, stand out from the crowd and make a statement about sustainability.
22. Her trashion designs often incorporate elements of nature, such as leaves, flowers, and branches, creating a harmonious blend of art and environmentalism.
23. The trashion movement is not just a fashion trend; it represents a shift in the way we think about the world and our impact on the environment.
24. Her wearable trashion art was a fusion of technology and fashion, with LED lights embedded in her design.
25. The trashion project had a profound impact on her, changing the way she viewed waste and encouraging her to lead a more conscious lifestyle.
26. The trashion hat she wore to the party was a conversation starter, allowing her to promote eco-fashion and sustainability in her community.
27. The trashion collection at the fashion show was a breath of fresh air, highlighting the creativity and innovation of sustainable designers.
28. She was amazed at the intricate details of the trashion dresses on display at the fashion exhibit, made from materials like discarded CDs and cassette tapes.
29. The trashion movement is a reminder that small changes in our daily habits can have a big impact on the environment, and that sustainability can be fashionable.
30. Watching her son create a robot out of recycled materials, she felt proud that he too was part of the trashion movement.

Common Phases

1. Trashion is a great way to reduce waste;
2. I love creating unique designs with trashion materials;
3. Trashion shows are always so inspiring;
4. It's amazing what can be made out of trash with a little creativity;
5. Choosing to wear trashion items is an environmentally-friendly choice;
6. Trashion is all about reusing and repurposing what would otherwise be thrown away;
7. I'm constantly amazed by the talent and ingenuity of trashion designers.

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