Trimness example sentences

Related (10): slimness, neatness, precision, elegance, proportion, tidiness, fitness, sleekness, refinement, smoothness

"Trimness" Example Sentences

1. The woman's trimness and petite frame gave her a youthful appearance.
2. The ballerina maintained her dancer's trimness through a regime of strict diet and exercise.
3. The model's slim figure and trimness were the result of years of watching her diet.
4. The girl's slender waist and trimness made her the envy of her friends.
5. The gymnast's trimness and tone were what allowed her to perform intricate feats with ease.
6. The athlete maintained his muscular trimness through an intense workout regimen.
7. The boy's perfect trimness and toned physique signaled his passion for sports and fitness.
8. The professor's trimness and ramrod posture distinguished him from his slouching students.
9. The monk's ascetic life had given him an almost skeletal thinness and trimness.
10. The gardener's trimness and wiry physique were the result of a life of outdoor labor.
11. The actress's tiny waist and overall trimness gave her the air of a 1930s silver screen icon.
12. The soldier's upright bearing and trimness showed his pride in belonging to the military.
13. The tree's perfect trimness and symmetry signaled the meticulous care of the gardener.
14. The sailor's muscular frame and trimness spoke of years working aboard ships at sea.
15. The swimmer's trimness and lack of excess fat helped him glide easily through the water.
16. The captain's erect posture, strict discipline and overall trimness instilled confidence in his crew.
17. The runner's trimness and elongated limbs gave her an air of graceful athleticism.
18. The priest's clerical trimness and sparse frame lent him an appearance of ascetic spirituality.
19. The dog's perfect trimness, tight muscular frame and shiny coat showed how well cared for he was.
20. The teacher's firm posture and overall trimness demanded an air of respect from his students.
21. The dancer's willowy figure, long limbs and overall trimness suited her aerial performances.
22. The nurse's slim figure, petite frame and overall trimness belied her strength and endurance.
23. The duchess's trimness and impeccable posture set an example for etiquette and nobility at court.
24. The newly trimmed hedge displayed a perfect trimness and symmetry enviable to any gardener.
25. The jockey's diminutive size and overall trimness gave him an advantage in races.
26. The composer's perfect trimness and elegant silhouette suited the image of a cultured artist.
27. The rock climber's lean figure, wiry frame and overall trimness helped her scale sheer surfaces.
28. The spaniel's trimness, sleek coat and dainty features made her a favorite at dog shows.
29. The lieutenant's trimness, erect posture and immaculate uniform inspired confidence in the raw recruits.
30. The perfectly pruned trees displayed a mathematical trimness and symmetry that accentuated their grace.
31. The professor's erect posture, precise movements and general trimness commanded respect from his students.
32. The marathon runner's sinewy arms, thin waist, and overall trimness were the results of years of intense training.
33. The groom's trim physique, toned frame and precise movements displayed an affinity for discipline and order.
34. The general's trim figure, ramrod posture and perfectly pressed uniform inspired confidence in his troops.
35. The judge's trim posture and sparse frame lent him an air of austerity and gravitas.
36. The jockey's light weight, sleek physique and overall trimness gave him an advantage over heavier riders.
37. The sailor's upright posture, muscular frame and overall trimness spoke of years at sea laboring aboard ships.
38. The child's tiny waist and slight frame revealed her mother's constant vigilance over the girl's diet.
39. The steeplechase rider's wiry frame, light weight and overall trimness enabled him to urge his mount over obstacles.
40. The surgeon's precise movements, fastidious person and general trimness suited her meticulous profession.
41. The prince's athletic physique, erect posture and overall trimness befitted his noble bearing and lineage.
42. The dachshund's perfect trimness, elongated limbs and long torso epitomized the ideal for his breed.
43. The jockey's petite size, featherweight frame and overall agile trimness gave him an edge in close races.
44. The duke's upright bearing, sparse physique and general trimness characterized the aristocratic lifestyle of his class.
45. The gardener's slight build, knobby frame and overall trimness suited his life of tending shrubs and hedges.
46. The steeplechase rider's lean physique, light weight and overall trimness gave him an advantage over bulkier competitors.
47. The acrobat's tiny frame, flexible limbs and overall trimness suited her aerial performances.
48. The soldier's erect posture, muscular physique and immaculate uniform displayed martial discipline and trimness.
49. The debutante's slight figure, tiny waist and overall trimness conformed to the standard of feminine beauty for the season.
50. The greyhound's slim physique, elongated limbs and perfect overall trimness were the envy of greyhound fanciers.
51. The jockey's minute size, insubstantial build and overall trimness enabled him to carry the lightest weight allowed.
52. The tailor's posture, sparse build and overall trimness suited his vocation of creating precisely cut garments.
53. The general's erect posture, wiry frame and overall trimness were conspicuous emblems of his military discipline.
54. The newly trimmed hedges displayed ideal uniformity, symmetry and overall mathematical trimness of form.
55. The newly coiffed boy's perfect haircut, immaculate clothes and general demeanor revealed his mother's concern with trimness.
56. The newly edged lawn displayed perfect symmetry, alignment and overall mathematical trimness of form.
57. The septuagenarian's erect posture, sparse physique and overall dignity and trimness belied her advanced age.
58. The jockey's diminutive stature, pocket-sized frame and overall agility and trimness enabled him to secure a winning mount.
59. the nursemaid's straight posture, diminutive frame and tidy clothing revealed a metronomic precision and care for trimness.
60. The duchess's dainty figure, fine clothing and overall perfect posture and preoccupation with trimness signaled her status as a lady of leisure.

Common Phases

Feminine trimness
Dancer's trimness
Runner's trimness
Swimmer's trimness
Athlete's trimness
Soldier's trimness
Gymnast's trimness
Mathematical trimness
Overall trimness
Perfect trimness
Jockey's trimness
Petite frame and trimness
Lithe trimness
March of trimness

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