Trivia example sentences
Related (6): factoids, minutiae, details, particulars, specifics, trivialities
"Trivia" Example Sentences
1. I spend too much time reading useless trivia online.
2. He enjoys collecting trivial facts and trivia.
3. We engaged in lighthearted trivia and gossip.
4. She indulges in trivial pursuits and trivia.
5. They spent the evening discussing pop culture trivia.
6. I know too much random trivia and not enough substantive facts.
7. He enjoys dressing up trivia as meaningful knowledge.
8. Trivia and minutiae fill history books.
9. She shares useless trivia on social media.
10. They entertained each other with pointless trivia.
11. Learning trivia is not the same as gaining knowledge.
12. Trivia and gossip filled their conversations.
13. Pub trivia nights are occasions for sharing ridiculous facts.
14. The book had more trivia than useful information.
15. He spouted random trivia just to sound impressive.
16. Trivia and factoids dominate conversations nowadays.
17. Minutia and trivia cluttered his speech.
18. My brain is filled with useless trivia.
19. Let's leave trivia out of our serious discussions.
20. The quiz show focused on meaningless trivia.
21. I enjoy learning interesting trivia.
22. Their small talk centered around pop culture trivia.
23. She indulged herself in pointless trivia.
24. We distracted ourselves with silly trivia.
25. The textbook was filled with unimportant trivia.
26. Her Instagram feed consisted primarily of useless trivia.
27. Having an excellent memory for trivia is different from being intelligent.
28. Trivia is not a substitute for knowledge and wisdom.
29. Trivia nights are opportunities for sharing useless facts.
30. His hobby is collecting obscure trivia.
31. Their conversations focused mainly on pop culture trivia.
32. Let's not dwell on trivial trivia.
33. He fills his speech with irrelevant trivia.
34. I indulged myself in trivial pursuits and trivia.
35. Their minds were filled with useless trivia.
36. His seemingly encyclopedic knowledge was mostly useless trivia.
37. They distracted themselves with pointless trivia.
38. Their conversations consisted largely of trivia.
39. The book espoused many trivial facts as profound truth.
40. Her mind was filled with random trivia.
41. The questions focused on meaningless trivia.
42. Trivia dominates our conversations nowadays.
43. Unimportant trivia takes up space in our heads that could be used for important knowledge.
44. He seems knowledgeable but most of what he says is trivia.
45. We filled the boring drive with silly trivia.
46. Hours passed as they traded trivial facts and trivia.
47. Let's not clutter our conversations with trivial trivia.
48. Trivia nights foster sharing of irrelevant facts.
49. Her speech was riddled with trivia.
50. The documentary devoted too much time to trivia.
51. Their conversation focused on pop culture trivia.
52. The lecture seemed aimed at filling our heads with useless trivia.
53. The article was filled with more trivia than substance.
54. We passed the time sharing useless trivia.
55. The textbook contained an excess of trivial trivia.
56. Their chatter consisted mainly of pop culture trivia.
57. Knowing trivia is not the same as understanding a topic in depth.
58. Trivia and facts threaten to crowd out wisdom.
59. They filled the awkward silence with random trivia.
60. The text presented trivia as though it were important knowledge.
Common Phases
1. Here are some trivia facts about the solar system.
2. He loves trivial information and random trivia facts.
3. They shared useless trivia and anecdotes for hours.
4. She spent her free time reading trivia online.
5. The book contained mindless trivia and boring details.
6. The quiz consisted of trivial facts and trivia questions.
7. They spent the evening watching trivia pursuit on TV.
8. I am terrible at remembering random trivia.
9. The pub quiz focused on useless pop culture trivia.
10. She wowed the crowd with her plethora of trivia knowledge.
11. The newspaper column contained sports trivia and stats.
12. The game involves answering trivial trivia questions.
13. The game show featured mostly useless celebrity trivia.
14. Trivia night at the bar was his favorite weekly event.
15. The comedians joked with the audience about trivial trivia.
16. The party game involved answering random trivia questions.
17. He shared trivial facts and trivia during the long car ride.
18. I grew tired of his endless stream of trivial trivia.
19. The student rattled off facts and trivia during the test.
20. She amazed her friends with her random trivia knowledge.
21. History trivia and little-known facts fascinated her.
22. I enjoy learning useless trivia and random facts.
23. He prides himself on his vast stores of trivial trivia.
24. Her mind is filled with endless trivial pop culture trivia.
25. We discussed various trivial trivia topics as we walked.
26. The pop quiz consisted mostly of trivial movie trivia.
27. The audience groaned at the trivial trivia questions.
28. I remembered random trivia facts but forgot essential details.
29. His vast knowledge of trivial trivia impressed the judges.
30. She had a penchant for amassing useless celebrity trivia.
31. They shocked their friends with random trivia knowledge.
32. The professor droned on about trivial historical trivia.
33. The radio show focused on science and trivia facts.
34. His mind was filled with trivial sports trivia and stats.
35. She wowed her friends with trivia facts and anecdotes.
36. Trivial pop culture trivia took up too much space in his brain.
37. The lecture contained mostly trivial trivia and anecdotes.
38. The pop quiz consisted of minuscule historical trivia.
39. The test questioned students about trivial pop culture trivia.
40. He didn't bother remembering trivial celebrity trivia.
41. The seminar focused on obscure historical trivia.
42. Her trivia filled brain amazed and annoyed her friends.
43. The trivial trivia sheet distracted him from the lecture.
44. The contestants competed in various pop culture trivia categories.
45. The host asked the contestants useless celebrity trivia questions.
46. They spent hours discussing trivial pop culture trivia.
47. The trivial trivia portion of the test annoyed the students.
48. The mind-numbing trivia bored her to tears.
49. The trivial trivia on the test distracted her from the main concepts.
50. She shared random trivia facts and anecdotes during dinner.
51. The questions ranged from trivial trivia to challenging concepts.
52. The article contained a mix of trivial trivia and useful information.
53. Trivial pop culture trivia took up too much space in their brains.
54. The football trivia impressed his friends but bored his wife.
55. The newspaper column consisted mostly of pointless trivia.
56. His random trivia knowledge impressed his friends.
57. The test focused too much on trivial trivia and not enough on key details.
58. His vast stores of trivial trivia impressed and annoyed his friends.
59. The trivial trivia distracted her from the important lecture material.
60. The useless celebrity trivia filled her brain but served no purpose.