Troves example sentences

Related (10): discoveries, treasures, riches, hoards, collections, caches, reserves, stockpiles, deposits, storehouses

"Troves" Example Sentences

1. Emma's grandmother had a trove of antique jewelry in her attic.
2. The explorers discovered a hidden trove of gold and silver.
3. The library's archives contain a trove of historical documents.
4. The museum curator was thrilled to add the newly-discovered trove of art to their collection.
5. The pirate crew celebrated when they found a trove of jewels on their plundered ship.
6. The archaeologists uncovered a trove of ancient artifacts in the ruins.
7. The cave was filled with a trove of shiny, colorful rocks.
8. The prosecco aficionado had a trove of vintage bottles in his wine cellar.
9. The treasure hunter spent years searching for a trove of lost coins.
10. The antique dealer discovered a trove of rare porcelain figurines at an estate sale.
11. The chef's pantry held a trove of exotic spices from around the world.
12. The antique collector found a trove of antique furniture in a dilapidated barn.
13. The art dealer's gallery showcased a trove of contemporary art.
14. The diamond miner discovered a trove of pristine, flawless diamonds.
15. The fashion designer had a trove of rare fabrics in her atelier.
16. The archaeologists were amazed by the trove of ancient pottery they unearthed.
17. The collector's trove of vinyl records was envied by music enthusiasts everywhere.
18. The shipwreck diver found a trove of intact, ancient oyster pearls.
19. The history buff was thrilled to have a trove of old family photos passed down to them.
20. The perfume collector had a trove of rare, exotic scents in their boudoir.
21. The scientist was excited to examine the trove of fossils found in the desert.
22. The book lover had a trove of rare first editions in their library.
23. The naturalist was amazed by the trove of unique flora and fauna found on the isolated island.
24. The numismatist was ecstatic when he found a trove of rare coins at an auction.
25. The antique clock restorer had a trove of intricate clock mechanisms in his workshop.
26. The collector's trove of antique cars included several rare models from the early 1900s.
27. The toy collector had a trove of vintage toys from the 1940s and 50s.
28. The gemologist was thrilled to discover a trove of precious gems in a remote canyon.
29. The archaeologist's trove of ancient coins shed new light on an obscure historical era.
30. The beachcomber's trove of seashells from around the world was the envy of collectors everywhere.

Common Phases

1. There were countless troves of treasure hidden throughout the castle; some had been discovered, but many more remained untouched.
2. The archaeologists were thrilled to uncover several troves of ancient relics during their excavation of the site; each discovery was more precious than the last.
3. The astronomer discovered troves of data that had previously been hidden in the vast expanse of space; analyzing it would keep her busy for years to come.
4. The avid collector had amassed troves of rare and valuable items over the years; each had a unique story and a special place in his heart.
5. The writer's mind was a trove of inspiration; there was always a new idea waiting to be explored.

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