Truncheon example sentences
Related (9): baton, nightstick, bludgeon, sap, blackjack, cosh, mace, rod, staff
"Truncheon" Example Sentences
1. The officer raised his truncheon threateningly.
2. The rioter was struck across the back by the officer's truncheon.
3. He used his truncheon to beat back the approaching crowd.
4. The officer swung his truncheon, hitting the protester in the legs.
5. The officer's truncheon came down hard on the protester's shoulder.
6. The truncheon cracked against the rioter's arm.
7. The truncheon came down with a dull thud on the man's head.
8. She saw the truncheon rise and fall as the officers dispersed the crowd.
9. The truncheon struck the side of his head, dazing him momentarily.
10. The truncheon was used to strike fear into those who threatened the peace.
11. He felt the truncheon strike him across the spine.
12. The rioters retreated under a hail of truncheon blows.
13. The truncheon was the officer's tool to maintain order and discipline.
14. The truncheons rose and fell as the crowd surged forward.
15. The police formed a line, truncheons at the ready.
16. The officer brandished his truncheon as a warning.
17. The truncheon came down hard across the backs of his knees, dropping him to the ground.
18. The truncheon connected hard with his rib cage, causing him to fall to the ground.
19. She could hear the dull thuds of truncheons hitting flesh and bone.
20. The truncheons came down in a flurry upon the rioter's back.
21. The truncheons fell again and again until the rioter stopped moving.
22. The truncheon strikes were brutal and excessive.
23. The truncheon blows broke bones and left major bruising.
24. The truncheon cracked across the side of the prisoner's head, drawing blood.
25. The truncheon strikes felt as if their bones would break under the force.
26. The truncheons rained down upon the prisoners with a fury.
27. Officers struck indiscriminately with their truncheons.
28. The truncheon blows inflicted terrible pain.
29. A rain of truncheon strikes fell upon his back and shoulders.
30. The truncheon strikes were meant to subdue, not seriously injure.
31. The use of truncheons became excessive and unreasonable.
32. The truncheon strikes became wanton and cruel.
33. The prisoner could barely move under the continued truncheon strikes.
34. The truncheon strikes went far beyond what was needed to subdue the prisoner.
35. The truncheons were meant to be used with restraint, not brutality.
36. The truncheon blows were delivered with malicious intent.
37. The truncheon strikes inflicted severe and unnecessary injuries.
38. The truncheon was meant to be used judiciously, not as a weapon of violence.
39. The truncheon blows crossed the line from discipline into brutality.
40. The truncheon strikes became an excuse to inflict pain and suffering.
41. The intended purpose of the truncheon was lost amid the brutality.
42. The force and cruelty of the truncheon strikes went against all principles of justice.
43. The truncheon became an instrument of excessive force and cruelty.
44. The truncheons were swung wildly, striking everyone within reach.
45. The truncheon strikes showed a callous disregard for human life and dignity.
46. The malice behind the truncheon strikes went against their intended purpose.
47. The truncheons were meant to enforce the law, not become instruments of lawlessness.
48. The excessive truncheon strikes brought dishonor upon the officers involved.
49. The brutality of the truncheon strikes called into question the judgment of those overseeing them.
50. The cruel truncheon blows showed a lack of humanity and compassion.
Common Phases
bring one's truncheon down on (someone) - Use one's truncheon forcefully against someone
come down/fall like a truncheon - Come down forcefully
rain truncheon blows - Strike forcefully and repeatedly with truncheons
raise one's truncheon - Threateningly lift one's truncheon
strike with the truncheon - Use a truncheon to hit someone
swing one's truncheon - Forcefully wield one's truncheon
truncheon blows - Blows delivered by a truncheon
wield the truncheon - Use a truncheon as a weapon
armed with truncheon - Carrying a truncheon as a weapon
truncheon in hand - Holding a truncheon, ready to use it
brandish one's truncheon - Wave one's truncheon menacingly
meet truncheon with truncheon - Face an opponent equally armed with truncheons